A/N: A lot of people asked for a follow-up to this and I was very skeptical, but LovelyKiss606 PM'd me with a prompt and I gave it my best shot. This is for LovelyKiss606. I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: Disclaimed.
Chapter 2:
Wally leaned back on his barstool, spreading his hands on either side of his finished list. He looked around the kitchen warily, hoping that no one was around to see him trash the seven- yes seven- sheets of paper he had used to divulge his best kept secret: that he didn't mind Artemis Crock.
He knew that Robin would be all over something like this. He'd want to make copies and frame them and stick laminated duplicates of the list in Artemis' locker and room and- ugh, Wally felt queasy just thinking of all of the ways Robin could potentially use this against him.
Without making a sound Wally pushed the barstool away from the counter and picked up the paper. He pressed the list to his chest, twirled in his chair to stand and came face to face with Robin.
"You done?" the boy asked.
"Ack!" Wally shouted, tumbling unceremoniously to the kitchen floor, the list falling to disarray at his feet.
"Wow, Wally. Did you write a novel or what?" Robin smirked as he leaned down to help his friend collect the paper.
"No!" Wally said, pushing Robin's hand away, "I'll, um- I'll get it."
"Okay," Robin shrugged noncommittally. The boy eased himself on to a stool and watched as Wally flailed on the floor, picking up every single sheet of paper and counting them twice.
"Seven," Wally sighed, "All seven."
"What could you possibly like about Artemis that took up seven sheets of paper?" Robin asked, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Wally flushed, "I didn't write what I like about her. I wrote all the things that I hate about her."
Robin narrowed his eyes at his best friend.
"It's a long list, okay!" Wally said, standing back up.
"So, are you going to show Art-"
"No!" Wally shouted, surveying the kitchen as if he suspected that the blonde girl was lurking in the shadows, listening to their entire conversation.
"So what are you to do with it?" Robin said.
"Burn it."
"It's going in the fireplace. Now, where does Miss M keep the matches?" Wally asked, pulling open a drawer.
"Martian, remember? No fire," Robin said, eyeing the list under Wally's arm speculatively.
"Aw, that's right," Wally groaned, "I guess I'll just have to buy some then. Or maybe I could throw it in the Ocean or something. See yah, Rob. I gotta go."
Robin nodded, leaning across the counter just as Wally sped off. He managed to grab two sheets of paper from under the speedster's arm. Robin cackled, dashed to his room and locked the door behind him.
He had some reading to do.
A few hours later Wally waltzed in to the cave feeling relaxed. He had just torn his entire list in to miniscule pieces and scattered them in the ocean, the sea breeze had carried them out on the tide. He felt on top of the world having gotten that debacle off his chest so he didn't notice Artemis when he walked in to the kitchen until he practically collided with her.
"Jesus, Wally," she said, licking hot chocolate from her fingers from where it had dripped over the edge of her mug, "watch where you're walking."
Wally couldn't help himself- he'd been thinking about her all day after all, because of that goddamn list- he felt himself staring at her lips as she licked her fingers. His gaze wandered up to her eyes- they were gray- he knew she wasn't happy. Reason 22: I especially hate her eyes. Then her hair- god, her hair was down. That never happened.Reason 25: I hate her hair.
He wanted to touch her.
His eyes widened slightly and he backed away from her instead.
"What's wrong West? Jealous?" she said, gesturing to her mug of hot chocolate.
Luckily, at that very moment his stomach decided to grant him a pardon and growled loudly.
Artemis laughed and Wally frowned. Reason 21: I really hate her laugh.
"Nah, he's just lost in your eyes," a voice chirped from the other doorway.
Artemis turned to see Robin leaning against the door frame, grinning mischievously.
Wally, who was standing behind Artemis and therefore only in Robin's line of sight, began to gesticulate frantically, swiping his hand across his neck as if to say: stop it, stop it or you're dead.
"What?" Artemis asked the boy.
"Oh, I'm sorry, let me ex-"
"Rob!" Wally shouted, seeing as his frenetic hand motions were being ignored.
"Yes, Wally?" Robin said sarcastically.
Wally narrowed his eyes at the boy and sped across the kitchen. He grabbed Robin's arms, turned to Artemis and said something along the lines of: seeyoulater! But he said it so fast and so softly that Artemis barely heard him.
Shrugging Artemis made her way to the living room to ask M'gann if she wanted to do anything that afternoon.
"What are you doing?" Wally yelled at Robin once they were standing outside the mountain, on a ledge that overlooked the Ocean.
Robin had his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed as Wally walked in fast angry circles around him.
"I read your list."
"What?" Wally shouted, stopping mid-step. "B-But I-"
"I grabbed the first and last pages, before you left earlier," Robin said, pulling the folded paper out of his pocket.
Before Rob could blink Wally had grabbed them from him, crumpled them up and thrown them over the side of the ledge.
He didn't watch them fall but he assumed they had landed somewhere on the beach before he spun to face Robin again.
"I made copies," Robin said with a shrug.
Wally sighed, "Figures."
"Wally, just tell her."
"Tell who what?" Wally asked, sitting down on the ledge and swinging his feet over the precipice.
"Tell Artemis that you like her," Robin said, sitting down beside him.
"Wha- Rob, I can't believe you'd even infer something like that," Wally said appearing affronted, "That was a list of things that I hate about her- that just so happened to also be a list of things I don't mind about her. Can you even read? I never even said li-"
"You crossed out love," Robin said, "three times."
"Goddamn son of a detective," Wally mumbled.
"Just tell her," Robin said, "okay? Besides, if you don't, I will. I've already made several e-mails to my school newspaper. They can have this thing printed up in tomorrow's edition. And you know Artemis goes to my school. So get to it."
"Right," Wally said, licking his lips. "Dude, if this goes wrong you better sleep with one eye open."
Robin laughed, "I do that anyway. Son of Batman, remember?"
"Ha-ha," Wally muttered.
M'gann had wanted to go swimming.
Artemis was okay with this. Not the swimming part, she hated getting her hair wet, but the going outdoors part was okay and the hot chocolate had made her kind of drowsy so she was content to lay her towel on the beach and just sit in the sun for awhile. She was about to do this—M'gann was sprinting ahead of her on the sand picking out the perfect spot, Mount Justice was several paces behind them—when suddenly something hit her on the back of the head.
She turned around angrily, half-expecting Wally to be standing behind her, jeering, but there was nobody there. The only thing she could see was the crumpled pieces of paper resting in the sand by her feet.
She leaned down, picked them up and unfolded them.
Her towel fell from her hands.
Wally had searched the entirety of Mount Justice for Artemis in the time it took Robin to walk down to the training room.
"What if I can't find her, are you still going to-"
"Keep looking, Wally," Robin called, closing the doors to the weight room behind him.
"Augh," Wally moaned, sticking his head in a cabinet and grabbing a whole jar of Nutella. "Where is that infuriating, blonde-haired men-"
"You called?"
Wally slammed the cabinet shut. Artemis was standing on the other side. Her arms were crossed over her chest.
Wally gulped.
She was wearing a bikini.
Why, oh why, was she wearing a bikini?
Reason 20: I hate her abs.
"Are you going to eat that?" Artemis said gesturing to the jar in his hand.
"Uhhh," he said stupidly, looking down at the Nutella. He had forgotten he was holding it. It didn't matter though, there was this weird fluttery feeling in his stomach and he didn't think he could eat anything at the moment. Not as long as Artemis was around. Reason 13: I hate the way I'm allergic to her very existence.
"Wallace?" Artemis asked, leaning closer to him and a wave of pine-needle scented shampoo wafted over him.
He almost toppled over from the smell of it all. Reason 24: I hate the way she smells.
"I'll take that as a 'no'," she said as his back collided with the counter. She reached out and snatched the jar from his hand, her soft skin brushing against his fingers as she did so.Reason 23: I hate her skin.
"What are you doing?" he demanded a moment later as he was shaking the smell of pine needles from his senses.
"I'm eating Nutella, Kid Genius," Artemis said. She was sitting on a barstool with her feet tucked under her, the towel that was tied around her waist covering red her legs. She dug a spoon in to the creamy substance and stuck the whole thing in her mouth.
He slowly made his way to the counter, trying to avert his eyes from hers. He knew she would only tease him if she caught him staring. Reason 17: I hate the way she teases me.
"So. Why are you- uh…" he said, vaguely motioning to her bathing suit.
"Why am I what, Wally?" she asked in between spoonfuls of Nutella.
"Why are you- you know…"
"No, I don't know," she said.
"Why are you in a bikini!" he practically shouted.
As he said this his face turned as red as his hair and he gasped spastically as if he couldn't keep enough air in his lungs.
"Oh, M'gann wanted to go swimming," Artemis said simply.
No teasing or snipping or calling him out on his shit. Artemis just said exactly why she was wearing a bathing suit.
Wally frowned at her. Normally she would have noticed how flustered he had become and commented on it and he would've denied it and their fighting would have escalated in to a shouting match to rival the likes of the Civil War. Instead she licked the last of her Nutella from her spoon tossed it in to the sink and left the jar on the counter.
"Artemis, are you- okay?" Wally asked.
Artemis, who had been in the process of standing and rearranging her towel around her hips, looked up at him with a wry smile.
"Just fine, Baywatch," she said, "and for the record: I don't mind you either."
Wally stared after her and only when her long trail of hair had disappeared down the hall did he dash to the weight room, throw open the doors and yell, "Robin!"
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