12. Strength in Release

Herman Hesse said that "Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go," and as Sesshomaru tugged his wife up from where she sat and crushed her to his chest, he marveled at the wisdom of those words.

He had let go of so much—an abandoned dream or two, after all, seemed like nothing in the face of providing for himself and his wife—and now…Now, he would have what he truly wanted; a family of his own.

Soft hands touched his cheeks, and Sesshomaru pulled himself out of his thoughts, realizing only now that he had crouched on the floor and pressed his face to the still-flat belly of his lovely wife. He looked up.

There was love in her eyes, and in that moment, Sesshomaru couldn't wish for more.

Author's Note: And done! Whew! Thanks for reading this little companion piece, and I hope you enjoyed the sweetness of Valentine's Day, whether you had someone to spend the day with or not! There is, after all, plenty of reason to love yourself even if you've no significant other!

Word Count: 138