Disclaimer: I do not own Rosario+Vampire. If I did, I wouldn't be writing on this site now would I? I don't even own this story entirely. This was co-written by my friend Rachel and me.

*A/N: This story takes place in Tsukune's 3rd year and Kokoa's 2nd year at Youkai Academy

Dream and A Vampire Chapter 1

5:30 AM, Wednesday...That's what the clock read. Tsukune has pacing his room. He was trying to understand his latest dream. Ok sure, he would occasionally have a dream about Moka. But this? This was just...wrong. Right? He didn't know anymore. Nobody, not even a psychic, could have seen this coming. His latest dream had been about...Kokoa Shuzen. Yes, Kokoa Shuzen. Moka Akashiya's younger sister by one year.

Kokoa sat up with a fright in her bed, she thought she had heard someone scream or was that just her imagination?. Kokoa lay back on her bed and thought about her day as she listened to the birds outside her window sing. The day before she had run into Tsukune, she had thought nothing of it but really the more she thought about the more strange he was. There was something he did or looked like that made him odd and she couldn't put her finger on it

Tsukune got out of bed and got dressed. Once he was fully clothed he went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face. He then headed out the door. Since it was so early he knew he wouldn't be attacked by his "harem". He liked it when the school's halls were empty and he wasn't being suffocated by Kurumu's chest.

She waited for a while but couldn't get back to sleep so she hopped out of bed and changed. She walked down the dark corridors of the school not quite sure where she was actually going, she just needed a change of scenery. What she hadn't been expecting when she got out of bed that morning was running into Tsukune. She bumped into him by accident as she rounded a corner "Tsukune? What are you doing out of bed

"Couldn't sleep. How about you?" He replied. He for some reason wondered where her bat, Kou, was. He didn't ask. His thoughts returned to Kokoa. She was pretty cute. He still couldn't believe he had dreamt about her last night.

She ran a hand through her hair nervously "You'll think it's silly but I thought I heard someone scream... I came out to look..." she studied him carefully, there was something about him that made her stomach flutter what was this feeling she as having?

"I don't think it's silly. Although I didn't hear anything." Tsukune replied. He decided he needed to see if his dream meant anything. He decided to take action. "Hey Kokoa, do you want to go to the dance with me this Saturday?"

Kokoa was surprised by this, was he really asking her out? Or was this some sorta joke? She looks at him head to toe to make sure there was no signs saying that he was only asking her for fun but no, he was actually serious about it "Uh...yeah sure that would be great...to be honest I thought you would ask my sister."

"Yeah well, I umm... I decided to ask you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. He didn't know what to say now. This felt kinda awkward to him.

She realized her was uncomfortable so she tried to make it a little less awkward "Well I'm glad you asked me, this will be great fun!" she kissed him on the cheek quickly, leaving a lipstick mark "I better be off, I will see you tomorrow I hope?" she said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I'll see you." Tsukune said, blushing. He then reminded her that he would see her at the Newspaper Club room. Seeing as she was technically part of it.

She bid him goodbye and skipped off round the corner, and went back to her room where she leaned against the door. Had she really just kissed him on the cheek? Had he really asked her to the dance? Suddenly she knew what was bothering her about him, because she thought he was cute and nice and kind and she wanted to kiss him more and more often. She really liked Tsukune!

Tsukune wet to his homeroom class. He greeted Nekonome-sensei. He then proceeded to go to sleep. Half an hour later though, he was being suffocated by Kurumu's chest. Yukari and Mizore were trying to stop Moka from sucking his blood while at the same time save Tsukune from suffocation. He knew this would happen. Once the bell for homeroom to start rang, Tsukune was let go. Kurumu asked who was going to get to go to the dance with Tsukune. He replied with, "You'll see."

When she arrived in homeroom she thought it was boring, people chatted about the dance and their dates. She was asked a couple times by her classmates who she would be going with and she would just give them a cheeky smile and say "With older boy" that got the chatter going all right and she just sat back and listened to their theories on who it could be.