A Time To Decide
By King Cobra3 ([email protected])

CHAPTER 1 - Demona Wants Back In.

Author's Note: This fic is a first person view story, told from the perspective of Demona.

My name is Demona. I'm a female gargoyle, one whose mistake long ago cost me my true love, and my future daughter. I have spent the last ten centuries becoming a viable threat to man, as I well desired. It was humans who desecrated my clan. It was the humans who threatened my life not once, but countless times over the millennia. The injustices I have so unfairly suffered have turned me into an evil thing, some dark decrepit being who lived her life in the throes of madness.

I see now that all my actions were spawned by my own insanity, my own twisted jealousy that spent a thousand years nurturing itself. It was my own hatred that cost me everything I loved, not the folly of the humans.

But I have not always seen this. And my conversion was only a short time ago.

In fact, if it were not for the love that I have received from a human male, I might never have renewed my old life at all.

But I have my love, and he has me, and it will be forever, unlike the other failed relationships I myself have ruined.

And now, my mate, Ethan, sat next to me, listening and observing as I told my tale to my daughter Angela. I disclosed to her the reasons for my recent change, as well as why I felt I deserved a place to start anew in Goliath's clan. Angela had reacted exactly as I knew she would, with jubilation and hesitation combined in her voice and her facial expression. Angela had reluctantly answered that Goliath and the others would never allow me to rejoin them for all the wrong I have committed.

"My daughter, you know I have changed for the better," I responded with a warm smile.

She looked to the floor and said nothing. Ethan grabbed my arm gently.

"Maybe we should give her time to discuss it with the others," he urged, only slightly forceful. I agreed.

Without hesitation, and only the slightest evident sense of fear, Angela hugged me and flew off, no doubt to confront her father and my first love concerning me, and to try to convince the others of my repentance. If luck and fate were on my side, she could convince them to welcome me back. Unfortunately, life has shown me that things that I cannot control will probably not work out the way I want it to. Especially after everything that has come down between them and me. Why would they even consider accepting me?

Especially the two that would be most likely to oppose the idea. Goliath and Brooklyn.

Broadway didn't care for me too much either. I knew that. But he loved my daughter, which left him open to persuasion. Lexington was Broadway's best friend, next to Brooklyn, and would have difficulty backing up his friend's decision or rejecting me. But I knew him well enough. In the end, he would cave, siding with Broadway and Angela. Currently, that would make the tally three in favor, and two against.

But I mustn't forget about Maza. The policewoman would side with Goliath, as would Hudson, most likely. Bronx would also join them. But he couldn't talk, so the canine gargoyle did not apply. That would make the vote four against me, three for me. My chances were not good.

Were they?

Suddenly it occurred to me. I made a friend out of Ethan. Why shouldn't I patch things up with Maza, get her on my side? That would shift the balance slightly. I decided to make the attempt. Though again, after my history with her, she would probably shoot me first and ask questions later. So I opted for the subtle approach.

I would buy her a new car as a peace offering. That red auto she always drove was an eyesore anyway. Perhaps the human would appreciate a new vehicular mode of transportation. I decided to use some of the Nightstone funding to replace the Fiat. Sure, it would perhaps be embezzling, but it was MY company. And, anyway, what would the humans do, arrest the woman who couldn't be tracked down at night? Utterly laughable.

I chuckled in an hearty manner, full of good humor from the introspective thought as I glided to the Gargoyles' castle.

As I swooped down on the courtyard, the wind leaving the vessels of my wings, I gazed around. The courtyard seemed completely vacant, and the castle appeared lifeless. Where was everyone? Were they on patrol, scouring the humans' city for potential wrong-doers? It was a candid possibility.

Deciding to return later, I turned away and opened my wings to catch the updraft. And that's when I heard the voice. Not the rough, despising tones of the male Gargoyles, nor the sweet sound of my daughter Angela. But some feminine-yet-dangerous voice, a voice that belonged to someone I had hated long ago, and now only envied.

I turned back around to face her, and indeed there she was. Elisa Maza.

In the old days, those dark times of sacrilegious hatred, I would've growled and killed her on the spot. But now that things were different, I just watched her curiously, calmly, wondering what it was that the human wanted.

"What is it, Elisa?" I finally spoke, shredding the tension in the air. Elisa looked at me, surprised.

"Elisa?" she echoed, the amazement present in her saccharine voice. "You never called me that before."

I shrugged, half out of indifference, half out of surprise at myself. Maybe Elisa and I could finally start getting along after all. It wouldn't be so difficult. After all, I HAD changed my outlook on life, and that meant changing my allies as well. I looked at her square in the face, giving her eye contact so she'd know I was not lying.

"Things change, Detective. People - whether they're humans or gargoyles - change as well."

Elisa's eyes got wide. I don't think she was expecting to hear that from me. Finally, at long last, she swallowed her astonishment, and gazed at me attentively.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come now, Detective. Surely you, with your policewoman instincts, can deduce that."


I sighed, wishing I wasn't here right now. "What I meant, detective, was that after everything that has happened to me, it changed me. Repaired the angry jealousies in my hardened heart. It returned to me my personality of kindness, of love," I paused, taking a deep breath before I continued with my next words. ~Steady, Demona, steady~ I thought to myself. "Of loyalty to the clan that I had destroyed and then betrayed a long time."

A look of disbelief appeared over Elisa's face. This was news to her.

"What things?" She questioned doubtfully. I smiled patiently at her.

"Ask my daughter. She'll tell you."

"I will," Elisa promised. "But why are you here, Demona?"

I smiled bitterly, and turned away again, spreading my wings, and jumped upwards, letting the wind contain me in its' grasp, carrying me where it wanted me to go. As I glided off, I looked back at the policewoman, who was still standing in the courtyard, staring up at me dubiously, and the last thing I said to her at that time was...

"For my clan, human. For the chance of atonement."

Well, how was it? I hope you guys liked it, especially since I'm planning to put more chapters up soon, if I get enough positive reviews. This is not the end of the story, merely the beginning! I have a lot of surprises planned for chapter 2, so keep your eyes peeled for it! Okay?

Jake Denton ([email protected])