Akuma Chu!!
Demon Kiss!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon/Skip Beat or any of its characters. This disclaimer will account for all following chapters.
A/N: Whee~!! Okay, at first I was going to make this Yaoi but it didn't work out
The idea of this fic was inspired by a manga called Skip Beat! ^_^ I find inspiration in weird places o_O And I know it seems that way but it is NOT a Michi o_o;; I think x_X
"Ah! Look! Isn't this so cool!!" a girl squealed, holding up what looked to be a poster.
"Eh?" a pretty brunette raised her head from the register. 'So noisy.'
"Akiko-chan!! I can't believe you got a Taichi Yagami poster!! Weren't they only given to the first 50 customers?" another girl exclaimed in excitement.
"Yea! I'm so lucky! I was 47th in line!!" Akiko agreed.
"Ehhh?!?!" jumping, the brunette lunged at the two customers in disbelief crying, "What?! What?! I was 1st in line!! I didn't get a poster! I waannntt onneee!!"
"Aiiee!" the two shrieked, startled by her. Looking up both girls blushed, trying to reason why such a weird person was talking to them.
The girl with the poster timidly answered, "Ano...maybe i-if y-you go b- back? Tell them w-what happened t-they might still give you one..."
"Great idea!!" running out of the store at the speed of light, the brunette left everyone behind, gaping in astonishment. Sighing in frustration, one of her co-workers slapped his forehead and mumbled, "Mimi!! She left me alone again!!"
"Soooo pleeeaassseee give me a poster!!" Mimi begged the manager, "I was first in line!!"
"Well," wiping his glasses, the old man sweat dropped, "We don't have anymore posters...we gave them all away that day..."
"Unnnnffffaaaiirrr!!" Mimi cried and kept whining, "I wanted a Taichi poster!!"
"Uh...Manager!" one of the workers tugged on his sleeve, "What about the poster in the window? We didn't give the advertisement away..."
"I'll take it!" Mimi cried, causing the music store workers jump back, "I'll take that one!!"
"Uh, Uh...okay," the Manager's sweat drop doubled, "G-Go g-get the p-poster for her Sa-Satoshi..."
"H-Hai!" the employ nodded, wondering is he'd get a raise for this.
"I'm so glad!" On her way home, Mimi hugged the poster close to her and smiled, "Even if it is a little torn up...I'm happy because it's of Taichi- kun..."
Entering her apartment, she realized someone was already inside. Seeing the light of the fridge glowing in the kitchen, Mimi was able to guess who it was and placed the groceries and poster down on the counter.
Content, she greeted cheerfully, "Taichi! You finally came! I thought you were going to be gone for six weeks again!"
"Humph," came a grunt of reply, his head inside the fridge. Slamming the door shut with his hip, Taichi sauntered into the living room with a sandwich in hand. Plopping on the couch, he turned on the T.V. ignoring Mimi completely.
Unfazed, the joyful girl took a seek next to him and continued, "I'm glad you're back."
"Don't you have any good food in this house? Every time I come it has nothing!" he snapped, taking a bite from the sandwich.
"Gomen, I went and bought groceries today!" she replied, hoping to please him.
"Hmph," he grunted again, taking another bite of his food.
They watched television silently, when the screen suddenly flashed: Taichi Yagami! An up and coming actor is rated the 2nd most popular man in Japan!!
His face glowing when he heard this, Taichi boasted, "Ha! See! I'm the best! Soon I will be at the top and that idiot Ishida will have to bow to me!"
"Yes, Yamato Ishida doesn't compare to you at all Taichi!!" Mimi agreed, nodding firmly. "He's nothing!!"
The announcer continued: "But he's still a long way off from Japan's Number 1 guy Yamato Ishida!! An singer who's captured our hearts for three years straight!!"
Before the announcer could go on Taichi kicked the T.V. and pulled out the plugs angrily shouting, "Idiot!! Idiot!! I am so much better!!"
Startled Mimi forced a smile and said, "Yes! Don't listen to them, soon all of Japan will know how great you really are Taichi!!"
"Yea," grabbing his jacket, he started for the doors fuming, "I will destroy him for getting in my way of fame!!"
"Taichi! Where are you going? Will you come back?" Mimi questioned frantically, as he was about to leave her again.
"Maybe," he huffed and walked out the door yelling, "I need time to myself, you know!!"
"But you always leave me alone for so long..." she sighed, laying against the couch.
***Mimi's thoughts
I followed Taichi here when we both first started high school. (10th grade here)
He was such a nice kid and we were best friends. But when Taichi got older he became more brash and tired of his life. He wanted more then little Odaiba and convinced me to help him.
So together, we ran away, to Tokyo! The big city where Taichi thinks he'll get his big break. He went to a company and they hired him as an actor.
For the last year he's been growing in popularity and he might just reach his goal. If it wasn't for that idiot Yamato Ishida who keeps getting in his way of the number one position!
But Taichi will squash him!! I came with Taichi because I love him and he needs me! He'll become famous and soon we'll have our ideal life together!!
So while Taichi works hard at becoming a star, I have six jobs so we can afford this big mansion home together. He's not here often but Taichi has expensive tastes and when he is, I want him to be happy!
I do miss my old life though...I was happy. But Taichi's happiness is my happiness! So it's okay if I work hard because I know it's all for Taichi's and my future!
Smiling she laid her head down on a cushion and murmured in bliss, "Our future together," before falling asleep.
"Taichi should I be here so early?" a woman's voice asked in apprehension.
"Hmm?" Waking from the voices out in the hall, Mimi got up drowsily. Making her way over to the noise, she wondered if Taichi had come back and peeked through a crack in the door to see.
Her beloved, speaking to a pretty red headed woman and saying, "It's fine! It's fine! Baka Mimi has probably already left for her first job! We can spend the whole day together."
'That's Taichi's manager,' Mimi thought, listening to their conversation pensively, 'Why is she here?'
"But I feel guilty. Shouldn't you let that girl go and stop using her?" Sora asked, arching her brow, "Or do you really like her?"
"Like her?! That plain and mousy girl?!" Pulling the red head into a hug, Taichi smirked, "I'm not interested in a girl, only a woman like you."
Behind the door, inches away from them, Mimi watched, her body going numb. But instead of crying or falling in despair, her eyes were vacant and she could feel little locks in her heart open, notch-by-notch as she heard them converse.
"Besides! I only brought her with me as a convenience! She does everything for me! Like a slave! She actually thinks I love her! But I'll leave her behind when I don't need her anymore!" his voice rang, reaching Mimi's twitching ears.
"That's cruel," Sora, responded running her hands through his thick brown hair, "but I guess that's show business for you."
"Stupid girl, I was never interested in her. Even in childhood she just followed me around like an annoying bug! I'll be glad to be rid of her finally!"
Snapping, Mimi felt the chest in her heart open and all the demons hidden within it flew into the air, causing her to throw open the door and shout, "You unworthy BASTARD!! Is that how you think!? Is that all that I mean to you?!"
Stunned, Taichi hid it and turned to her coolly saying, "Oh, so you're still around?"
"BAKA!!" picking up various objects, she started to pummel him with books, umbrellas, shoes and what-knot screaming, "I can't believe you! BASTARD!!! You'll never become a star, you worthless scumbag!!"
Hiding behind the couch, he cried defensively, "Hey! Stupid girl! You don't know what you're talking about!! I'll become famous and leave you behind!! Idiot!!"
"NO!!" holding a shoe in her hand, about to throw it at him, she suddenly let it drop to the floor and pointed to him, "I'll become an idol star and beat you! You'll never become number one because I'll be there! You'll be below ME!!"
"Ha!!" leaping from his safety spot, he retorted, "Just try!!! You'll never make it! Plain girl, you have nothing but me!!"
"I'll show you!!" Her anger intensifying, Mimi headed out the door, "You wont have me to push around anymore! You don't deserve my presence! I'll beat you at your own game Taichi Yagami! Prepare to lose!!"
With that, she slammed the door and stormed out of the house, 'I'll NEVER forgive him!! He will go down!!'
"Are you sure you want this color Miss?" the stylist questioned in puzzlement. "It's quite outrageous."
"Perfect. Don't forget the highlights," a determined voice reminded.
"Okay, well I'm sure you'll stand out with this do!"
"I would hope so."
Walking out of the boutique, an attractive young woman flung a brand new purse over her shoulder and began strutting down the street.
She had new clothes and looked completely made over. What caught various eyes though was not what she was wearing but the bright color of her hair. Pink with dark red highlights and mini stars. Who in the world had hair like that?
With a confident stride and triumphant smile, she swung around and yelled, "Watch out Taichi Yagami!! The new Mimi Tachikawa is coming to kick you out of showbiz!!"
A/N: New fic! New fic! I know ^^;; But Mimi is a strong girl and instead of crying will kick love's butt!! Don't give up Mimi!! Gambatte!!
If you want more, please REVIEW!! I'll only continue if I get at least 10 reviews ^^v
-Hikari no miko
Demon Kiss!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon/Skip Beat or any of its characters. This disclaimer will account for all following chapters.
A/N: Whee~!! Okay, at first I was going to make this Yaoi but it didn't work out
The idea of this fic was inspired by a manga called Skip Beat! ^_^ I find inspiration in weird places o_O And I know it seems that way but it is NOT a Michi o_o;; I think x_X
"Ah! Look! Isn't this so cool!!" a girl squealed, holding up what looked to be a poster.
"Eh?" a pretty brunette raised her head from the register. 'So noisy.'
"Akiko-chan!! I can't believe you got a Taichi Yagami poster!! Weren't they only given to the first 50 customers?" another girl exclaimed in excitement.
"Yea! I'm so lucky! I was 47th in line!!" Akiko agreed.
"Ehhh?!?!" jumping, the brunette lunged at the two customers in disbelief crying, "What?! What?! I was 1st in line!! I didn't get a poster! I waannntt onneee!!"
"Aiiee!" the two shrieked, startled by her. Looking up both girls blushed, trying to reason why such a weird person was talking to them.
The girl with the poster timidly answered, "Ano...maybe i-if y-you go b- back? Tell them w-what happened t-they might still give you one..."
"Great idea!!" running out of the store at the speed of light, the brunette left everyone behind, gaping in astonishment. Sighing in frustration, one of her co-workers slapped his forehead and mumbled, "Mimi!! She left me alone again!!"
"Soooo pleeeaassseee give me a poster!!" Mimi begged the manager, "I was first in line!!"
"Well," wiping his glasses, the old man sweat dropped, "We don't have anymore posters...we gave them all away that day..."
"Unnnnffffaaaiirrr!!" Mimi cried and kept whining, "I wanted a Taichi poster!!"
"Uh...Manager!" one of the workers tugged on his sleeve, "What about the poster in the window? We didn't give the advertisement away..."
"I'll take it!" Mimi cried, causing the music store workers jump back, "I'll take that one!!"
"Uh, Uh...okay," the Manager's sweat drop doubled, "G-Go g-get the p-poster for her Sa-Satoshi..."
"H-Hai!" the employ nodded, wondering is he'd get a raise for this.
"I'm so glad!" On her way home, Mimi hugged the poster close to her and smiled, "Even if it is a little torn up...I'm happy because it's of Taichi- kun..."
Entering her apartment, she realized someone was already inside. Seeing the light of the fridge glowing in the kitchen, Mimi was able to guess who it was and placed the groceries and poster down on the counter.
Content, she greeted cheerfully, "Taichi! You finally came! I thought you were going to be gone for six weeks again!"
"Humph," came a grunt of reply, his head inside the fridge. Slamming the door shut with his hip, Taichi sauntered into the living room with a sandwich in hand. Plopping on the couch, he turned on the T.V. ignoring Mimi completely.
Unfazed, the joyful girl took a seek next to him and continued, "I'm glad you're back."
"Don't you have any good food in this house? Every time I come it has nothing!" he snapped, taking a bite from the sandwich.
"Gomen, I went and bought groceries today!" she replied, hoping to please him.
"Hmph," he grunted again, taking another bite of his food.
They watched television silently, when the screen suddenly flashed: Taichi Yagami! An up and coming actor is rated the 2nd most popular man in Japan!!
His face glowing when he heard this, Taichi boasted, "Ha! See! I'm the best! Soon I will be at the top and that idiot Ishida will have to bow to me!"
"Yes, Yamato Ishida doesn't compare to you at all Taichi!!" Mimi agreed, nodding firmly. "He's nothing!!"
The announcer continued: "But he's still a long way off from Japan's Number 1 guy Yamato Ishida!! An singer who's captured our hearts for three years straight!!"
Before the announcer could go on Taichi kicked the T.V. and pulled out the plugs angrily shouting, "Idiot!! Idiot!! I am so much better!!"
Startled Mimi forced a smile and said, "Yes! Don't listen to them, soon all of Japan will know how great you really are Taichi!!"
"Yea," grabbing his jacket, he started for the doors fuming, "I will destroy him for getting in my way of fame!!"
"Taichi! Where are you going? Will you come back?" Mimi questioned frantically, as he was about to leave her again.
"Maybe," he huffed and walked out the door yelling, "I need time to myself, you know!!"
"But you always leave me alone for so long..." she sighed, laying against the couch.
***Mimi's thoughts
I followed Taichi here when we both first started high school. (10th grade here)
He was such a nice kid and we were best friends. But when Taichi got older he became more brash and tired of his life. He wanted more then little Odaiba and convinced me to help him.
So together, we ran away, to Tokyo! The big city where Taichi thinks he'll get his big break. He went to a company and they hired him as an actor.
For the last year he's been growing in popularity and he might just reach his goal. If it wasn't for that idiot Yamato Ishida who keeps getting in his way of the number one position!
But Taichi will squash him!! I came with Taichi because I love him and he needs me! He'll become famous and soon we'll have our ideal life together!!
So while Taichi works hard at becoming a star, I have six jobs so we can afford this big mansion home together. He's not here often but Taichi has expensive tastes and when he is, I want him to be happy!
I do miss my old life though...I was happy. But Taichi's happiness is my happiness! So it's okay if I work hard because I know it's all for Taichi's and my future!
Smiling she laid her head down on a cushion and murmured in bliss, "Our future together," before falling asleep.
"Taichi should I be here so early?" a woman's voice asked in apprehension.
"Hmm?" Waking from the voices out in the hall, Mimi got up drowsily. Making her way over to the noise, she wondered if Taichi had come back and peeked through a crack in the door to see.
Her beloved, speaking to a pretty red headed woman and saying, "It's fine! It's fine! Baka Mimi has probably already left for her first job! We can spend the whole day together."
'That's Taichi's manager,' Mimi thought, listening to their conversation pensively, 'Why is she here?'
"But I feel guilty. Shouldn't you let that girl go and stop using her?" Sora asked, arching her brow, "Or do you really like her?"
"Like her?! That plain and mousy girl?!" Pulling the red head into a hug, Taichi smirked, "I'm not interested in a girl, only a woman like you."
Behind the door, inches away from them, Mimi watched, her body going numb. But instead of crying or falling in despair, her eyes were vacant and she could feel little locks in her heart open, notch-by-notch as she heard them converse.
"Besides! I only brought her with me as a convenience! She does everything for me! Like a slave! She actually thinks I love her! But I'll leave her behind when I don't need her anymore!" his voice rang, reaching Mimi's twitching ears.
"That's cruel," Sora, responded running her hands through his thick brown hair, "but I guess that's show business for you."
"Stupid girl, I was never interested in her. Even in childhood she just followed me around like an annoying bug! I'll be glad to be rid of her finally!"
Snapping, Mimi felt the chest in her heart open and all the demons hidden within it flew into the air, causing her to throw open the door and shout, "You unworthy BASTARD!! Is that how you think!? Is that all that I mean to you?!"
Stunned, Taichi hid it and turned to her coolly saying, "Oh, so you're still around?"
"BAKA!!" picking up various objects, she started to pummel him with books, umbrellas, shoes and what-knot screaming, "I can't believe you! BASTARD!!! You'll never become a star, you worthless scumbag!!"
Hiding behind the couch, he cried defensively, "Hey! Stupid girl! You don't know what you're talking about!! I'll become famous and leave you behind!! Idiot!!"
"NO!!" holding a shoe in her hand, about to throw it at him, she suddenly let it drop to the floor and pointed to him, "I'll become an idol star and beat you! You'll never become number one because I'll be there! You'll be below ME!!"
"Ha!!" leaping from his safety spot, he retorted, "Just try!!! You'll never make it! Plain girl, you have nothing but me!!"
"I'll show you!!" Her anger intensifying, Mimi headed out the door, "You wont have me to push around anymore! You don't deserve my presence! I'll beat you at your own game Taichi Yagami! Prepare to lose!!"
With that, she slammed the door and stormed out of the house, 'I'll NEVER forgive him!! He will go down!!'
"Are you sure you want this color Miss?" the stylist questioned in puzzlement. "It's quite outrageous."
"Perfect. Don't forget the highlights," a determined voice reminded.
"Okay, well I'm sure you'll stand out with this do!"
"I would hope so."
Walking out of the boutique, an attractive young woman flung a brand new purse over her shoulder and began strutting down the street.
She had new clothes and looked completely made over. What caught various eyes though was not what she was wearing but the bright color of her hair. Pink with dark red highlights and mini stars. Who in the world had hair like that?
With a confident stride and triumphant smile, she swung around and yelled, "Watch out Taichi Yagami!! The new Mimi Tachikawa is coming to kick you out of showbiz!!"
A/N: New fic! New fic! I know ^^;; But Mimi is a strong girl and instead of crying will kick love's butt!! Don't give up Mimi!! Gambatte!!
If you want more, please REVIEW!! I'll only continue if I get at least 10 reviews ^^v
-Hikari no miko