A/N: So like, I got bored during some down time at work, I get bored a lot and I didn't have what I've got so far on the next chapter of what the hell soooo i just wrote what ever... I literally have no plan, I'm just writing what comes to mind lol. The first bunch of chapter were written today so at least I know what Edward is.
Do you ever wish you could make other people read your mind? Like when you see someone walk past wearing something ridiculous, don't you wish you could implant the thought in their head that they should not be mixing orange polka dots with lime green stripes or something like that. Or when someone is wearing way too much after shave you want them to know but to tell them would be impolite and may result in them hitting you round the head.
What about when you're listening to your I-pod and something cool comes on, do you wish someone could read your mind so they knew the awesome tunes you were jamming to? I often find my self contemplating weird shit like this in my lessons.
Right now I wanted to let Jessica Stanley know she looked like she was smuggling peanuts, she should of worn some warmer clothes so the whole class wouldn't be subjected to viewing her nipples, though I had a feeling she did this on purpose. Maybe if I could input my thoughts into her head I'd tell her how easy she looked. Not that being easy was a bad thing, in all honesty, I was easy myself, I was just subtle about it and really, it doesn't count if you don't get any action anyway. If someone came on to me, within reason of course, I'd likely jump their bones, but alas, people just didn't seem interested.
I think Jessica's nipples were getting ready to greet the new kids. They had to be alert, what if one of them were a cute guy. Maybe I should have made sure my own nipples were alert…
A/N: let me know what you think!