Summary: Mr. Gold is freed like he knew he would be and he as drawn to the hospital, down to the basement where he found her. A/U
Disclaimer: I own nothing of the show or the characters.
Rating: T+
Pairing: Belle/Rumpelstiltskin
Note: a time shifts happen.
Rumpelstiltskin stood behind the glass counter gazing at the tiny vial of True Love that he had bottled so many years ago. He had just conned Regina and Emma out of it with the slightest twinge of guilt. Henry had no right to suffer, but that was what was happening. Though, he had some small measure of satisfaction as he had tied Regina to a chair duct taping her mouth to keep her quiet. Cheating Emma had shot a pang of regret through him, but he knew that Henry would be fine. Emma would save him. Pocketing the vial Rumpelstiltskin slipped out the back door of his shop to head into the forest where Belle waited fro him. He just hoped he was in time.
Each step he took he picked up the pace. Behind him he sensed a shift in the air. Rumpelstiltskin turned into it feeling the pure magic of True Love rush through him. All over his skin tingled; his mind cleared of all the lingering fog. A small crossed his lips. The town would be awake again; everyone would know who they were. It was just one small victory over the curse he created, the curse the Queen enacted. Now, all he had to d was get to Belle.
Rumpelstiltskin stilled at the sound of a twig snapping. Once again facing the expanse of forest behind him, he saw a figure rushing towards him. Prince Charming. Marginally his shoulders slumped. The last time they had met had ended up in a sword fight and bargain. It was luck that they were both unarmed. "Come to stop me dearie!" He shouted in his familiar taunting tone.
Prince Charming skidded to a halt; he had run flat out the whole way from where he had parked his truck. "I'm looking for Snow." He said between each deep inhalation of breath. It had all happened to fast. One minute he was about to driving out of town, then like a wave crashing into him, he remembered Snow, the life they had, and the curse that had separated them. That was when he had seen Rumpelstiltskin moving through the trees.
"Well, she's not here." Rumpelstiltskin motioned to the woods around them. All though he had an inkling as to where she could be. He hoped that Belle had made it to the fountain, even if she had help.
"I saw her go for a walk with your wife." Charming straightened catching his breath. He squared his shoulders, shooting an unfriendly glare at the man before him.
Rumpelstiltskin closed his eyes mentally shaking his head. "Belle…" He didn't have time for this. Turning from the Prince, he once again set of for where he told Belle to wait for him. "If she is with Belle, then I know where your wife is. You might as well follow me dearie."
Charming made sure to stay just a few paces behind Rumpelstiltskin. He wasn't quite sure what the imp was up to, but if it could lead him to Snow then for now he would follow. All he wanted was to find Snow White.
Belle sat on the blankets that had been left there. She shook her head knowing that it was Rumpelstiltskin. He never ceased to amaze her. She leaned against the trunk of the tree feeling pain radiate out over her body. A small contraction had started the same time the burst of True Love spread through the forest. Belle felt it and so did Mary-Margaret. She reacted as if she had been struck, looking around trying to remember where she was. Belle yelled in pain as another, stronger, contraction hit her.
Snow set aside her confusion dropping down beside Belle. She could see the young woman was in terrible pain. "It's going to be ok. Just breathe." Taking Belle's hand Snow tried to help her to calm down. Snow still felt disoriented as she held tight to Belle's hand. "It's ok." She soothed over and over. Memories of her giving birth to Emma flooded her mind. Snow knew very well the pain Belle was being put through.
Belle put her hand flat down on her abdomen trying in vain to sooth her child as Snow tried to sooth her. It wasn't working. The mark on her palm started to heat up with the flow of magic through her. Feebly Belle cried out, "Rumpelstiltskin!" She had a small hope that he was close enough to hear her.
An answering voice echoed along the trees, "Snow!"
Snow White stood from Belle's side, "Charming!" She called out just barely making out two figures coming towards them. One of them she knew was Charming. The other had to be Rumpelstiltskin.
Belle could feel him coming closer. Everything around her seemed to take on a new life. Again she shouted, "Rumpelstiltskin!" This time her tone took on an angry note. She needed to see him, to grasp his hand as another wave of pain took her. Their child was being born whether she wanted to wait or not. "Where are you?!"
Rumpelstiltskin came around the base of the large tree Belle was leaned against. He dropped down to her side, took her hand, and leaned in to kiss her brow. "Here, I'm right here." Gently he kissed her forehead again.
"Good," Belle tightened her hand on his riding the wave of another contraction. She knew enough to know that they were too close together and too soon. "This is happening too fast." Belle snapped. "Oh," she groaned, "I hate you right now."
"I know," Rumpelstiltskin smirked in spite of himself. He kept his hand in Belle's lending her as much of his strength as he could. Sitting down next to her, Gold looped his arms around her, urging her to drape her arms over his shoulder.
"What can I do?" Snow asked.
"Help her when the time comes." Rumpelstiltskin answered gritting his teeth. Belle dug her fingers into his back. The vial in his pocket felt like a stone. "Just breathe." It was pointless to try and soothe her, still he tried.
"I am breathing." She growled. "I know, how about you have this child and I'll tell you to breathe." Again she tightened her hold on him letting out a scream. Belle tried to focus past the pain, tried to breathe, but all the pain over loaded her. At least she had her love holding on to her, helping her through this.
Charming looked from Belle to his wife and then at Rumpelstiltskin. "There was something you were coming out here to do, what was it?" He asked crouching down next to the most powerful man in all the realm. Right now he didn't see the coldness in his eyes; he couldn't see cruelty twisting his lips into a sarcastic smile. All Charming saw was a man worried about the woman he loved.
Rumpelstiltskin reluctantly let go of Belle sensing a momentary relief from her pain. He fished the vial out of his pocket looking at Charming, "Take this over to the well, pull out the stopper, and drop it in." Handing it over he continued to speak, "It will hopefully transport everyone home." Charming nodded, moving away leaving Rumpelstiltskin to turning his attention to Snow White.
Snow removed her sweater looking up at Belle, "Ok, when the next contraction hits, I want you to push." Belle nodded sharply. Her face was red, drenched in sweat. "You can do this." Snow reassured. She could well remember all the pain she had bringing Emma into the world.
Rumpelstiltskin once again took Belle's hand whispering, "I love you."
Belle tried to smile, "I know…"
"Ok, Belle, push."
Belle pushed while clamping her hand down on Rumpelstiltskin's. "Oh gods!" She screamed. For the next few moments everything happened in fragments. Belle could hear Snow telling her to push. She could hear her love saying he loved her over and over. Belle could even hear her own voice straining, feeling the roughness. Then she was holding her daughter in her arms and she was crying. Tears stained her face. Belle breathed out shakily looking at Rumpelstiltskin; he too had tears in his eyes. All that was eclipsed, the joy, the wonderment of holding new life, by a monstrous swirling haze of magic rolling out up through the well and spreading fast. It enveloped them all. Belle could feel the magic tingling along her skin.
Rumpelstiltskin pulled Belle and his newborn daughter against him as the cloud of Magic enveloped them. This would take them home, every fairy tale character; including the Queen. That last thought didn't bother him, not when he had Belle and their daughter. He had found in this world more than he thought he would; he was once again reunited with Belle. That was more of a gift than he deserved. Holding her close he waited for the tingling magic to die down. When next he opened his eyes he looked around settling on Charming and Snow White.
Coming home must have brought back former looks. Rumpelstiltskin looked at his hands; his skin was golden, magic was coursing through him. Silk encased his torso, leather molded to his legs, a vest hugged his chest, and his boots her laced up good and tight. Snow White was in a white shimmering gown and her long black hair cascaded around her in loose black ringlets. Standing opposite her, Charming had his worn leather pants on, his boots, a white traveling shirt, and his leather jacket. "We're home." He muttered.
"Yes, we are." Belle agreed. She leaned down to kiss her daughters forehead. "We're where we belong." To her left Rumpelstiltskin kissed her temple. Leaning her head back she looked at him and saw the man she had fallen in love with. He was golden skinned, his eyes shown bright amber, and his hair was back to the crimped style she had itched to run her fingers through.
Snow turned to Rumpelstiltskin, "You did it," Her tone held amazement. "I can't believe we're home." Snow took Charming's hand turning to look out over the forest. They were close to the castle.
"Don't thank me dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said. "It's Belle and our daughter who cancelled out the power of The Queen's spell to bring us home." He knelt once more kissing her temple. Belle's head rested immediately on his shoulder. Rumpelstiltskin would have to take her home soon.
"What in the hell happened?!"
Snow and Charming turned to see Emma stumbling out of the woods with Henry coming behind her. "Emma?" Snow shook her head finally seeing her daughter for the woman she was. She reached out, lightly cupping her daughters face. "This is… all too real." Snow whispered. "Welcome home Emma." Snow reached out to her daughter.
"I hate to break up this family reunion, but I have to get Belle and …"
"Sorsha," Belle interrupted holding her daughter close. The baby had perfect pale skin and would grow to look like a delicate balance of her and Rumpelstiltskin. He knelt down with her again, but instead of kissing her, he dropped a delicate kiss to their daughters head. Belle started to cry tears of joy.
"I'll get you home soon enough my love." Rumpelstiltskin assured looking around. He felt slightly out of place with Snow White, Charming, Emma, and a few others coming out of the trees. Everyone had been restored to their former lives.
"You're more than welcome at our castle. It's not far." Snow offered.
"I'd rather take her to the Dark Castle." Rumpelstiltskin spoke quickly. He wanted to be far away from the Charming's as he could get.
"The Dark Castle is on the other side of the Enchanted Forest…" Belle reached her hand up to take his. "It won't hurt to travel with them and then go home. I need rest." She reasoned and in his eyes she could see him giving in.
"Are you sure?" Rumpelstiltskin crouched down resting his hand against his daughter and his other hand on Belle's shoulder.
"Yes." Belle answered.
The castle was quiet in the early red dawn breaking over the peaceful fairy tale world. Everyone was at home where they belonged living the lives that had been ripped away from them because of the curse that had been created out of pain and loss; enacted out of vengeance. Now it was broken because of true love and a new life. Rumpelstiltskin stood at one of the various large glass windows looking out over the landscape with his two day old daughter in his arms. Sorsha stared up at him intently with her brilliant blue eyes flecked with iridescent amber. He smiled broadly. She was truly his daughter and he couldn't be happier.
"You don't sleep much do you?" Emma had been watching him for the last few minutes as he stood staring out the window. It was so odd to see Mr. Gold in his true form of Rumpelstiltskin. Mr. Gold had been dressed in tailored suits and worn silk ties. Rumpelstiltskin was clad in knee high boots intricately laced up with leather pants molded to his legs. Gone were the tailored shirts to be replaced with silk poet shirts. The one he wore was of a deep purple being covered by a crimson vest. He was a stark contrast to Mr. Gold. Emma wasn't sure which version she trusted less.
"I don't need to. Besides Sorsha was awake and I thought I would bring her here to make sure she didn't wake Belle." Rumpelstiltskin answered turning from the window to face Emma Swan. "Are you finding it hard to be here?" He asked seeing that she still wore her red leather vest, her jeans, boots, and her black t-shirt. She was home and yet he could ell Emma felt out of place.
"I don't know this place." Emma admitted resting her hands on her hips. "I believe I'm here, but I don't believe it." She shrugged going to the window. "I don't know if that makes any sense to you or not." Lightly she leaned her forehead to the cool glass seeing the dark of night being chased away by the red dawn.
"It makes perfect sense dearie." Rumpelstiltskin was without his usual flare of the dramatic. "But, you'll find a home here with your family." He moved over next to her. "There is a place for you here."
Emma looked at him then down at his daughter. She had slipped into sleep while they had been talking. "Home huh? Is this where you'll be?" Emma asked motioning to the castle around them.
"No, I live past the mountains in the Dark Castle." Rumpelstiltskin motioned with his head back towards the window.
"The Dark Castle?" Emma questioned.
"Yes," Rumpelstiltskin smirked at her. "It's different than the name suggests." He assured wishing he was there right now, roaming the halls carrying his daughter. 'Home is where the heart is.' Rumpelstiltskin thought. Soon enough he would be there.
"Belle?" Emma wondered but knew she was right. "That cup you had, the one with the chip in it. What was so important about it? She had wanted to know since she had come back that day to see him holding onto it for dear life while he sat in the jail cell. At the time Emma thought it odd he would be holding a chipped china cup so tenderly. She would have asked him about it, but she had so many other things on her mind at the time.
Rumpelstiltskin smirked at the memory. "I may have made a minor quip that caused her to drop the cup of tea she had poured." That memory never failed to bring a smile to his face. "Don't worry Emma, you'll find your own memories here soon enough." He had turned away to head back to his quest chamber when he paused, "Maybe you should try to sleep for a little while." He suggested and then walked off down the corridor. "A clear mind can do you wonders."
Belle woke to the morning sun streaming in through the window casting patterns on the stone floor. Across from the bed Rumpelstiltskin lounged in an opulent chair with their daughter sleeping in a magically created crib. She couldn't help the broad smile that came over her. "Morning," Belle mumbled sitting up to stretch. There was something so homey about seeing him sitting next to their daughter watching her with his intense stare. She breathed deeply taking in the familiar scent of home, of the fairy tale world.
Silently Rumpelstiltskin pushed out of his chair to sit on the edge of the bed facing her, "Good morning." Exercising the full range of his now fully restored powers, Rumpelstiltskin conjured a red rose. "Here." She accepted it bringing it up to inhale the delicate fragrance. Instantly he was back in that moment on that day when he had first given her the rose. More than anything he wanted to be in his home remembering every single moment of Belle's time there.
"You're ready to go home." Belle stated seeing the look of longing flash across his eyes. In truth she was as well. It was nice being the guests of Snow White and Prince Charming, but Belle was ready to be at home. The Dark Castle was where she belonged in this world. "I am missing all the comforting sights of home."
Later that afternoon, Belle stood in the main entrance hall holding Sorsha while talking with Snow White. She was sad to be leaving, but happy to be going home to start a life that included Rumpelstiltskin. "Thank you for your generous hospitality." Belle said smiling warmly at Snow who stood next to her daughter Emma and her grandson Henry.
"You, your family, are welcome here." Charming piped up as she stood opposite Rumpelstiltskin.
"Thank you dearie," Rumpelstiltskin smirked. "If I can ask, what happened to the Queen?" He had been lurking when soldiers had come to the castle with he Queen in chains. That had made him immensely happy to see.
"She's currently occupying your former cell." Charming answered. It was a small amount of poetic justice. The cell designed for Rumpelstiltskin now held Regina more effectively than a normal prison cell.
"I like that." Rumpelstiltskin angled his head to the side.
"Thought you might," Charming responded. "Even though it was built to keep you contained, it works just as well for her too."
Belle turned her eyes to Rumpelstiltskin watching as he spoke with Charming about the fate of Regina. It was fitting that the cell made to hold him now housed the Queen. They could only hope that she never found a way out. Rumpelstiltskin turned to her then, a gleam in his eyes that made her chuckle. He came to her putting his arm around her waist like he had the first time they met. With ease Rumpelstiltskin guided her and their daughter out into the warm spring day towards home.