Summery- Harry isn't Potter; he isn't even in his right time. Harry is really Harrison Cadmus Riddle, younger brother of Tom Marvolo Riddle. Merope Gaunt didn't die way may believed, and Tom Riddle never did leave Harry's 4th year he starts remember the truth.

Pairing/s- Unsure, Most likely TMR/LM and HP/DM

Warnings- Manipulative! Dumbledore


31 July, 1930

Riddle Manor

"Thomas Harrison Riddle, I am so going to kill you! Where did you hind my wand," shrieked Merope Riddle in labor.

Tom stared at her in horror, when there first son was born Merope fired six hexs at him. "Come on Ropey you did this once you can do it again," Tom tried to reassure her. She glared at him her and her first son nearly died during the birth. Merope had lost a lot of blood and the umbilical cord was wrapped around Tom Jr.'s neck. Merope gave a loud scream as the sound of cries filled the room.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle. You have given birth to a healthy baby boy."

"He looks more Gaunt then Tom Jr." Merope said proudly.

"Yes, but he still has my deviously handsome god looks," Tom smirked.

"What will you name him," The med-witch asked.

"Harrison after his father, and Cadmus after on of my ancestor" Merope smiled.

"Harrison Cadmus Riddle, I like it" Tom said kissing his wife's soft lips.

The Med-witch gave the newborn to his mother, the moment her was placed in his mothers arms his eyes shot open and blinked at his parents. The two adults gasped in shock Harrison's eye emerald green, shining brightly.

"My mother's eyes" Merope smiled through her tears.

"They are beautiful," Tom told her

31 October, 1931

Riddle Manor

Tom and Merope smiled as they watched Harrison crawl after is old brother who was running around him in circles. Harrison stopped suddenly a magical spike and the five year old Tom Riddle grabbed his brother protectively.

"Tom!" Merope screamed.

"What's happening, my love," Tom Sr. yelled.

"The wards are falling, their here for Tom and Harry" Merope said in panic, as they ran towards the children.

"Merope take Harry, I'll hind Tom."

"I love you," Merope said grabbing Harry.

"I love you too," Tom said kissing Merope unbeknown that would be their last kiss.

Merope with Harry in her arms ran towards the Gaunt house, once they where there then only parselmouth would be able to get in. She was so close to it she could feel the parsel-magic, then a figure stepped in her way.

"Hello, my dear girl," a grandfatherly voice spoke.

"No, please not my son, Not Harry,"

"Give me the boy and I will not harm your other son," the man spoke.

"You lie, Tom is safe with his father" Merope yelled.

"Look down dear girl," the man smirked.

Merope looked down in horror to see her four year old son unconscious behind the mans violet and orange robes, and her husband was no where to be seen. He killed my Tom the only man I have ever loved.

"Give me that child! He will not be harmed" The voice demanded.

"No, what have you done to my Tom," Merope cried.

"The Tom you knew is gone forever," Dumbledore smirked.

Merope broke down into sobs. While she was crying he grabbed the baby from her and pointed his wand at her.

"I'm doing you a favor so you don't to live without love. Avada Kedavra."

Merope's body fell lifeless on the ground. Tom began to stir and Dumbledore cast a full body bind on the child and apparating with both boys to a Muggle orphanage in London. Dumbledore sat Tom on the on the step of the stairs and removed the bind. Her carried into the woods and sat him on a stone.

"I can't not have you near your brother with this prophecy that has been told, you will be sent to a better place far way from your brother." Dumbledore smiled. "Mittere Deinceps Tempore"

Then with that Harrison Riddle disappeared.

Mittere Deinceps Tempore- send forward in time