The day I became a brony was, for lack of a better word, a magical one. My friend had sent me through the first 3 stages in as many days. Denial, anger and bargaining I was on depression, how could I like this? When it happened, I was contacted It started out as a Skype call

"So you're sure that a lot of guys watch this?" I asked

"Of course! It is an amazing show." He replied, I wasn't convinced but, I guess I had to believe him, for the sake of my sanity. Then another call window appeared

"Hang on bro I got another call" I hung up on him without waiting for him to reply, somewhat mad for him making me like the show. "Hello?" I asked hitting the answer button

"Hello Jimmy" a voice replied I was confused and shocked at how this person whom I have never met could know me

"Um who are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked desperate for some answers

"My name is not important, however I will tell you that I am part of an organization called the masters so you may call me master"

"Master? A little full of yourself aren't you? Wait what does your organization even do?" so many questions but I was getting none of the answers

"I didn't come up with the name if that is what you're thinking so no; I am not full of myself. The organization is working towards world peace by converting as many people as possible into bronies and pagasisters, as many people who watch the show get along so well"

I was shocked "I'm no brony" I said flushing, who could have told him? "I don't even like the show"

"Who are you trying to convince, me or you?" I flushed even redder "that doesn't matter anyway I am now recruiting you and If you convert enough people you will become one of the top ranking officials in the masters and don't think about saying no" he said as I opened my mouth to do just that "even if you did you would eventually become a brony so why prolong the inevitable?" I hated to admit it, but his evidence was sound

"Fine we have a deal" and just like that I was a brony on a mission

"So let me get this straight you watch a TV show for little girls and you want me to watch it too?" my friend Jordan asked this was about five months after my first contact with the masters and by then I was a fully fledged brony working on my second convert my first being a girl in drama who had been my friend since 3rd grade all I had to do with her was put the headphones in her ears and have her watch the first episode. The next day she came back stating that she had watched six more episodes.

"Yes I am! And it is amazing come on man try something new…. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease" I stoped but I could have gone on for ten whole minutes with the please

"Fine I will watch it how is tonight can we have a sleepover?" he asked most likely hoping the answer would be no I already was getting the text back from my mom It said yes

"Eeyup!" I said we headed to my house right after school and I brought the first episode up on my Xbox 360 seeing as It could connect to YouTube and It was in HD I thought that was the best idea. We went through 9 episodes in one weekend; he was converted totally and completely. The next month I contacted the masters. They came on the screen a light behind them to create shadows hiding their faces

"How goes it Hypnon?" one said calling me by my code name, which was coincidentally my pony name as well. (I created my own I am proud to admit, he a blue unicorn with grey eyes, a blond mane and tail that had streaks of blue in them, the cutie mark was a hypnotic swirl because him and I are good at getting people to see things our way)

"it goes well I have converted two and have gotten many of my friends to watch it afterword's hearing them say it wasn't as bad as they thought" I said mildly proud of my accomplishments one of them raised an eyebrow

"That is good, very good tell me would you ever like to go to equestria? " The second one asked, I raised an eyebrow

"Wait are you seriously asking me that? As if you don't know the answer, Hell yeah I would like to go! But we both know that's not possible right?" I laughed, they didn't "wait really, I can, how!" even through the shadow I could see them smiling the first one said

"I think it is time for you to become a master" his hat (which looked like the great and powerful Trixie's was surrounded by an orange glow and floated up revealing a, get this, horn A FRIKKEN UNICORN HORN that had an orange glow around it then the glow shot out from the horn, through my computer screen and hit me square in the face I fell hitting my head of the bedpost and as I fell I could have sworn I heard laughing.

The next morning I opened my eyes expecting to be in equestria but instead I was home laying in bed I sighed

"Well time to go to school." I said depressed I really expected to be in equestria but of course that was silly. I walked into a bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair but my stupid horn was in the way so I gave up and started brushing. Wait a sec a horn? Why did I have a horn? This made no sense then I remembered last night "okay, okay! Calm down; I have a horn no big deal right? Just hide it under a hat." So I put on a hat and left for school. First period was fine, second well, in second we don't do much so that was okay too, now third that was hard. I had to lie, Applejack would have hated me, but what else could I do? I told him I had a hair condition. Handed him a doctor's note explaining it, he bought it….. Mostly. I could see in his eyes that he didn't believe me but he didn't pursue it. In fourth now that was weird I was taking notes (as usual) when the door opened a girl about my height but a little taller (everyone was taller than me) peaked in she had on a purple shirt and black hair with one purple streak in it. I didn't know why but she looked familiar

"Um, is a Mr." she checked a piece of paper "a Mr. Hypnon here?" my jaw dropped and my eyes widened, now I knew where I had seen her. This was Twilight sparkle in human form.

"No, there isn't" my teacher said people snickered at the name thinking what kind of name is that? I stood up

"That-that's me" her eyes which had been full of worry that she had been led to the wrong room relaxed

"I assume you know why I am here" she said fully entering the room, people were confused they knew me as Jimmy, not as Hypnon

"Actually no, no I don't why are you here?" I asked utterly confused she turned to the door and opened it leaning out

"Celestia? Could you come in here? He doesn't know." she said and my eyes widened again

"No way, NO WAY!" I didn't care who heard me shout, then she walked in. In human form as well wearing a white shirt with a sun on it (of course) and blue jeans she was the size of a full grown adult but her hair was the most interesting part. It was shorter than in the show but still was long and seemed to flow as if there was a breeze I got down on my knees.

"Princess Celestia, it is an honor to meet you." Now at this time the whole class was confused except for my friend Michael.

"Wait are you telling me that she is real!" I turned around shaking my head

"I know right?" I replied as I turned back to her she said

"well something bad is about to happen and, long story short both our worlds are in trouble I will explain it more in detail when we get to equestria" she said her horn glowing as she transformed her and twilight back to normal completely obliterating any doubt I may have had "so Hypnon are you ready?" she asked horn still glowing.

"Yes." I said as I felt the glow surround me I was changing I grew hair, blue hair, all over my body the hair-no the mane was growing out and becoming flecked with blue; a tail grew out and did the same thing. My clothes disappeared and my cutie mark appeared a hypnotic swirl just as I had drawn. I was now more than ever Hypnon "well see you guys later I've got two planets to save!" I said as the warm glow of Twilight's horn enveloped us all whisking us away to equestria. The last thing I saw was the look on my friends face, and it was hilarious.

End chapter 1