A/N Le gasp! how horrid of me to begin a new story when I haven't even finished my others! Oh well. You don't have to have seen this movie to understand the story. I have the first three chapters written up. For this story only I'm going to ask for 5-8 reviews before I update, seeing as how since I know I won't get that many I'll have more time to waste before updating.

Disclaimer: I don't own HoA or The Vow's general plotline.

"Mr. Rutter your wife suffered traumatic brain injury during the accident. Now with cases like this we tend to keep the patient in a comatose state to help relieve the pain and give the brain time to heal itself." The doctor continued to ramble about unimportant medical nonsense while I stood shell shocked.

My wife. Nina Rutter. Accident. TBI. Wake up soon. That's all I made out as I walked towards her hospital room.

I saw her there lying in that bed broken and couldn't help but think about life's' defining moments.

One of my personal favorites: meeting Nina.

She had walked past me as I waited in line for my parking sticker. As I looked back she turned and smiled at me. Upon getting to the front of the line I saw she had forgotten her sticker. I picked it up and followed her out.

"Shit." A voice cursed as she began to walk back into the office.

"Forgot something?" I asked.

"Ah yes." She replied laughing. "I only come for the two hour wait. The stickers just an added bonus."

"I don't mean this in a creepy way or anything but we have the same RPP zone."

"Hmm the same what exactly?"

"Erm residential parking place." I replied awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Now I think the least we can do is dignify that with a drink."

"I suppose we can." She replied. "I'm Nina. Nina Martin."

"Fabian Rutter." I replied shaking her hand.

Four years after that first date we were married. Three months after our wedding the accident occurred.

We had been driving home from getting food when we pulled to a stop at the end of the street.

"You know I have this theory." She had said.

"Oh really?" I asked intrigued.

"Yea, I think that a woman is guaranteed to get preggers if she does it in the backseat of a car." She replied unbuckling herself and kissing me softly.

Now everything after that moment is a blur. I saw the lights as did she but we didn't know where they were coming from. The truck slammed into us from behind sending Nina flying through the windshield of the car. This my friends is where the real story begins.