Hey there guys! Long time no write! In honor of Valentine's Day I wrote a one-shot with Wally&Artemis. It's kinda sort, I'm sorry! I'm also working out a writing schedule so that way every four weeks a new chapter for one of my stories will be out. I'm also starting a Young Justice fanfic called an unlikely princess. Well enjoy this one-shot.

Wally was leaning on the island in the kitchen. He went straight to the cave after school , he wanted to be the first to try M'gann's Valentine's cookies. Unfortunately when he arrived at the cave M'gann had burnt her first couple of batches and she went with Conner to the market to get more supplies for the cookies. So now the young speedster was alone in the kitchen eating some candy he got from school. He then discovered a box of chocolate from his mom in his book bag. He whipped it out as quickly as he could and began to dig in.

As he began to eat his chocolate he heard the cave announce the arrival of the moon child, Artemis. He groaned, Wally couldn't stand the thought of being alone in the cave with the firey spirited archer. Or so he thought.

Artemis stepped into the kitchen and saw the speedster. 'Time to have a little fun.' she thought and played with the lollipop that was in her mouth a little bit.

Walking over to where Wally was standing she greeted him with "Hey Baywatch." and leaned on the little island herself.

Wally looked over to the archer "Hey….." and he realized the way she was leaning on the island. Her back curved perfectly making her appear, sexy. 'Woaaaah Wall-man. You didn't not just think Artemis looks so incredibly, irresistibly sexy. No, bad Wally! Artemis is not a babe she's a bitchy little slut looking for attention obviously!' he told himself. Unconsciously let his eyes scan her body. His eyes landed on her mouth and he watched enjoy her lollipop. The way her tongue was devouring the green lollipop. He felt a small heat rise up to his face.

"Can I have one of those chocolates?" The moon child asked the speedster, she had finished her lollipop off and clearly wanted more.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Was all the red head said. Artemis picked up a piece and brought it to mouth and took a bite out of it. Wally watch every move, the way her white teeth came down on the chocolate and how she chewed it. Artemis then used her tongue to take the rest of the chocolate into her mouth.

"Mmmm." was heard from Artemis' mouth and Wally couldn't take it any more. He wanted to know what she tasted like. Wally wrapped his arm around and pulled Artemis' body closer to his and kissed, yes he kissed Artemis. The girl he was suppose to hate with every last fiber in his body he was kissing. Wally soon slipped his tongue into his mouth and could taste the sweetness of the chocolate and the tartness of the apple flavored lollipop she ate. Artemis allowed a moan to be released from her throat and this made Wally even hungrier for her. Artemis' hands were tugging and play with his firey red hair and Wally brought his hands down the sides of her body, feeling her curves and stopped just about were her lower back met her bottom.

Wally and Artemis broke apart for air. Both panting trying to catch their breaths. That's when Wally's face turned as red as his hair out of embarrassment and ran off using his super human speed.

Artemis stood in the kitchen alone now and a sly smile came across her face. "Happy Valentine's Day Baywatch." she whispered and popped another chocolate into her mouth. Her plan had succeeded.

I know suppper short. Sorry! I call Artemis the moon child because the Greek Goddess Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and moon. Well I hoped you enjoyed this one-shot! Again Sorry for the shortness! Akane out!