
Shakespeare's Lemonade

Rating: T

Genre: Romance/Suspense

Summary: Steve meets a woman who seems to have nothing in common with him, yet he's surprised at his attraction to her. But she has her own dangerous baggage, and though he wants to help her, he isn't sure just what he's gotten into.

Pairings: Steve/OC, Danny/Rachel, Kono/OC, Chin/Malia

A/N: This is set almost a year after season one, but it's very AU because I wrote most of it before season 2 started. I thought I'd better post it before season 1 got too distant, and it became obsolete. Also, it's Valentine's Day, so what better time? Also, there is a pairing for Kono, but she doesn't meet him until chapter eleven.

Chapter One "Blindly"

Steve had seen her before. She was one of Rachel's friends, so he hadn't really paid much attention to her. He didn't think he would have anything in common with a friend of Rachel's. But Danny said she was great, and he wouldn't stop bothering Steve about it, so Steve thought he might as well meet her, decide it wouldn't work, and get Danny off his back.

Danny wasn't exactly being unreasonable. Since things had calmed down after the governor's murder, and Steve was recently single, he had become somewhat bored. And that scared Danny. Though, why he thought a girl would solve everything, Steve wasn't sure.

So, Steve stood outside the restaurant, wondering if it were too late to call the whole thing off. He shook his head and went inside.

Mia O'Brien was a few years younger than Steve. As far as he could remember, she was an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, originally from Southern California.

She was already seated and looking at the menu. So, Steve took a moment to observe her. She was of average height and build. Her hair was brown and pulled to the side in a loose braid. Steve couldn't see her eyes. She was dressed conservatively in a knee-length skirt and cap sleeved top. There was a light sweater draped over the back of her chair. She wasn't wearing any jewelry or makeup. Steve concluded that she didn't like to draw attention to herself and that she wasn't overtly trying to impress.

Before he could make any more observations, Mia looked up. After the flicker of surprise in her eyes, she smiled. Then she stood up and shook Steve's hand.

"Nice to see you again," she said.

"You too," Steve replied, smiling back.

They sat down and picked up their menus. Steve was about to resign himself to awkward silence when Mia spoke up.

"I'm glad Danny's paying," she said.

Steve looked across the table with something like appreciation. "So they had to bribe you too, huh?" he asked.

She half smiled. "Well, of course I mean no offense, but yeah. I've never done this before."

Steve nodded and added another characteristic to his mental inventory: bravery. "Neither have I," he admitted, hoping to make her more comfortable.

"That's interesting..." Mia tapped a fingernail against her lip. "So, what is it we're supposed to talk about?"

"I'm not sure. I keep thinking of things we're not supposed to talk about."

"What? Like religion, politics, past relationships, money, work... What am I forgetting?"

"Family, the future, so called friends who set people up."

Mia laughed. "Which of those forbidden topics sounds most interesting?"

"Definitely work."

"Really? That's unusual. I'm perfectly comfortable with it, though. Anyway, I'm sure Danny has given me completely the wrong impression."

"Probably not. If he says I hang people off roofs, I do."

"No, he hadn't mentioned that. I take it there is a story?"

Steve shrugged. "I just wanted to scare the guy. There's no way I would ever have dropped him. This was... over a year and a half ago and Danny still brings it up."

"So, what was your most recent adventure?"

"Well, last week we had a car chase. That's pretty normal, though."

"Did you catch the guy?"

"Girl. She was a college student who's extracurricular activities included stealing valuable antiques."

"Sounds like some of my students." Mia's voice had a hint of exasperation.

Steve laughed. "Really? What is it you teach?"

"Writing and literature. I think some of them believe a life of crime might be easier than learning a five paragraph essay."

"What's so hard about that?"

"You'd be surprised. Sometimes they have no clue what I'm asking them to do. It's sad and funny and sad all over again."

"I think your job must be harder than mine. I get to arrest people. You have to make them learn."

Mia smirked. "People don't really think of it that way, but you're actually right. I get more reaction from rocks sometimes."

"Do you tell your students this?"

"No. It would only confuse them."

"So, it's not ironic at all that I understand?" Steve's voice was full of obvious sarcasm.

"Oh, not at all. I think entropy dictates that people get stupider as the years go by. So, your comprehension would naturally be better than your average college freshman."

"Hey, do me a favor. Next time you see Danny, tell him that."


"He's always telling me what an idiot I am."

"Well, that's not so bad. You should hear what he says about people he doesn't like."

"I do. Every day."

"Then what do you have to complain about?" Mia smirked, and Steve thought that this evening might not be a total disaster after all.

They continued talking about work and their mutual friends. Steve carefully avoided talking about his personal life and he noticed that Mia did too. It was all too soon for that anyway. They were enjoying themselves and even ended the night with an enormous cliche: a walk on the beach.

Mia held her shoes in one hand and looked out at the dark water. "How'd I do?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"I've been told I'm terrible at first dates."

"Who told you that?"


"I see." Steve noticed her obvious avoidance. "You did fine. I had a good time."

"Really? I have to say I'm surprised. I ramble, don't I?"

Steve shrugged. "Guess I'm used to it. You're not anything like Danny."

They both laughed and Mia turned back to look at Steve. "Well, everything Danny said about you was true. As far as I can tell."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Very... Will I see you again?"

"If you want to."

Mia held out her cell phone and her other empty hand. They exchanged numbers and said goodnight. Steve hoped that the next time, he would learn a little more about Mia's personality, why she seemed somewhat guarded. He knew that would mean letting down his own guard a little. He wasn't sure if he wanted to, but he would find out.


It was late Saturday morning, and Danny was over because he seemed unable to function without intruding on Steve's personal space at least once a day. Of course, he wanted to know how the date went.

"First." Steve held up a finger. "It was not a date."

Danny sunk back into the couch cushions and crossed his arms. "What would you call it?" he asked.

"Dinner. Which was nice by the way. Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. What about Mia? Do you think you'll see her again?"

"We did exchange numbers."

"So, you gonna call her?"

"I don't know." Steve shrugged. "Maybe she'll call me."

Danny shook his head. "She won't. She's... shy."

"Didn't seem like it."

"That's because she's friendly."

"The two seem to be mutually exclusive."

"She is fundamentally introverted, but aware of social needs other than her own. She's nice. I'm sure you wouldn't know that if it hit you in the face."

"It's nice, so it wouldn't."

"Yeah, well, true friends stab you in the face."

"That's ridiculous."

"About as ridiculous as your entire argument. Call her."

Steve looked at his phone, but he didn't need to follow Danny's order because it rang almost immediately. The screen said Mia.

"She won't call me, huh?" Steve asked with a smirk. He put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, Steve, it's Mia," came the reply. "Are you doing anything this afternoon?"

"Depends. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, this might sound incredibly boring, but I'm giving a lecture on ancient themes in modern literature this afternoon. I thought since our mutual friends are occupied, you might like to come."

"I did hear something about the zoo." Steve looked at Danny. "When is it?"

"It's at 2:30. I thought we could have lunch before, if you want. I could pick you up and that way we can drive to the campus together."

Steve felt like offering to drive instead, but he thought better of it. "Sounds great. I'll see you later."

After he hung up, Danny stared at him.

"What?" Steve asked.

"You're going out with her again?" Danny said with a hint of I-told-you-so in his voice.

"She invited me to a lecture she's giving. Apparently, her other friends are busy today."

"No way. Hey, tell me something. How is it I've been telling you for months that you need to go out with Mia, and after one date, you're going to a lecture? You know what a lecture is, Steven?"

"Yes. It's where someone talks for a long time. I've had plenty from you."

Danny nodded. "You're not going like that are you?" He eyed Steve's t-shirt and cargo pants.

"Like what?"

"Like you dress every day. You don't wear work clothes to a lecture."

"I guess not." Steve stood up and headed for the stairs. "I'll change before she gets here."

"She's picking you up?"


"You won't even let me pick you up."

Steve smirked. "She's a lot prettier than you."