AN: Hey, this is my first Rose/Scorpius story that I've published. I'm trying to write a longer one about them in Hogwarts but it's going really slowly. Today, during English we were discussing poetry and I was doodling and this idea popped into my head. I had an image of a little boy giving a girl a flower and since it's Valentine's Day I decided to write it.

The first chapter is from Rose's point of view, the second from the parents'.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter :(

First Time

I looked at the boy standing in front of me mistrustfully. Scorpius, he had said his name was. He was seven, like me. "My daddy told me to stay away from you!" I finally told him in as firm a tone as I could muster.

A look of hurt passed across his face and I felt slightly guilty. Then he smiled at me. "Do you always do what he says?" he asked shrewdly.

I couldn't help it. I smiled back at him.

Scorpius looked at me carefully for a moment.

"Close your eyes and wait here, Rose!" he commanded.

I looked at him suspiciously before closing my eyes. I heard him move away and bit my lip. This was probably a prank… I never should have closed my eyes. I was ready to open my eyes and leave. I'm sure he had simply left me standing there like an idiot. Boys are stupid, I thought bitterly. It was a true statement.

"Okay!" I heard Scorpius say. "You can open your eyes now!"

I opened them slowly, terrified of what was about to happen and almost laughed in relief when I saw him standing in front of me holding a small yellow flower out.

"I picked you a flower 'cause it's pretty, like you…" he mumbled shyly.

I giggled slightly and reached out for the flower. "Thank you!" I said to him.

He gave me a crooked smile, "I was gonna get you a rose, since, you know… your name is Rose… but it hurt my hands when I tried to pick one…" He held his hands out and I could see they had been scratched badly.

I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then looked away, blushing. Scorpius' grin widened.

Albus suddenly came running over to us. "Come on Rosie, Scorpius! We're gonna play tag!"

He ran off and, after giving me one last look, Scorpius followed him.

I ran across the yard to where the grown ups stood. I headed to my mum and smelled the flower while thinking about the blonde boy I had just met.

"Mummy!" I called as I got close to her. "Can you hold my flower?"

She turned to me and nodded when I gave it to her, "Of course, Rosie."

"Thanks! I'm gonna go play tag!"

I skipped off to join the rest of my family and friends in running around the yard.

AN: Hope you liked it! Please review! The next chapter is what the adults saw happen.