HELLO! Just like to say this is my first Fanfiction! (so please go easy on me!) I decided to do the super cliche high school Idea. (I know, I'm super lame XD) BUT! I did gender-bend in this!As much as I LOVE yaoi, I wanted to do something not perverted. Tamama and Kururu are the youngest so I made them the ladies in this! AND THEY ARE HUMAN! FROGS DON'T GO TO HUMAN HIGH SCHOOLS (as cool as that would be...) Yes this Fanfiction, all of those lovable little killer frogs are now born and raised as 'Pekoponians'. But they will refer to themselves as humans, because ….well they don't know better.

(EVENTUAL) Parings in this are Keroro X Fem!Tamama, Giroro X Fem!Kururu, Dororo X Koyuki, and I'm thinking about Natsumi and Mutsumi and also Monoka and Fuyuki.(there will be others) Tell me what you guys think, do you have any other pairings you like with those people or what (I'm not changing the main ones ,I'm telling you now) and also I'll take suggestions for a pairing with Mois? (she's also human!)

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shinning bright, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. It was basically a perfect day to be outside. But of course, Keroro was all wrapped up in his bed half asleep and more less feeling like shit. He looked a mess with his green hair sticking out every which way possible and ugly light purple bags under his dark brown eyes. He had stayed up all night building the new Gundam model that he'd been waiting since December for! In his mind it was all worth it, but his arms felt so tired and he didn't feel like school was the greatest thing for him today. Not that school was ever great.

His alarm went what felt like minutes ago but was probably more likely an hour or so. Keroro just laid there...watching the fan's blades twirl . He did this until the sun rudely started to shine on his face,with a loud grown , he pulled his comforter over his face. He herd his door open and someone walk in but he could care less.

"Oh my God, Keroro! Honey you need to get up! School starts in 30 minutes!" Keroro's mother yelled walking farther into the room. (which looked like a landfill to her...and kinda almost smelt of it.) When her son didn't respond from under the mess of blankets and pillows he was hiding under , she took the liberty to shake the young man awake.

"Whhhhaaaaaat~?" Keroro mom held her self back from smacking the boy." You need to get up right now, young man! "Keroro still didn't move, she was getting angry. "If you don't get up right now I swear to God, Keroro, I will sell all of your Gundam crap on E-Bay today!"

After a high pitched scream that shouldn't come from a male his age, Keroro shot out of bed and started digging in his pile of cloths in the room till he found his school shirt and pants. He ran into his bathroom and changed out of his gym shorts and tank top and put on his school uniform. He brushed his teeth, combed his messy green hair so it looked only somewhat like a crazed man's. He ran back in his room put on his school shoes and started to look for his uniform's red tie.

'Where is it! I need it for school or ...my Gundam will be lost forever and I...will have no purpose in like...'Keroro trailed in though. "AGH! MOMMY HAVE YOU SEEN M-" "Looking for something,darling?" "Thanks mom!" Keroro grabbed the tie and ran downstairs ,grabbed some toast, put his tie properly on, and grabbed his stuff and ran out the house. "BYEMOMMYILOVEYOU"

"If I run all the way to school ,I'll be there with 15 minutes to spare!"


"HEH...HEH...never ...HEH...running...HEH...again HHHEHHHH..."Keroro fell to the ground when he finally reached his friends who were all talking in the school's courtyard.

"Hey look who made it..." Giroro said with a voice full of joy and love after noticing Keroro on the ground.(HA!)

"Gunso-san your here earlier than usually today~!" Tamama squealed happily jumping up from her spot next to her friend Kururu. She helped the much taller boy up and gave him a tight hug. But as usual Keroro failed to even notice the girl's flirting.

"Giroro ,I don't have time for your attitude today, I have made it to school 15 minutes early and I'm feeling accomplished."

"Kuku...you usually get here 15 minutes late ,Keroro. You should make getting here earlier a new habit." Kururu said with her signature smirk. She was happily sitting in between Dororo and Giroro until Keroro rudely push Dororo off the bench and took his place next to Kururu.

"You seem to have attitude today too ,Miss Kururu, Maybe YOU should have a change of habit and respect the group leader~." Kururu smirking while hearing was having a hard time trying to hold back her laughter. They all knew Keroro was to much of a idiot to do anything let alone lead a group of people...no one was that stupid to make him such high authority of anything...right?

"You appointed your self "Group Leader". I mean it should be me of all people."Giroro said with just a hint of pride in his voice.

"Kukuku ...Nah,I think you would be wrong there ,Giroro, I would have highest rank, I'm the smartest, so I'm leader. Even Keroro would have higher rank than you"

"That's bullshit and you know it, Kururu! I'm the oldest and most mature of everyone, and Keroro can't do shit! So it would be me!" Giroro was a little offended by Kururu sassy remark, but then he let it off. Kururu and him were always going at it like cat and dog, it really meant nothing. They had always had this weird friendship between them.

"HEY!" Keroro trying to bud in when he herd something about him."I can do stuff!" Of course Giroro just ignored the loud mouth like any other day.

"What you said is bullshit! Dororo is 4 months older than you!" Kururu bringing back up the conversation from before, ignoring Keroro also.

"Oh yeah...where is Dororo anyway...?"

"I've been here the whole ti-"

'JESUS CHRIST DORORO! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Giroro screamed. He hated it when people did that.


"Yeah that's great, Dororo. But the bell is bout to ring in God knows when, and we have to decide on who group leader."Keroro steeping in front of everyone so he could get their attention. "All five us will vote on one person each ,and no voting for yourselves." Keroro cleared his through."Everyone for Giroro?" No one raised their hand."Eh? I thought at least you would get Kururu to vote for you...Ha! Whatever."

"WHAT! Kururu! I thought we were best friends!" Kururu didn't even look up from the text she was typing."Eh? Yeah Dororo is my new best friend for now." "Yay!" Dororo said apparently coming from no where again. "You've been more of a mean old man lately." Giroro couldn't believe it. He got showed up by Dororo. Sure Kururu and him were very close but...JUST BUT "WHAT?"

"Ooohhhh, your gonna need Siberia for that burn, Giroro." Giroro tried to look unaffected by Kururu's rejection but it was failing. Everyone knew Giroro had a crush on Kururu, problem was...Giroro didn't know he did. In Giroro's head they were just friend who fought like hell.

"Back on topic , those for me raise your hand!" Tamama and Kururu raised their hands.

"YOU VOTE FOR HIM... AND NOT ME!" Giroro was a little offended again,but really more less pissed. 'Kururu must be on her period or something, How could she vote for shit-for-brains over me?' Giroro thought to himself.

"Calm your panties old man...I'm busy texting Natsumi!" Giroro felt his heart heat up...what could Natsumi be talking about, maybe he could sneak a peak over Kururu's shoulder...she was a very tiny girl, it would be to easy.

"I know what your thinking, Giroro! Don't even try it!"

"At least tell her I said h-"




"REJECTION AGAIN! How does it feel Giroro? Kururu is just hatin' on you today!" Keroro stopped teasing the poor red head when he heard the bell ring."Well me and my Co-captions, Kururu and Tamama, are going to first period~! BYE LOSER! Common ladies lets go to P.E!" Tamama sprang up at the invitation and stood next to Keroro ,waiting for Kururu.

Kururu looked up from her phone and quickly put in her uniform's pocket and got up to follow Keroro and Tamama. "Ku...I'm coming!"

"Bye Kururu!" Giroro called out seeing his friend was leaving for her first class. I mean she couldn't be really mad at him? What did he even do? When she was insulting him earlier ,was she even playing?

"Bye Dororo!" Oh that was cold even for her.

Okay ,review and tell me what you think people? Should I go on...Even if this only (not even) 2 and a half pages. Next chapters will be longer than this! First chapters are always the shortest anyway.

In this story Keroro and his froggy gang and all close bffs (and believe or not Kururu and Giroro are best friends and Kururu is also close to Dororo in this. Keroro, Giroro, and Dororo are all of course are in their little trio. And Tamama and Keroro spend a lot of time together as close friends) but they will also hang with Natsumi (I had an example of Kururu talking to Natsumi!) Fuyuki and all the other natural humans. And Mois. ((and FYI in this Mutsumi and Kururu r siblings (Mutsumi is adopted and the oldest of all 4 siblings. 4 because Kururu has 2 siblings (I have only seen them in the secret of the kero ball though)