A/N: I am sorry that I haven't continued this story in a long time. My co-author me and i lost the original chapter six so i just wasnt up to writing it again without their help. However, I got a drawing from a good friend of mine for my birthday and was inspired to write this. It did take a while to put up but hey, what can you do? Right? Anyways, go easy on me because i still dont have a beta. Although i am accepting betas. I am gonna time skip. I know im evil but if you do want to see what happened between where i left off and where this picks up, let me know in your reviews.

*Some couple of weeks later*
Kokoa was in her bathroom, pacing. Tsukune was in gymclass and she was supposed to be in math class but she was skipping. She was very nervous. She was a week late for her period. She had to wait another thirty seconds to find out if she was pregnant. She had mixed feelings about it. She was absolutely terrified because of the fact that she still had a whole year of highschool left but she was slightly ecstatic because the baby would be Tsukune's. She pondered for a while and soon it was time for her to check the pee stick.

She took a deep breath to relax herself and grabbed the pee stick. She held it up to her eyes and examined it...two lines. She was pregnant. She wondered about how her father will react. He surely would not be ecstatic to find out his youngest daughter was pregnant. She decided to lay down in her bed and take a nap.

Yukari was also in a bathroom. She had excused herself from class. She also was taking a pregnancy test. She was ecstatic that she missed her period and was hoping she was pregnant. Even if she did almost lose Kokoa as a friend because of how she did it. She was glad that Tsukune convinced Kokoa not to kill her. Kokoa had been rather livid with Yukari about her foul play. Yukari looked at her own pee stick a it alsi showed two lines. She squealed for joy and put the pregnancy test in her book bag. She went back to her class and listened to the lesson.

When the bell rang, Tsukune went to get Kokoa. It was lunch time. He went to her room and attempted to wake Kokoa up. He failed the first attempt and say the peestick in her hand. He took it out of her and and looked at it. Two lines...SHE'S PREGNANT?! He tried again and managed to shake her awake.

She was a little bit out of it but she tried her hardest to focus. He looked at her with a knowing smile and held up the pregnancy test. He whispered. To her, "We'll figure everything out eventually. Don't worry my love."

With that Kokoa got changed and the two of them headed off towards the cafeteria. They sat down with the rest of the group. Mizore pointed out, peeking out from under the table of course, that something was different between the two lovebirds. Kokoa took a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant."

There was a collective gasp from everyone except I-Moka. O-Moka tried acting disappointed, which she was of course, but she couldn't help but get excited a bit. Yukari was squealing like crazy. She finally managed to say, "So am I!"

At that point everyone was silent. Tsukune looked nervous. Kokoa was taken aback. O-Moka looked confused. I-Moka scoffed. Mizore and Kurumu were stunned. Everyone ate lunch in silence. Thry were interrupted by some random guy who started groping Yukari's small breasts. He slid one hand down and under her skirt. He moved his hand inside her underwear and rubbed her slit. He was instantly punched by the entire group, except Yukari, at once. Kurumu went further and ripped his dick off. Then she put it in her mouth and chewed and swallowed it.