This is it! :) It's not as long as the rest of my chapters, but… there's not much more to it. I will start working on "Lucky Charm" this weekend or next week. I had a busy week last week and had to make a video project for a class (lovely, right?). And I am off all next week, so expect a bunch of updates on that story. Once "Lucky Charm" is finished I will start work on a new story. I haven't decided what it's going to be about yet, but that changes quickly. Thank you SO MUCH for your support. I appreciate it! A lot! :) & here you go…

(I didn't read through this, I wanted to post it ASAP, so forgive me for any errors)

The next few days were filled with a lot of waiting around. I had managed to somehow get ahold of my mother and Adriana. Who were both extremely worried. Major Garmin had called them shortly after my accident to let them know what had happened and I guess things had been crazy since then. They were both concerned and confused about the situation with Will, as I was. My mom insisted she was going to figure out where he was one way or another. I knew that wasn't feasible, but I let it be.

"I'm going to find him," she stated, I shook my head and looked out around the crowded hallway, just as busy as the day I came there. "I'm serious, Gia. He's out there, alone, probably worried sick about you." I didn't want to be full of myself, but I knew he was out there, just as worried as I was.

"I just hope he's alright."

"I'm sure he is. I am going to make a list of places to call. You go rest up and take care of yourself. When does your plane leave?"

"Two days from now. I should be landing in Fort Knox in two days, then Major Garmin bought me a ticket from Jacksonville to Peoria. I think he said it lands at 5 in the afternoon on Saturday."

"We'll be there. I can't wait to see you. I have missed you something fierce, Gia."

"I know, mom."

"What are they going to do with Sanborn?" she asked, as I play with the cord on the payphone. I still didn't know the answer to that.

"I think they are leaving him here until he wakes up. Best thing for him." Judging her silence I knew she wasn't pleased, but it's not like I had a say in the matter. "I'm going to have to let you go though, there's a long line waiting for the phones and I need to find more pain medication." I could start to feel my shoulder ache from holding the phone for so long. Wincing I held the phone with my other hand and listened to her say her goodbyes.

"I love you and we'll see you soon."

Friday couldn't have come fast enough. I had my duffel bag completely packed, my BDU's on with combat boots, all ready to go... I held onto the picture of Will tightly in my hand and boarded the plane amongst the other men. There were about twenty of us, some still able to walk with bandages like mine, others on crutches, and a few in wheelchairs. The plane ride was long. We were fed rations, because we were still on a military plane, and given bottles of water. I caught myself staring at his picture on more than one occasion when the guy next to me spoke up. "That your boyfriend?" the guy asked, peering down at the picture.

"Something like that," I answered with a slight smile. He nodded and pulled a picture out of his pocket. A blonde woman with a smaller, equally blonde girl smiled back at me, hugging each other.

"My wife and daughter. I haven't seen or heard from them since I left."

"How long have you been gone?" I asked, looking at the cast around his left arm. I noticed his entire right leg was completely wrapped in gauze.

"A year and a half. Was supposed to be gone two. Damn mortar crashed into a gas tank next to my bunker. Almost fried my entire leg off." I stopped myself from wincing and looked into his eyes. He seemed almost dead. Odds of being hurt only increased on multiple trips back. I could be one of those guys on my next deployment. I swallowed hard and peered to look out of the window beside him. There was nothing, but ocean and it seemed to go on forever. "You look alright. What are you going back for?" I could hear the envy in his voice. I ignored it out of politeness.

"Got a bullet wound in my shoulder and calf. Not exactly war material right now." He nodded and pushed the picture back down into his pocket.

"I know what you mean by that," he breathed, adjusted himself in his chair. I sat the rest of the flight thinking about my future. I knew that by returning, my chances of being injured again would dramatically increase. Could I risk that? I smoothed a hand over my hair and took a second to look around at all of the men amongst us. Each one was just worse as the last. I couldn't even imagine the look on Adriana's face if I was to roll out in a wheelchair, paralyzed for life. Tightness pulled at my chest. I knew I was going to have to stop this. As good as the pay was and as wonderful as the job was… I needed to stop for my daughter's sake. I pulled out the picture of Adriana and rubbed it. I needed to be there to see her grow up, watch her graduate, get married… I smiled silently to myself and felt myself drift off to sleep.

The plane landed with a jerk, causing me to wake up in a panic. My heart beating fast, my breathing just as fast. "We've landed in Jacksonville," a voice said over the intercom. "Welcome back to America, soldiers." I rubbed my face and sighed, trying to slow my breathing as we taxied to a small platform. There was a crowd of people waiting around it. I knew they were family of the soldiers on board and media trying to exploit the next group of injured soldiers. I pulled my duffel bag up from under my seat and helped the man next to me stand up. He gave me a stern nod and stepped out while I picked his bag up from under his chair. He tried to shuffle his weight around on his crutch so he could hold the bag when I shook my head.

"I got this, you just show me where your family is," I stated, grasping his duffel bag and mine in my right hand.

"Thanks, Sergeant." I nodded and walked carefully behind him, trying to be mindful of his crutch. Outside, the air had a noticeable difference. There wasn't a dryness that felt like it was going to suffocate you and the sun didn't seem like it was going to blind the fuck out of you. The man stopped walking in front of me when I saw a blonde girl wrap herself around his left leg. I smiled and felt my eyes tear up at the thought of being able to hold Adriana in my arms again. I dropped the bag down next to his leg and patted the man's shoulder before dodging my way through the crowd. There was nothing for me there, I still had more traveling to do. I flagged down a taxi out in front of the base and made my way to the civilian airport.

Inside, I got more strange looks than I knew what to do deal with. Some people nodded in my direction, others looked at me in disgust. A few people took a moment to stop me and shake my hand, thanking me for my service. I hadn't been that conflicted in a while. It had been a long time since I had been in public with my BDU's on. I did my best to ignore it and keep my composure, considering a lot of people have no idea what war is like. Before going to my terminal, I stopped and ate actual food in an actual restaurant. I had never been so grateful for a cheeseburger in my life. I ate slowly, watching the television set up in the area, playing clips from what had happened earlier in the week. Not one thing had been mentioned about the war. I wasn't shocked. I dropped my duffel bag and sat at one of the waiting areas close to my terminal and waited.

The plane ride to Peoria was the longest two hours of my life. I wanted nothing more than to be in the company of my family again. I didn't try to make small talk with the people around me. Not because I was trying to be rude, but because my mind was focused. I kept imagining what I was going to see, how hard I was going to hug them both… I was already on the verge of tears just thinking about it. As the plane landed, I could feel my stomach turn into knots upon itself. When the seatbelt light went off I felt my body jolt upright right at the tone of the light blinking off. I tried to compose myself, but it was impossible. Walking down the gate, I glimpsed around people, trying to see if I could spot my mom or Adriana. When I made it out of the terminal, I felt my breathing stop when my eyes landed upon a sight I hadn't expected to see. Will stood, holding Adriana in his right arm, smiling with those bright blue eyes. I began to cry almost immediately. My throat began to burn in pain as I stood looking at the three of them, I placed my hands over my face and pulled them away, expecting him to disappear. "Mommy!" Adriana yelled, squirming out of Will's arms. She ran over and squeezed my legs in a death grip. I laughed and picked her up, completely unaware of the potential pain my shoulder. I held her against me tightly, squeezing her as I kissed her cheek. I closed my eyes and smiled. It was better than I could have even imagined. I felt arms wrap themselves around the both of us and a kiss on my cheek. That familiar gesture made me smile even more. I unwrapped an arm around from Adriana and pulled Will in closer, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"I thought I was never going to see you again," I breathed between a sob, looking up at him. He kissed my forehead and took Adriana from me.

"Someone kept me alive," he smiled, placing Adriana on the ground. I wrapped myself around him and held onto him as tightly as I had Adriana.

"I love you, Will," I whispered, breathing in his familiar scent.

"I love you, Gia," he responded, pulling back. I looked up into his eyes and kissed him, feeling my stomach drop through the floor. Adriana pulled on my pants, causing me to pick her up again. She kissed my cheek and smiled at Will.

"You're done now, right, Mommy?" she asked, playing with the badge on my shirt.

"Yes, baby," I answered, kissing her cheek.