A/N: "The Worst Couple" completely shattered my heart and made me want to bawl my eyes out. For what little I do ship Bade, they're one of my all-time favorite pairings! I thought they'd never split…

Disclaimer: Don't own.
Warning: Technically an OC, but it's irrelevant.


They always say they're in love, but they're not. It's anything but. They say it's love and that it's forever, but all I hear is the screaming behind closed doors and through thin walls.

I see the way Mommy cries when Daddy walks out at night because he doesn't want to see her so mean anymore. He doesn't say anything rude about Mommy, he only says she's mean. She is sometimes, but she's always meanest to Daddy because she says that Daddy's good for nothing.

And whenever Mommy leaves, Daddy says he can't stand the sight of me because I'm too much like Mommy, so he sends me to Uncle André's house because Uncle André is the only one they both trust to take care of me when they're fighting. Mommy and Daddy both like Uncle André.

But they're always fighting too much. I hear the screaming through the walls and the slam of every door. I color in my room because I don't know where else to go to focus on keeping the crayons inside the lines. It's so hard to focus with all the noise outside my door and inside my head and the way Daddy keeps yelling at Mommy that she's a mean person and how Mommy shouts right back that he should've made his choice in high school.

Uncle André tells me the stories of high school all the time, how Mommy and Daddy loved each other, how they were always kissing and texting.

I can't remember the last time I saw Mommy and Daddy kiss.

I want Mommy and Daddy to love each other again because they should both be happy again. Mommy never smiles, and Daddy just grumbles about how unhappy he is.

But Daddy tells me he won't leave Mommy. Daddy says Mommy needs him too much. Daddy also says he doesn't have the money to leave Mommy.

So I just listen to the screaming and color inside the lines, avoiding the scary parts and hiding at Uncle André's when Daddy sends me there. He doesn't like me much, not like Mommy does. Mommy takes care of me, but Daddy says I'm not his little girl. He says he loves me, but he doesn't smile when he says it, and I know he's lying.

My daddy doesn't love me.

But my mommy loves me. Mommy loves me a lot. She lets me color and she sends me to my room when Daddy comes home smelling drunk and she makes sure I don't get hurt when they hit each other.

Mommy and Daddy don't love each other anymore. Uncle André keeps telling me I'm wrong, but I know Mommy and Daddy don't love each other and I know my daddy doesn't love me. But Mommy loves me.

My mommy loves me.

A/N: Now, if you didn't pick up on it, the theoretical daughter of Beck and Jade. And I feel like it's OOC, but no one can predict the future, so I believe this is possible.

