Chapter 6


Adam and the rest of the family had an easy time of following the tracks as they rode on into the morning light. Typical of the poor job Zeke and Billy did kidnapping Alissa they didn't even try to cover their tracks. Of course they were new at this "outlaw" stuff and didn't know you were suppose to do something like that to throw off the people trying to find where you went.

An hour into the ride Adam and Hoss were standing by the fresh tracks as Hoss carefully studied them.

"Well one thing fer sure whoever these men are they sure ain't very smart, even a child could follow these signs," Hoss smirked, as he looked over the tracks in front of him.

Adjusting his hat Adam looked over at Joe as he said frowning, "The last words I had with Alissa were harsh, Joe. What if something happens to her? I love that girl with all my heart and if something has happened to her, I'll never forgive myself… or those men if they have hurt her!"

Adam threw a rock that he had been holding in his hand down at the ground as he felt his anger rising to the surface again.

"Don't worry, Adam," Joe responded, as he tried to keep his brother's spirits up.

"I know how much Ali loves you. She and I were just talking about how much you two disagree. She says she enjoys your little arguments and told me she especially likes it when you two make up. So I wouldn't worry too much about your last words."

"Alissa tells you way too much," Adam said, but smiled to himself as he walked over to Ben.

"From the looks of these tracks they could have gone one of two ways, pa. Why don't you and Hoss go to the right and Joe and I will take the left."

"Very well son, and don't worry. I know Alissa will be fine and we'll find her soon," Ben replied, as he turned Buck getting ready to ride out.

"Yeah, big brother. I put my money on that little gal. She is smart as can be and knows how to handle herself. We'll find her soon, Adam, and she is gonna be just fine," Hoss said, hoping to sound confident.

Then he and Ben rode out as Adam mounted Sport.

"Let's ride, Joe," Adam said, as he and Joe rode out as the sun was rising higher in the morning sky.


"Hey Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum…stop your stupid snoring! You kept me awake all night long!" Alissa said loudly, as she kicked her feet at the chair leg startling Billy awake.

Billy had been sleeping and dreaming about one of the saloon gals sitting on his lap when Alissa kicked his chair. It startled him so badly that he suddenly fell off of his chair and landed right on his knees.

"Huh…where am I?"

Billy started rubbing his knee where it hit the floor after his fall. Once he realized what had happened, he groaned loudly as he continued to rub his knee.

"Ah, Miss Alissa, why'd you go and do that for. Now my other leg is hurt. Sides, it was the best dream I ever had that you woke me up from."

All this commotion woke up Zeke and he looked around the room as his eyes adjusted to being awake.

"What you two jawing about now? Can't you two jest get along?" Zeke grumbled, as he stood up and stretched.

Then all of his aliments from the day before started to hurt all at once and he sat back down with a groan. Billy wasn't doing much better as he slowly got up off the floor and touched his nose gingerly. His nose was swollen to twice its size and his arm where Alissa had stomped on it was bruised and hurting. Zeke wasn't doing much better as the spot on his forehead where Alissa had hit him yesterday had a lump and was swollen and throbbing. Plus he still hadn't recovered completely from when Alissa had kicked him in his privates. So after looking around the room, the only one that was wearing a smile today was Alissa.

As it turned out, she was in better shape by far than the two kidnappers. She only felt a little stiff from her night on the floor. But other than that, she was quite capable of keeping these two on their toes today.

"Billy, go and get the food from the saddle bags," Zeke ordered, as he touched the bump on his forehead and winced.

Scratching his head Billy looked down at his feet nervously.

" Zeke, I dun forgot to bring any food."

"Billy, you are such an idiot. I told you to bring a bag of food last night 'fore we left. Why didn't you do what I asked?"

Zeke reached over and hit Billy on the back of his head after he asked his question.

"There you go a hittin' me agin, Zeke. I told you not to do that."

Billy rubbed the back of his head where Zeke had just hit him.

"I didn't bring the food cause every time we have watched her at night she ain't alone and we can't take her. So I jest thought last night would be the same."

While Billy and Zeke continued to argue, Ali was slowly getting loose from the rope around her hands. Billy was such an idiot that he had tied her with a loose bow that any child could have gotten out of. But Ali was biding her time until she found the right opportunity to try and escape, so she just quietly continued working on the rope. She had seen Zeke set his gun on the table and decided to wait for the just the right opportunity to try for his gun. She knew that sooner or later these two would start arguing again and quit watching her and that would be the perfect time for her to try her escape.


Adam and Joe saw the abandon shack a few yards in front of them with two horses tied outside. They quickly made their way to a boulder and settled in behind it as they decided what to do next.

Joe looked at Adam as he asked, "Do you think she is in there?"

"Well the tracks stop here and it would be a logical place to bring her. It isn't too far from the ranch, but far enough that no one would see them."

Adam placed his rifle on the boulder in front of him aiming down at the shack.

"Let's just wait until dark and then we will rush the shack and take them off guard."

Joe placed his rifle on the boulder also and they both settled in waiting for darkness to come.

About thirty minutes later the sound of a gunshot rang through the air as Adam and Joe quickly stood up and looked down at the shack. Suddenly the door swung open and Zeke came running out of the shack holding onto his backside—yelling loudly as he ran around in circles!

Joe and Adam quickly grabbed their guns and headed down the hill towards the shack. As they were coming down the hill, Billy started slowly coming out of the shack with his hands in the air. And right behind him was Alissa holding a pistol in her hands with a very determined look on her face. When she looked up and saw Adam and Joe she quickly grinned.

"Oh Adam, I knew you would come for me. Although I think I may have everything under control here now," she giggled.

When Billy didn't move fast enough for Alissa, she shoved the pistol in his back as she ordered, "Get the lead out and move along, Billy."

Adam just shook his head and smiled. "It looks like you just may have at that, my little wildcat."

"She shot me! She shot me and I think I'm gonna die," cried Zeke, as he continued to run around in circles.

"I'm gonna bleed to death!"

Ali turned and looked at Zeke, "Oh quit your whining, you big baby," she commented sarcastically.

Then she handed Joe her gun and ran over and jumped into Adam's waiting arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him almost making him fall over.

As she was planting kisses all over his face she said excitedly, "I am so glad to see you, Adam. I knew you would come for me like you always do, my love."

Adam hugged her so tightly that she finally had to push him back so she could breathe. Setting Alissa back on her feet, Adam looked down at her as he gently placed his hands on each side of her face and bent down and kissed her soundly. Then he grabbed her and hugged her again before he finally let her go.

"I am so glad you are alright. I was so worried that something had happened to you and the last words between us were harsh."

Alissa looked up into Adam's eyes as she tenderly said, "Don't you know by now there is nothing you could say that would ever make me stop loving you, Adam Cartwright."

"Hey, you two lovebirds, I could use a little help here," Joe said, as he finished tying Billy's hands and made him sit on the ground.

Zeke was still running around in a circle holding on to his backside while yelling how Alissa had tried to kill him.

"No problem little brother," Adam smirked, as he walked over and grabbed Zeke by the front of his shirt pulling him up to a standing position, then he punched him square in the mouth and pushed Zeke back to the ground.

"Stay down and quit running around. You're only making it hurt more. You are very lucky I don't kill you both for taking Alissa."

Zeke winced when his backside connected with the hard ground and shook his head trying to keep from seeing stars dance before his eyes after the hard punch from Adam. Then he nervously looked up at a furious Adam standing over him.

"We didn't hurt her at all, Mr. Cartwright, so please don't think about killin' us!" Zeke pleaded, as Adam tied his hands in front of him and then headed for Billy.

Billy started scooting away as fast as he could when he saw the look on Adam's face as he walked towards him.

"Now, Mr. Cartwright, we didn't hurt, Miss Alissa, at all. She is the one who dun about killed us! I have bruises all over my body and Zeke there probably ain't never gonna be able to walk right again. Plus I dun broke my nose too. Just look at us," Billy whined, as Adam grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him up getting ready to punch him.

Adam looked down at Billy and then over at Zeke. "She did all this?" he asked, while still holding on to Billy's shirt.

Shaking his head Billy nervously answered, "Yeah, she did. So please don't kill me."

Adam's eyebrow arched and a smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"Yep, that sounds like my little spitfire."

Then he drew back his arm and punched Billy hard on the chin. Billy squealed and slumped to the ground in a heap moaning about his poor face.

Adam just grinned and walked back towards a smiling Alissa.

"You know, Adam, they really are right. I think I gave them a lot worse than they did me. The only thing that hurts on me is my back from lying on the floor all night," Alissa laughed, as she put her arm around Adam's waist.

"So you really are alright?" Adam asked, as he moved Alissa out in front of him and quickly looked her over.

"Yes, I am fine."

All of a sudden Zeke started yelling again, "You jest keep that hellcat away from me. She is pure trouble and I will be glad to go to jail just to get away from her!" Zeke exclaimed, as he lay on his side trying not to put any pressure on his backside.

Joe started laughing, "Yeah, she is a delight, isn't she? You sure don't want to mess with our, Ali! Don't worry, we'll get you to jail soon enough, Zeke."

"I knew I had reason not to trust you two," Joe said, as he pulled Billy to his feet getting ready to put him on his horse.

Adam's expression turned serious as he lifted Alissa's chin and looked into her eyes.

"Alissa, how did you get the gun away from them and better yet… how did you know how to shoot it?"

Alissa started to look uncomfortable as she turned her head away and muttered under her breath, "Joe has been teaching me to shoot a gun."

"What did you say? Did you just say Joe has been teaching you to shoot a gun?" Adam asked, as his expression darkened.

Narrowing his eyes Adam looked over at Joe and then down at Alissa waiting for her answer.

Alissa kept her eyes downcast as she murmured her response. "Yes, he has… but I only had one lesson."

"Are you saying you went behind my back and got shooting lessons from Joe after I told you no?"

"Well…" Alissa replied cautiously.

"Alright, let's hear it!" Adam ordered, folding his arms over his chest as he stared down at Alissa.

Alissa raised her head to meet his gaze as she smiled weakly, "It's like this, Adam. You said that you weren't going to teach me how to shoot a gun. You didn't say I couldn't learn from someone else. So technically I didn't really go against you, right? And when I asked Joe he was so sweet and said he would teach me… so we went out and had a lesson."

One of Adam's dark eyebrows rose as he turned and glared at Joe.

Joe grinned sheepishly as he eyed Adam warily. "Well, Adam, she can be so hard to tell no when she turns those beautiful eyes on me and smiles. I didn't think it would be too bad as she convinced me that you just said you weren't going to teach her… not that someone else couldn't teach her."

Narrowing his eyes Adam looked down at Alissa as he asked, "So, you both thought you could deceive me then? Sounds to me like I ought to warm both of your backsides when we get home!"

Alissa gasped in outrage as she replied, "Now just a minute, Adam! It wasn't all that bad. Let's not get carried away here."

But she slowly started backing up just incase Adam decided he was going to go through with his threat right here in front of God and everyone. Joe just coughed to hide his embarrassment, but kept his mouth shut as he knew his older brother all too well. Even though it had been a long while since Adam had warmed his backside, he wouldn't want to put him to the test and now was not the time to make him any angrier.

Standing with his hands on his hips Adam frowned slightly as he looked at Alissa then Joe.

Then his expression suddenly softened as he chuckled, "Well, this is one time I am glad you didn't do as you were told. You are a pretty good shot for just one lesson, Alissa."

Smiling hesitantly Alissa asked, "Then you are not mad as us?"

"Well I am not real happy with what you two did, and I guess I didn't say you couldn't have someone else teach you. But I am telling you right now, don't push your luck and go behind my back again because you won't like the outcome…understand you two?" Adam declared sternly, as he glared between Alissa and Joe.

"Yes, sir." Squeaked Joe, as he blinked and swallowed hard.

"Yes, sweetheart," Alissa said smiling, as she walked over and hugged Adam around his waist.

Adam just shook his head and smiled as he put his arm around Alissa's shoulder as they walked towards Sport.

"Now tell me exactly what happened in the cabin and how did you get the gun away from them?"

"It wasn't hard to get the gun away from those two idiots. Billy hadn't tied my hands very well and so I got my hands loose and just bided my time. I just waited till they were distracted arguing and then I went for the gun on the table. When Zeke saw I had the gun, he started to go out to the horses to get his other gun that was in his saddlebags. So naturally I decided I better try and stop him… that's when I shot him."

Ali turned and looked up at Adam with a twinkle in her eye.

"Adam, I'm not really that good of a shot...I was aiming for Zeke's foot!"

Adam burst out laughing, "I guess I better give you some more shooting lessons when we get home."

Then Adam looked down at Alissa as he lovingly added, "I am so glad you are safe, Alissa. All I could think of is that the kidnappers might have hurt you and I wanted to kill them with my bare hands when I found them. You are one lucky girl to have had kidnappers as dumb as these two seem to have been."

"I know, they really aren't mean and didn't hurt me at all really. I am just glad that you came when you did though. Once again you are my knight in shining armor," Alissa whispered, as she reached up and caressed Adam's check.

Adam grinned easily as he bent down and swept Alissa up in his arms and carried her over to Sport and placed her on the saddle. Then putting his foot in the stirrup he swung up behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her and once again Alissa felt safe and loved.

"I love you with all my heart and I am so lucky that you have come into my life, little one."

Wearily leaning back against Adam's muscular chest, Ali sighed contendedly as she said, "Right back at ya, big guy!"


A month later Zeke and Billy were found guilty of kidnapping and sentenced to two years in prison. They were being transported to the state prison when things didn't go quite like they were supposed to.


The wagon carrying the prisoners was plodding along at a slow pace and the prisoners inside were hot and thirsty.

"Zeke, I am so thirsty I could suck water from a mud hole right about now. When do ya think we will stop for some water?" Billy whined, as he leaned his head on Zeke's shoulder.

"How the heck do ya think I knows, Billy? And get your dang head off of my shoulder!" Zeke said angrily, as he gave Billy a push as shots suddenly rang out.

The two guards that were transporting the prisoners slumped forward and the wagon came to a stop. A group of masked men rode up with guns drawn and started yelling out orders. There were only two other prisoners on the wagon besides Zeke and Billy and they were starting to stand when the masked men pulled up along side of the wagon.

"You alright, Ned? We tried to get here earlier, but one of the horses threw a shoe," the man with the red bandana over his face said as he helped one of the prisoners get off the wagon.

"Yeah, let's just get out of here. We aren't that far from town and I sure don't want someone riding up to see us."

Unhitching the horses from the wagon two of the riders each took a horse to lead behind them as they waited for the two prisoners to mount up.

They had two extra horses with them and as soon as the two prisoners mounted up, they all turned and rode away in a cloud of dust.

Billy and Zeke just sat there for the longest time before they finally realized they could get free. Zeke made his way to the front of the wagon and saw that the two guards were dead. Seeing the keys to their handcuffs lying on the ground beside the wagon, Zeke quickly jumped off the wagon and called Billy.

"Billy, get over here and use the keys to unlock my handcuffs."

Billy looked confused as he asked, "What keys, Zeke?"

"The ones those masked men left here on the ground. I can't unlock my handcuffs myself, so you come and do it and then I can do yours."

Billy grinned and hurriedly jumped off the wagon and walked over to Zeke. Their handcuffs were in front of them so Billy just crouched down and picked up the keys and quickly unlocked Zeke's handcuffs.

Then Zeke did the same for him and when they were both free of their handcuffs, Billy scratched his head and said, "So what do we do now, Zeke?"

Looking around at the dessert stretched out in front of them, Zeke wiped his forehead with his torn sleeve and groaned, "We start walkin'."


I really like these two bungling characters and just couldn't let them go. So they just may show up down the road in another story someday. I hope you have come to like them too.

I hope you enjoyed this story and thanks so much for all your reviews and alerts…they make me smile and just keep me wanting to write more adventures for Adam and Alissa.…so please keep them coming!