Author's Note: Behold the first Chapter of my Harry Potter and D Gray Man Crossover. This idea has been bouncing around my skull for a while so I've officially typed it up and submitted it. I'm not done outlining the story so it'll be a while before I update but it shouldn't be too long. For those who have read my Pirates of the Caribbean fan fic it's on hiatus after I update the next chapter until March when I go home for spring break and get the outline for the final chapter. Left it at home after Winter break. In the mean time I'll be writing this and then will alternate between the two.

Here's hoping everyone enjoys.

I own nothing. All rights go to their respective owners.

He found himself in a dark abyss that seemed to continue endlessly, the only light being shed from the occasional hanging candle, reminiscent of his days at Hogwarts and the Great Hall's ceiling. The only thing that interrupted the expansive scenery was a single chair in the midst of it. Slowly he walked towards it, and upon closer inspection he finally could see a shape in the chair. A long emerald green snake lay curled around a stone throne, encircling a grinning madman with a beige overcoat and a tall top hat that sat draped over the chair. He clutched a black umbrella topped with a Jack-o-Lantern, and appeared to be conversing with it though the words were inaudible. The snake moved and on closer inspection, he realized it had arms and legs that were folded under the serpentine body. Of a slightly paler green they could be no other legs but human. Suddenly the snake's head swiveled and appeared to stare straight at him, its scarlet eyes boring into him. Sharp pain burst into his forehead, and he grabbed his forehead as the pain overwhelmed him and he fell to his knees before losing consciousness.

Harry awoke with a jolt, sitting straight up in bed clutching his forehead. His scar ached and he pressed his hands closer to his forehead. It had been ages since his scar had last hurt this horrendously and Voldemort had been dead for several years. There was no reason it should be in pain. Must be a residual effect from the dream he thought. Ginny rolled over and slowly sat up, turning on her bed side lamp.

"Is somethin' wrong Harry?" she mumbled, sleep slurring her speech slightly. She gripped his fore arm in her hand as she waited for a response. He stayed still as the pain began to slowly recede, fading away after a few moments.

"Yeah," he finally replied. "It was a nightmare. Go back to sleep." Leaning over he kissed her forehead. Ginny nodded sleepily and settled back down, nestling between the light blue sheets. Harry watched as her breathing became even and she drifted once more into slumber. Reaching over he switched off her light. He sat up for a moment longer before he too laid back down, drawing the displaced sheets back up.

As he lay in bed, the darkness encasing him, Harry was left to ponder his dream and the burning in his scar. It had been several years since he had killed Voldemort in the final battle. His scar had ceased to pain him. In the time since the end of the war he had become an auror for the Ministry of Magic and had quickly rose through the ranks so that he now headed his own team. Ginny had become a member of the Holly Harpy Quidditch team and would soon be leaving for this year's training camp. Last year he had finally married Ginny after several years of dating and the two lived together in a flat not too far from the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione and Ron had gotten married two years before he had. Both had ministry jobs; Hermione worked with the Department of Muggle Relations while Ron worked with Harry as an auror, but in a different group. And to top it off they were expecting their first child. Teddy would drop in now and then to spend a weekend with his godfather, but mainly his grandmother saw to his care. As the only of her deceased daughter, Nymphadora, she doted heavily on her grandson who shared his mother's ability to change his appearance at will.

Everything had been peaceful he reflected. Why was his scar hurting now?

Shaking his head he dismissed it as a fluke and merely as part of the residual effects of the dream. Turning over he pulled Ginny close to him and fell asleep as she cuddled closer to his chest.

Allen Walker sat in the cafeteria, chowing down on a mountain of food as usual. He had recently returned from a mission and was famished. The newest edition to the exorcist team, a young boy named Timothy with a large gem centered in the middle of forehead, sat beside him on the wooden bench, staring in disbelief as the white haired exorcist gorged himself, practically inhaling the food until there was nothing left but empty plates. Gathering the plates he brought them over to the window that opened up into the kitchen, Timothy following closely behind. Jerry stood there smiling brightly.

"God Jerry, I've missed your cooking," Allen said with a content sigh.

"Any time love," the pink haired man responded, still beaming.

Allen strolled past the row upon row of empty long tables before heading out the huge double doors, Timothy tagging along, skipping joyfully, his bare feet slapping the floor. No matter what anyone said he refused to wear shoes for longer than necessary, but he adored wearing the black and white uniform of the exorcists. Odd, thought Allen, usually the cafeteria is bustling with activity, but no one was there but a few finders.

"Hey Allen, where are we going?" Timothy shouted exuberantly interrupting Allen's thoughts.

"I figured I'd go say hello to the Science Department. I haven't really been able to see much of them between all of the missions. It would be nice to do so and I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"Cool!" Timothy shouted and began to twirl down the hallway, jumping and dancing as he went. Allen laughed and jogged to keep up with the boy, trying to prevent him from getting lost in the labyrinth of passages.

At last the two exorcists reached the Science Department both panting as they had sprinted the last hundred meters in a race to see who could touch the door first. Allen had allowed the younger boy to win, who danced happily in celebration of his victory. As he reached for the door it swung open to reveal Reever who had been about to step out.

"Allen," cried Reever. "Just the person I was looking for."

"This had better not be about any new experiments Komui wants to try out," Allen said darkly.

"No, nothing of the sort. Komui is actually looking for you though."

"Oh no."

"New mission I think. Don't know the details though. You should go see him. He's in his office."

"Damn, I was really hoping to see Johnny and the guys. I'd better go report in. If you wouldn't mind," Allen said thoughtfully. "This is Timothy." At this he pushed the young boy forward. "He's new and would love to see the Science Department."

Reever stared down at the boy who stared back up at the scientist in his white lab coat. Running a hand through his blond hair the older man sighed.

"Sure Allen. The boys'll love to meet him."

"Thanks," he replied as he ran off down the hallway heading towards Komui's office, praying for once he'd get a relatively easy mission.

A few minutes later Allen had arrived, and knocked tentatively on the office door. Hearing no response he slowly opened the door and slipped past the wave of paper that threatened to flatten all those who opened the door too widely. Glancing around he saw Komui, head in his arms, snoozing away on his desk. Mountains of paper surrounded him, overflowing from his desk onto the floor and joining the sea of papers already present there. Picking his way through the mess he slowly made his way to his boss.

Gripping Komui's shoulders he tried to shake him awake and when that didn't work he leaned over and whispered into the man's ear: "Lenalee is getting married."

Allen jumped back as the man woke up with a start, throwing his arms up.

"NOOOO!" Komui yelled. "Don't get married Lenalee. I won't permit it." Allen waited for the tirade to die down before clearing his throat and announcing his presence.

"Oh Allen. What are you doing here?"

"Reever says you have a new assignment for me."

"Oh that's right. I've got it here somewhere." Komui began to rummage in the papers causing some to slide off the desk and scatter reports everywhere.

"Here it is," he said triumphantly as he held up a manila envelope. Handing it over to Allen, he rummaged around the papers some more before pulling out a coffee mug with a pink rabbit on it. Taking a deep draught he waited for Allen to finish reading the report summary.

"World domination really isn't their style," he finally said, looking up. "But why am I getting called in? After last mission I didn't think the Vatican would assign me anything but simple retrievals. Plus Link is still recovering."

"The akuma is a level four. Not many exorcists have defeated them. And all of the branches are fighting off wave after wave of akuma from this one's army." Komui stood up and walked around the desk, then promptly leaned on the front.

"The Earl is allowing him to command an army of akuma? That not exactly normal." Allen paged through the report, flipping back and forth from text to text.

"I have a vague idea that it has something to do with the fact that a war will caused death, which leaves behind grieving loved ones who will wish their significant others back. Perfect environment for more akuma to be born."

"So I'm being sent in, without my shadow? Does the Vatican really trust me that much?"

"There's no one else left honestly." Neither said anything for a moment, the silence laying thickly over them. Finally Allen spoke.

"Was wondering why the cafeteria was so empty." Komui chuckled softly.

"You'll meet up with your Finder in London. He'll help you investigate. Don't do anything rash please or the Vatican will have your head."

"Basically, don't turn Noah," Allen said darkly, a sarcastic note tingeing his voice. Komui bowed his head.

"Link will eventually join you. Please, Allen, I'm begging you, wait until he arrives before doing anything drastic."

"Fine," the exorcist said. "I'll leave tonight. Expect my report, I'll send it as soon as I arrive." With that the exorcist left, sloshing through the papers and out the door which he slammed behind him.

"Good luck Allen," Komui called out to him as the doors shut. And then more to himself now that the boy had left he prayed: "Please Allen, don't do anything stupid."

Author's Note: And so ends the first chapter. I hope everyone has enjoyed. Please review if you like it (or if you don't but want to say something nonetheless). I always appreciate hearing feedback. Thanks!