This is it you guys, the end of the road, the last chapter.
I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter, one because my brain just wouldn't cooperate. This chapter just got hashed so many times, it isn't even funny. But I liked the way it turned out. I hope. I think.
And I've been going through a lot of things that kind of derailed me.
It's like, can I just please, like go away somewhere, for a while.
Anyways, onward, yeah.
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf nor do I own the Characters.
Derek took in a sharp breath as his eyes swept over Stiles' body. The teen was back to his regular self. His brown eyes stared at him in interest. Derek couldn't help but grin a bit when he noticed that the cloaked figure hadn't changed the clothes that Stiles was wearing. He was still wearing the same attire that he had on before the change. Dark blue jeans, a grey shirt with the words awesome across the front, and his purple hoodie along with the light up shoes all of which looked ridiculous on him, but Derek didn't care. Stiles was back. "Are you okay?" Stiles asked when Derek didn't say anything.
Derek nodded as he threw his arms around the teen and pulled him into a hug, "I should be asking you if you're okay."
Stiles licked as his lips, brow furrowed as he slowly returned the hug, "I'm okay."
Derek let out a shaky breath and a whine escaped from deep within his chest. Stiles pulled back slowly, "Hey," he whispered, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing," Derek mumbled, "I'm just glad you're back."
"I didn't go anywhere," Stiles said back, confusion laced in his voice, "oh on that note," Stiles looked down at his shirt. He pulled at the material, "can you tell me why I'm wearing a child's shirt?"
Derek bit at his lip and drew in a shaky breathe. Stiles didn't remember anything, nothing at all. Stiles looked at the werewolf in confusion. "Derek!" he called out as he waved a hand in front of the lycan's face, "Earth to Alpha Wolf?"
Derek shook out of his stupor, "You mean you don't remember?" he asked.
"Remember what?"
Derek groaned and threw himself back on the dirt ground, "The cloaked figure, he turned you to a four year old."
"I think I'd remember if I was four and that's just what the…wait why did he turn me four?"
The Alpha took in a sharp breathe as his eyes drifted to the sky, "To teach me a lesson."
"A lesson?"
Derek nodded, "Yeah, he said that he'd turn you back after I learned the lesson."
" if I'm back to my annoying self then I guess you learned your lesson then huh?"
"You're not annoying Stiles," Derek breathed.
"I know I am Derek, actions speak louder than words and I don't need to be a werewolf to know I annoy you."
The brunette stood up brushing his pants off. Derek continued to lie on the ground as he watched Stiles. "I'm going to take a look around," the teen announced as he began to walk off.
"Wait," Derek cried out when Stiles wasn't in his line of vision anymore.
Stiles sighed, "Derek, I'm just going to take a look around."
Derek shook his head, "Just, wait, I, just.." the lycan licked as his lips as he patted the space where Stiles was sitting before, "please Stiles, stay here."
Stiles looked at the Alpha confused. He sighed as he walked over and sat back down in his previous spot. He rested his elbows on his knees and his chin upon the palms of his hands. "I'm not going to get lost," he huffed.
"I just-please I just got you back I don't want to lose you again," Derek whispered.
Stiles frowned, "I-I…" he trailed off and Derek was now sitting up again as Stiles' eyes flashed. Derek swore to himself because he caught a glimpse of Stiles' four year old self. "Oh shit," Stiles whispered as he scrambled up.
"Stiles," Derek said, voice hesitant.
Stiles bit at his lip and shook his head, "Don't," he whispered.
"Stiles," Derek breathed.
The teen shook his head and turned around as he took off towards the Hale House.
Derek was up seconds later, "STILES!" he yelled, "Stiles come back!"
Stiles ignored the lycan's calls and Derek was running after Stiles seconds later. Derek continued to yell for the teen but Stiles didn't stop or look back. The Alpha let out an aggravated growl as he picked up speed. He saw Stiles a few feet a head and kicked his feet into the ground and flew forward. Arms in front of him Derek tackled Stiles to the ground but managed to turn them around the last second so that Stiles was on top of him. "Derek!" Stiles yelled, "WHAT THE-"
The brunette didn't get to finish. Derek was pulling Stiles into a heated kiss. Stiles let out a gasp and Derek took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into Stiles' mouth. The actions caused Stiles to moan as he hands flew down to grip at Derek's shirt. Derek inhaled sharply, a growl escaping his throat when Stiles shifted a bit. "Stiles," Derek groaned.
Stiles pulled back and looked down at the Alpha, "Wow," he whispered as he licked at his bottom lip.
"I love you," Derek whispered as he reached up and ran a hand through Stiles' hair, "I love you so much Stiles, I'm sorry about before, I just.."
"You lied to me," Stiles whispered.
Derek bit at his lip. He leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on Stiles' forehead, "I'm sorry Stiles."
"I…do you really mean it," Stiles whispered, "you really love me?"
Derek nodded.
"Like, love me love me."
The Alpha wolf nodded again. He took in a deep breathe, "Yeah," he whispered, "I really do."
"Why did you lie to me?" Stiles asked voice quiet.
Derek shut his eyes. "Because," he whispered.
"Because why Derek," Stiles asked, "I think, I you owe me an answer."
" don't deserve me."
The brunette frowned, "What do you mean?"
"I'm an Alpha Stiles," Derek whispered.
"I am aware of that," Stiles said.
"Then you know!" Derek cried out, "how risky it be with me," he then said, voice lowering to a whisper.
"God," Stiles said, dramatically, "what you are four!"
"NO!" Stiles yelled, "that, that is ridiculous, freaking Scott and Allison are together Derek!"
"I know!" Derek huffed, "but it.."
Stiles cut the elder off again, "Doesn't matter! I love you Derek, and you love me, that's all that matters, that should matter."
"But why?"
Stiles sighed, "Anything and everything," he whispered.
Derek couldn't help it, he let out a grin. Yeah, Danny was right. "Anything and everything huh?"
"Just," Stiles sighed as he took a deep breathe, "You're a great Alpha Derek. You have great control over your wolf. Yeah, you're a sour wolf but you do have an emotional side, you just let your stupid ego get the best of you. I know you care about us. The fact that you take the time out of your day to put up with us, is beyond me."
"Pack," Derek whispered, "that's what packs do."
"Then why did you shut me out?"
"Risk," Derek whispered, "I..I didn't want to hurt you."
Stiles sighed as he took in a shaky breathe, "Well you did."
"I know," Derek whined, "I know."
"I forgive you though," Stiles said, voice quiet.
Derek nodded. "But," Stiles whispered, "In all honesty Derek, I don't know if I can trust you."
The Alpha felt his heart stutter in his chest, "Stiles," he whispered, a hand coming up to grip Stiles' shirt.
Stiles shook his head, a hand reached up to grip the lycan's wrist. "No Der," he whimpered, "not after, not after the way you treated me."
"I'm sorry."
"Doesn't make it right, doesn't change things."
The Alpha took in a shaky breath, "Stiles," he whispered, "Please.."
"I-I can't Derek," the teen said softly, "I want to be with you, but now…now I don't know.."
"I really do love you, I swear," Derek pleaded.
"I hear you," Stiles whispered, "but did you hear me, where were you when I needed you."
Derek let out a low whine, "I-I..I was scared Stiles."
Stiles took a shaky breath as he scrambled off of the Alpha, "So you decided to hurt me, to lie to me?" at this point Stiles was standing up, "you treated me like shit Derek!"
"I didn't mean too!" Derek cried out, "Stiles, I-I..God..I didn't want to hurt you, I didn't mean too..I just..I.." the Alpha wolf trailed off.
"Well you fucking did!" Stiles yelled, arms spread out, "how-how do you expect me to believe all this, how am I supposed to know it's not bull shit."
Derek groaned as he sat up. "It isn't!" he roared, "it's not, I just..Stiles please I just got you back..I can't lose you again."
Stiles took in a sharp breath. Body standing still, something flashed before his eyes.
The Alpha wolf lay passed out on the bed. Derek lay on his stomach, he rested his head one arm the other arm was parallel with his side. Stiles licked his lips, heart beating fast as he approached the bed. He reached over poking at the Alpha's side. "Derek," he whispered.
Derek shifted a bit. "DEREK!" Stiles cried out.
Derek's eyes snapped open as sat up quickly. His ears perked up as his eyes scanned the room, his heart beating in chest. He looked down when he noticed the other heart beat and the four year old's scent, "Stiles?"
"Derek," Stiles whimpered as he stretched his arms up, "I stay with you, please?"
The Alpha shook his head, "Nope you're going back to your room," he said softly as he swung his legs over to the side
"No," Stiles protested as he stepped back when Derek reached for him, "No, Derek."
The Alpha sighed, "Stiles, we're not doing this right now."
"I don't want you to go!" Stiles wailed as tears started to fall from his eyes.
The brunette bit at his lip, as he eyed the Alpha on the ground. Derek was a wreck, his body shook and the Alpha was holding back tears. "Stiles," he whispered out, desperation in his voice.
Another memory flashed in Stiles' mind.
"I don't like you anymore!" Stiles cried.
Derek bristled, "Fine," he growled, "then I don't like you too."
Derek's heart seized in his chest when he realized what he told the little boy. Stiles froze in his arms and Derek felt the little boy's heart stop for a moment, his body shaking. The four year old let out a whimper as tears started falling from his eyes. The boy's breathing started coming in fast. "I-I sor-sorry," he gasped out.
"Stiles," Derek whispered as he tried to separate the boy from his neck.
Stiles shook his head and gripped at Derek's shirt, het let out a whine, "Don't leave."
"I'm not going anywhere," Derek soothed.
"Bad dream you left," Stiles mumbled.
Derek licked at his lips as he processed what the four year old said. If he put and two together, Stiles must've had a nightmare about him leaving, had to be it because the four year old kept on telling him to not leave. The Alpha wolf turned around and made his way back to his room he shut the door with his foot. "Okay, Stiles okay," he soothed.
The four year old let out a low whine, his body shaking as he tightened his hold on Derek. Derek kissed the little boy on the side of the head as he began walking around his room slowly. His hand rubbing circles on Stiles' back as he rocked the little boy back to sleep. "Shh," he whispered, "I'm not going anywhere Stiles.
Stiles took in a sharp breath. He stumbled a bit and fell the ground. Derek's eyes widened, in worry and fear. The Alpha wolf shook off his emotions and bolted up holding the teen so he wouldn't crash to the ground, "Stiles!" he cried out.
The brunette reached up to grip Derek's shirt. He was taking a deep breath, as his heart seized in his chest. "Derek," he gasped.
"Stiles," Derek cried out in panic.
Stiles shut his eyes as another memory hit him.
Derek watched as the lady walked away. He then turned his attention to the preschooler, "Where are the guys?"
Stiles bit at his lip as he looked down at the ground, "I-I lost them."
"And why did that happen?"
Stiles sighed, "I-I don't know," the boy breathed, "I saw-I saw something cool and-and I go look at it and I lost, I got lost."
"Don't you ever to that again," Derek reprimanded, "you hear me Stiles."
"I'm sorry Der."
"Come on," Derek said as he stood up, "let's go find the others."
Stiles merely nodded as walked alongside the Alpha wolf. Derek noticed quickly that sadness that was emitting from the four year old in waves. He looked down and saw that Stiles was fisting at his shirt and pulling at the cotton material. "Hey," Derek breathed as he stopped walking, "Stiles, what's wrong."
"Sorry Der," Stiles breathed, "I so sorry."
Derek sighed as he picked the boy up and held him close, "I'm not mad," he breathed, "just scared, I thought I lost you Stiles."
Stiles shook his head. "No," he whimpered.
"Stiles talk to me!" Derek screamed.
Stiles grinned as he hugged the Alpha tightly, "You back," he whispered.
"Yeah," he nodded, "I'm back."
"I'm sorry," the four year old mumbled.
"I'm sorry too," Derek said back, "The last thing I want to do Stiles is hurt you-" Derek paused as he took a deep breathe, "I don't want to hurt you again, I don't want to hurt you ever."
Stiles blinked, his brown eyes finally coming into focus. The Alpha wolf looked down at him, eyes full of worry, "Stiles," he whispered, "Stiles talk to me."
"Was I handful?" he asked softly.
Derek raised an eyebrow, "What?" he breathed.
"When I was a four year old?" Stiles asked, "Was I a handful?"
The Alpha wolf smiled, "Yeah," he breathed, "Yeah you were."
"Did I annoy you?" Stiles asked softly.
"I, you weren't annoying, you just, were all over the place," Derek answered, "but I got used to it, and I loved being around you and I really didn't have a choice."
Stiles looked at him in confusion. Derek sighed, "You liked being around the others, but if I left, you flipped out and it got to the point where, if something happened to you, well, I flipped out too."
The brunette just nodded. "You were adorable though," Derek admitted. The Alpha took a deep breathe, "You were a whirlwind, and stubborn, and smart, I mean, hell possessive even and a bit on-"
Derek didn't get to finish. The Alpha's eyes widened when he realized that Stiles' lips were on his. The brunette pulled back and grinned at the elder, "You clearly picked up rambling tips from me, that's for sure."
Derek let out a low whine, a happy one as he embraced Stiles tightly, "I missed you," he whimpered, "I'm sorry, I really am and I love you so much."
Stiles didn't say anything. He just reached up and hugged Derek back tightly. "I-I just..please Stiles," Derek pleaded, "I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again."
"Derek I-"
"I know I was being an asshole, but I'm different now, I've changed, I won't hurt you again," Derek rambled.
Stiles frowned, "Hey," he said softly but it fell on deaf ears as Derek continued to talk. By now Stiles began to worry. He could feel it, Derek was buzzing with some of kind of energy. The werewolf was whining, his breathing coming in fast and Stiles could feel the lycan's heart, as it pounded against his chest. Stiles froze again as another memory flashed through his mind.
"Derek," Stiles said softly.
Derek looked down at him, shoulders still tense as he tried to will his body to relax. "Derek," Stiles said again, "easy."
Derek raised an eyebrow, "What?"
"Easy, easy," Stiles said.
"Okay," Derek muttered.
Stiles looked at him, eye brow raised, "Easy, easy Derek," he said as he gripped Derek's wrist tightly.
Just like that, all of Derek's tension and fear washed away, "Alright," he said, "Alright Stiles."
"I just, I don't know what to do with myself if you walk away from me," Derek rushed out, "And I know that-that it's stupid and I have no right to say that after what I did to you but-but I-I.."
Derek let out a whine as he buried his face into Stiles' chest. Stiles licked at his lips as he reached up, his hand running over Derek's hair, "Easy Derek," Stiles breathed, "easy."
"I love you," Derek whimpered, "I really do."
"Hey," Stiles said softly. "I think I heard you the first time," he then said, a grin on his face.
The Alpha took in a sharp breath as he looked up at Stiles, "Please say you love me too."
Stiles smiled at the werewolf as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Derek's lips, "I do love you," he whispered, "I never stopped."
Derek took a sharp breath, "Do you you think you..can we.."
The brunette rolled his eyes, "Yeah," he breathed, "that made total sense Der."
"Does this mean that you trust me again, that we can give us ago, that we can be together," Derek whispered, eyes looking down as he rushed the words out. He felt weird for saying those words, for asking what he was asking. He was Derek Hale, and never in a million years did he even think he'd be caught asking what he was asking. But he couldn't help it, he had too, he needed to know.
"You promise?" Stiles breathed, "You're not lying to me, you want to be with me? You really love me?"
Derek looked up. Green eyes meeting brown ones. The Alpha took a deep breath, "Yeah," he breathed. "I really do. I want to be with you. I want us to be together."
Stiles nodded. He opened his mouth to speak but Derek was talking again, "I want you to be my mate," the lycan breathed.
"Mate," Stiles said, eyes widening.
Derek nodded as he bit at his lip, "Yeah."
Stiles grinned as he pushed the Alpha wolf down to the ground, "Promise me something."
"Anything," Derek answered quickly.
"Will you still love me if I wear the light up shoes?"
Derek laughed. "I just think they're so awesome," Stiles grinned.
The Alpha wolf shook his head as he leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on Stiles' forehead, "If you think that's awesome, you should see the batman hat that Allison bought you."
The teen's eyes lit up, "I got a batman hat!"
Derek laughed, "I don't think it'll fit you anymore."
"I'll buy you another one," Derek said. "How's that sound?" he asked as he reached up to run a hand through Stiles hair.
"Good," Stiles mumbled.
"So?" Derek breathed, "You kind of avoided my question."
"I like this you," Stiles grinned, "I really do."
Derek went to open his mouth but was stopped when he felt a pair of lips over his own. The Alpha wolf let out a happy growl. The growl coming from within his chest as one hand reached up to grip Stiles' arm. The other hand coming up to rest on the back of Stiles neck. One of Stiles' hands came up to grip at Derek's hair, the other fisting the lycan's shirt. The teen nipped at Derek's bottom lip causing the lycan to gasp. Derek groaned and whined when Stiles pulled away, "I like this you too," he grinned.
Stiles leaned down and placed a kiss on Derek's forehead, "And yes," he breathed, "I do love you. Yes I do want to give us a try. Of course I trust you. I always will." He took a deep breath, "And yes, you silly wolf," he grinned, "I'm in this for life, I'll be your mate, I want to be your mate, I want to be with you."
Derek couldn't help it, he really couldn't. The hand that was gripping Stiles' arm was now formed into a fist as Derek threw it into the air. A grin covering the lycan's features. "Did you just do a fist pump?" Stiles asked in shock.
"Yes I did," Derek laughed.
"Wow, just wow," Stiles breathed, "Oh my god, what the hell happened, did my four year old self, no wait, why am I saying four year old self. I am myself. Now that made no sense too." Stiles frowned as reached up pounded at his head with a fist. "Did I do something when I was four that made you change your behavior?" he asked.
"Yes," Derek answered, "You sir are actually the main reason, I'm acting the way I'm acting."
"Story time?" Stiles asked.
"Another day," Derek breathed, "Right now, I just want to lay here with you."
Stiles nodded in agreement. "That," he said softly, "That sounds like a good idea."
They laid in silence, Derek laying on his back, Stiles draped over him. The Alpha wolf running his hands down Stiles back, back up and threw the brunettes hair then back down again. Stiles was drawing small patterns on Derek's chest. "Hey Der?" Stiles whispered softly.
"My Derek right?" Stiles asked looking up at the Alpha wolf. And Derek had to do a double take. It was Stiles that was saying those words, but Derek could see a hint of four year old Stiles' in there somewhere.
The Alpha wolf though, took a deep breath and nodded, "Right."
Stiles was then pointing to himself, "Yours?"
"Yes," Derek breathed as he held Stiles tightly, "My Stiles," he said softly, like a four year old. "My mate."
Thoughts? Yes? No? Leave a review?
The End.