What! I updated?!

I'm sorry I take so long guys, I'm just waay too ADD... and Tumblr/Otakudom/Life is distracting

So here's the new chapter, and just to let you know there's some top!Croc in this one X3

Chapter Four: A Small Feast, A Change of Pace

A lone figure stood outside the second sub-level of the large suite waiting nervously for one of its occupants to open the service entrance.

Having hurried out of the servant's elevator with the cart laden with his master's food, the twenty-something man was disheveled and out of breath when he began knocking on the door. He had heard that Sir Crocodile had a guest and was eager to catch a glimpse of whoever it was that garnered his master's invitation to visit.

The Warlord never had guests.

The servant wondered briefly at who could be important enough to merit such benevolence from the secretive protector of Alabasta. He had not, however, been expecting said visitor to answer the door, nor had he anticipated the sinister grin that loomed so far above him.

He stuttered as he presented the food cart to the intimidating man, meriting a disturbing chuckle that chilled him to the bone. He had no sooner given the dinner to the guest than found a door in his face. The servant blinked in surprise and scratched his head as a thought registered.

"Was he in the Master's robe?"

Behind the door Doflamingo laughed at the young man's behavior, the sick thrill of instilling fear in others making his thoughts momentarily stray from what he had escaped in the bath.

It had been a small miracle that he had even found the service entrance in the first place having not realized that Crocodile's apartment spanned several levels. The stairs leading from the master's quarters on the top floor to the sub-levels had been hidden in what had originally appeared to be a closet. They had proved difficult given his aroused state, but the painful erection had finally subsided. The blonde looked at the small feast the boy had brought them; clearly "light supper" had been taken as merely a suggestion. Now he was once again forced to explore the labyrinth in search of a dining room.

Meanwhile, a brooding Croc was left to finish cleaning up.

Having finally calmed his body down enough to get out of the now chilled water, he thought on how he could salvage the situation. Doflamingo's behavior had stirred something within him, and Crocodile was surprised at how much he wanted to regain the dominance he had been allowed earlier.

The sand-man dried himself quickly, his body urging him to get to the food that had been brought up, when he noticed Doflamingo's clothes laying on the chair with his own. A wry smile tugged at his lips as he thought of a way to get back at the deserter.

It had taken quite a bit of exploring, but Doflamingo finally located a room that sort of resembled a breakfast nook. While he wasn't sure if this was what Crocodile had had in mind for eating arrangements, he felt that the exhausted Warlord would be glad to eat no matter where he was.

A wide booth sat in one corner next to a window that revealed a breathtaking view of the city. The large man was once again appreciative that his colleague had a similar stature, as he was not accustomed to being able to sit comfortably in most dining areas. The seat nestled into the corner of the room hugged the wall and provided what promised to be a cozy spot to sidle up to his new lover.

He had just begun to set out the food when he felt a presence behind him.

Doflamingo tried to ignore the smell of cigar smoke that began to fill the room as well as the feeling of a lingering gaze that seemed to burn him to his core. The blonde's face reflected that heat, but he didn't dare turn around. He was still slightly befuddled as to why he had shied from the older man's grasp, especially after all the hard work to make Crocodile his.

Perhaps he was still trying to absorb the fact that the elusive reptile had finally accepted and possibly returned his feelings; he wasn't sure. The rate at which their relationship had progressed in the last few hours had the flighty bird's head spinning. Not that he would ever complain about the development.

Doflamingo finished laying out the spread and sat down before finally looking up at the room's other occupant. What his shadeless eyes met made a hunger unrelated to food surge forth inside him.

It just wasn't fair.

Crocodile leaned seductively against the door frame dressed in what appeared to be nothing more than Doflamingo's shirt. The smaller man wore the over-sized attire as what might have been a nightgown, save the large V-neck that dipped all the way down his abdominals. His hair was still damp and a few slick strands clung loosely to the sides of his face where his half-lidded eyes still smoldered with the remainder of the arousal they had shared in the other room.

The cigar had been retrieved from the ashtray and rekindled; trapped in the predator's teeth that were now visible due to the smirk that lazed across the older man's face. The end of Doflamingo's shirt gave way to the pale pair of well-toned legs which moved fluidly as Crocodile edged over to the table. The older man slid into the other side of the booth to where he came to sit next to the blonde, their hips barely touching. He said nothing as he took one of the empty plates that had been brought with the meal and began to serve himself, not completely disregarding the larger man's inquisitive gaze. A small smug smile remained on the scarred face.

"S-Seems we got a full spread."

Doflamingo tried to sound casual, and silently cursed the abnormally flustered speech gave away his nervousness.

"Seems so."

Crocodile's curt response was low and full of a dark sort of mirth.


He withdrew a set of silverware from a small basket that was with their dinner and proceeded to cut a piece of meat. The violet-haired man used his hook to hold down the other side of the succulent flesh as he sliced with his remaining hand, pausing when he was done to clean the gold of any food particles. Doflamingo took the hint and quickly gathered himself a meal. They ate somewhat silently, the occasional praise of a particular taste coming from the guest with short replies from his host being the only interruptions.

In their silence, both men's minds were in a frenzy.

The two of them brooded over how to proceed. What could they possibly do to get back to the previous mood? How would one persuade the other up to the bedroom? Now that Crocodile had traversed into new waters, who would end up in command?

"Dammit!" Doflamingo cursed to himself, "Even if the old man wants to lead, somebody has to make a move!"

As if on cue, Crocodile set down his fork and dabbed at his face with a fine cloth napkin. Eyes sliding over Doflamingo's form, his heated gaze made the younger man tense as they raked over what was poorly hidden by the thin robe. If not for the silence of the room the blonde would have missed the slight growl that emanated from the smaller Warlord as their eyes finally met.

It was primal. It was predatory.

It was hot.

In all the time that the two Shichibukai had known each other, in all the time the older man had been resisting, Doflamingo had never been exposed to this pure intensity.

This is what he'd wanted all along, he decided. Not just a plaything to amuse him when his work got dull; something to chase after and tease. He wanted to see the true fire within the beast that had, like him, crawled its way into the government, hiding in wait for the opportune moment. He had been hunting for the monster that dwelled inside the cold exterior. Now that he was within the Croc's lair, it seemed as if all barriers were down. The creature was within his reach.

As if to prove that point, Doflamingo began to feel a tingle down his spine as Crocodile moved his hand over to the larger man's thigh. The ghostly touch of the ringed fingers ran up his leg, coming temptingly close to what would soon be a… hard problem to deal with.

Crocodile smirked to himself.

He could practically see the blonde's body begging to be plundered. Doflamingo's breath was becoming short and a slight tremble had set in on the utensil in his hand, which fruitlessly still attempted to bring food to the Shichibukai's mouth as he tried to remain aloof. Clearly his lover's body hadn't quite forgotten the occurrence in the bath.

When their eyes met, Crocodile could see the desire within the bird threatening to burst. He raised his hand up Doflamingo's side, relishing the breathy groan that slipped past the younger man's lips. The trailing fingers glided across a large shoulder and twisted in the short hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling softly, he guided the puppeteer's face to his.

The kiss was brief, but within it was a challenge.

A fork landed with a clatter on Doflamingo's plate as he twisted in the booth and wrapped his arms around the smaller Warlord. Crocodile's lips found his again and they wasted no time in sharing the tastes of their meal. Tongues wrestled for dominance until the two had to gasp for air.

The sand-man looked at the food left on Doflamingo's plate.

"You still have some; or are you done?"

The blonde didn't spare the meal a glance as he moved in for another taste of his lover.

"I was actually thinking more about dessert."

"Kuahaha, that's too bad. I keep that upstairs," Crocodile shamelessly alluded as he bit lightly at the other man's lip, "it's a special treat I have in my room that I might be willing to share."

With little warning, the older man felt himself being dragged unceremoniously from the booth and up into Doflamingo's arms once again. The blonde didn't break the kiss once as he stood and backed slowly out of the room.

Crocodile hooked his arm around his lover's neck and pressed into the embrace, relishing the strength and heat that emanated from the muscled arms that held him close. His bejeweled fingers tangled in the short blonde locks as their tongues fought, desperate breaths coming in gasps as the blonde carried them down the hall and up the stairs.

Doflamingo ascended slowly to avoid a slip in the cramped stairwell, having to inch along tortuously while attempting to not bash his lover's long legs into the wall or doorframe at the top. He toed his way across the top floor, his obscured vision and lust-filled mind making progress toward the bedroom difficult. After nearly tripping over the rug, he grudgingly relented from the kiss and focused on getting them down the hall. Crocodile seemed to take delight teasing him with wet kisses to his jugular, sucking harshly at the tanned skin and leaving marks along his collar bone that would most likely still be visible in the morning.

As the lovers reached the end of the final hallway, Doflamingo realized he wouldn't be able to open the door with his arms occupied. Sensing this in the brief moment of hesitation, Crocodile bit at the junction between his shoulder and throat to get his attention. He lapped up the bead of red that formed at the wound, smirking as he noticed the bird's eyes flutter.

"Let me down and I'll serve up the next course," he coaxed.

A surprised grunt escaped his throat as the grip on his body slackened all at once. He didn't have time to protest due to the insistent mouth that returned hungrily to his, so the shorter man resolved to reaching behind them and twisting the handle; forcing the younger Warlord backward as he returned the ravenous display.

Savoring the gasp he received when he pushed Doflamingo down onto his very large bed, for which he was now grateful because of their combined size, Crocodile set himself to work in trying to entice more pleasant noises from his new lover.

The blonde, suffice it to say, was delightfully surprised.

He let the smaller man hold him down; a luxury afforded to few throughout his lifetime, and let no sound be extinguished. His robe was pulled open and the heat from Crocodile's hand left tingling trails all over him as the older, seemingly more experienced man caressed his body in search of vulnerabilities.

As the touches became more tortuous, they also drew closer to the center of his problems. His voice left him momentarily when his erection finally received some much needed attention. He had realized too late that the carnivore had intended to descend upon it, so sound came back to him in a choked cry.

Never in all his experience with that cranky and distant Shichibukai had he been the recipient of such a favor. He had never even attempted to force the man to give him head because he was wary of the Croc's jaws, but the cigars were hard on his libido.

While he was only a social smoker, he had to appreciate a good cigar, if only for the fact that he loved watching those seductive lips work one over. The cutter he had given the older Warlord had been sort of a gift to himself so that he could enjoy his own guilty habit and feel involved.

Once again, he was extremely pleased that the stubborn old man had kept it, but not so much he was now that his true fantasy was finally playing out. If Crocodile's skill with his remaining hand had been any indication of his sexual prowess, it was nothing compared to that of his mouth. He felt that this was another indication of the hidden lifestyle the man must have led; one more secret that he wished to be privy to.

Crocodile pulled his hips to the edge of the mattress letting the long legs spill over the side to get better access as he knelt between them. He held the larger man down so that he wouldn't get too cocky and buck against his throat as his tongue ran up the underside of the impressive length.

He yet again thanked his luck at having a similar stature to his bed partner; he would have suffered greatly over the years due to the extreme proportions the ten foot tall man sported. Having difficulty taking all of it into his mouth just yet, he resolved to slowly teasing the man by other means.

Using his hook as a dead weight on the twitching hips, the sand-man moved his hand to the equally spasmodic sac that rested against the duvet. He rolled one of the heavy balls with his fingers and sneered around the head of Doflamingo's cock when a deep wanton moan issued from farther up the bed. Relaxing his jaw as much as possible, Crocodile took it in as far as he could, not flinching even when the tip hit the back of his throat. He laid his tongue flat against the bottom of the shaft and began to bob, grateful that his unruly youth had had allotted him some skill in this field of expertise.

His effort brought forth a torrent of pleased grunts and moans, and a grasping hand that worked its way into his hair. Doflamingo didn't pull but the long fingers entwined with the violet locks and massaged at his scalp. The sensuality of his action made Crocodile give an appreciative hum, sending reverberations along the sensitive member. Doflamingo gasped when the sudden vibration rocked through to his core and let out a regretful whine when it was over.

The older man chuckled at the newfound weakness and gave him what he assumed the younger wanted.

Tracing his tongue around the engorged head, the sand-man hummed an old sea shanty he'd overheard somewhere in his youth. The lilting melody may not have been entirely verbatim, but it still elicited a few squirms from his steadily unwinding bed partner.

He ran his hand along the slick shaft coated in his own saliva and the precum that had been leaking slowly from the tip. His lubricated fingertips then descended to rub along the pronounced vein in Doflamingo's cock as he teased the head with his reptilic flickering tongue. Crocodile then used his tortuous fingers to fondle the sensitive nerve between the sac and the neglected, twitching hole. He barely pressed into the spasming ring of muscle and the blonde was crying out.

He momentarily let go of the member with an audible pop.

"Not yet," Crocodile warned as he continued to pleasure the Warlord.

"Croco- aah… I'm-" he didn't get to finish as he had to bite down on his lip.

The fingers that had slowly probed their way inside him had found their mark.

"M-nmm~! Croco…dile- " the puppeteer's deep voice was temporarily strained as he found himself being manipulated in the best way.

Sensing the end, the dark-haired man smirked and took the opportunity to drive the other mad. Crocodile pushed the throbbing cock in as far as he could take it, dragging his teeth lightly along the bottom. With the light colored hairs at the base tickling his nose, the Shichibukai swallowed several times around the head as he prodded the sensitive bundle of nerves inside Doflamingo.

The result was immediate.

Crocodile didn't cringe as he felt the salty fluid hit the taste buds at the base of his tongue, savoring the feeling of accomplishment. It had been some time since he had the pleasure of deliberately causing someone so powerful to completely fall apart like this. His heavily lidded eyes glittered with a dark sort of joy as he raised himself from the floor and towered over the recovering bird.

The younger man was still struggling to regain his breath when Crocodile climbed on top of him and pinned his arms to his sides. Doflamingo didn't question any of this because his mouth was occupied quickly by a tongue that wanted to give a sample of what it had just done for him. The taste wasn't entirely unpleasant as it was accompanied by the older Warlord's own sweet flavor.

Crocodile watched as Doflamingo pushed up onto his elbows and fought his way out of the robe, completely exposing himself. While he drank in the sight of the larger man's tanned body spread out on his bed, his for the taking, the Shichibukai decided to return the maneuver. Pale skin was slowly revealed as the elder of the two leaned back and pulled Doflamingo's oversized shirt off himself tantalizingly slow. He kept his gaze locked on the sapphire eyes as their lustful heat simmered in the dim light that filtered in from the hallway. As if to fan the flames, he arched his body suggestively to pull the last bit of fabric free, brushing his own erection past the quickly reviving member beneath him.

"Good to know that your recovery time hasn't suffered at your age," Crocodile taunted; continuing to thrust lazily against the half-hard length as he savored the friction he so desperately needed at the moment.

"fufufu-Nnn… Like you're one to talk, old man. Don't even know how you can get it up at such an advanced age. Elderly like you need to be retired in a resort somewhere, Oh wait!" the blonde laughed, the sarcasm rolling sweetly from his abused lips as he drew the older Warlord down to meet him in a onslaught of fervent kisses.

"Yeah, and how's Dressrosa any better?" Crocodile sneered, but his words held no malice. "Maybe middle-age only affects idiots."

"Or maybe I'm just too sexy for your body to say no~" Doflamingo rolled his hips up to meet the sand-man's, who bit his lip to hold back a compromising moan.

The sound had obviously not been adequately muffled if the cocky grin that plastered itself on the damn bird's face suggested anything. Crocodile decided to change tactics to hide some of his embarrassment and edged across the mattress to the bedside table, reaching in the very back of the drawer to find a bottle that had been there a good while.

Doflamingo smirked the whole time, satisfied that his uncharacteristically absurd hesitation earlier in the evening didn't seem to be affecting them anymore. Not if the eagerness that they were sharing now was any indication. He eyed the dusty bottle that Crocodile produced, a bit relieved that he actually had lubrication, and genuinely pleased that it didn't look used. He liked the idea that the Croc wasn't sleeping around, even if their relationship hadn't really been a "relationship" until just a couple hours before. But he couldn't shake the laugh that boiled up within him at the fact that he still kept it there in case a certain someone happened to stop by.

"I'm gonna take that as a 'yes'," he teased, scooting up the bed to where his head rested on the plush pillows.

Instead of receiving an answer, Crocodile crawled back over to him and kissed up Doflamingo's well-formed torso, letting his tongue trace the dips between the pronounced musculature. Just as he felt the enhanced roughness that only the sandy tongue could have begin to torment his perked nipple, he registered a probing hand back at his entrance. Two lube-slicked fingers slid in without issue, and Doflamingo sucked in an appreciative breath. The teeth that bit down on the sensitive bud coupled with the expert touch inside him made his journey back to the peak of arousal a short one. His tongue lolled from between his jaws, the teeth exposed in the grin that showed his excitement. The normally menacing face held no threat as he shifted his weight so that he could use a hand to draw Crocodile's lips to his. While they enjoyed each other's tastes again, another finger worked its way in.

The blonde panted against the violet-haired Warlord's mouth as he shifted again, spreading his legs a bit more.

"C'mon Babe, make me a man~ " he mocked.

Crocodile scoffed, rolling his eyes as he repositioned himself. The scented lubricant he had gotten in Nanohana so long ago finally found its use as he coated his engorged member. He directed a heated look down at his lover as he pressed the head to the eager entrance.

"Freaks like you can't be considered men, but I can try."

A heavy moan ripped from the throats of both men as he pushed into the searing hot cavern. The older Shichibukai ignored the breathy "Hot damn, you're huge" and continued his progress until he was fully sheathed in Doflamingo's tight ass. Just as he had anticipated, the puppeteer didn't seem to have much experience being the recipient; not that he could blame anyone for avoiding that particular subject around the intimidating and quite often frightening man.

As the walls inside the blonde contracted around him, he briefly lamented the aging process. Thinking of his wilder, younger days when he could go several rounds without batting an eye made him grateful that what stamina they still afforded him kept him from cumming as soon as the bird began to get used to his girth.

"You ready yet, you sick bastard?"

"Bring it on, Croco-man!"

Crocodile complied, drawing back nearly all the way before slamming back in. He angled his hips as he adjusted the larger man's legs over his shoulders, desperately trying to relocate the perfect spot before his pleasure became too much. Doflamingo rose to the occasion, pressing his body into the thrusts as his mouth let loose a torrent of delicious sound.

The hook found its way around the blonde's neck, twisting just enough to add a bit of sadistic pain/pleasure to their heated actions. Crocodile leaned down into his lover and licked the droplet of blood that oozed at the tip, just above his earlier bite mark. Blue eyes connected with his and the mental exchange that took place only vaguely implied what the younger man was about to do.

"Vampiric Gator," he accused playfully, panting slightly.

"You know you love it."

He didn't say much else as he felt the muscles surrounding him tense, but gave a yell as he felt his body twist. After a maneuver or two more, he found himself staring up into the other man's grinning face and glared at the fingers he waggled in Crocodile's face.

"Can't say that I don't, fufufu…"

He leaned into Crocodile's neck and bit down harshly on the pale neck, dragging his large tongue over the wound to lap up the blood that escaped. As if to distract the man, Doflamingo reached back and slid the hardened member back in, letting out a satisfied hiss as it sank even deeper into him. He really had been missing out, he concluded, if only by not having someone that was his equal as his companion.

Crocodile, meanwhile, was struggling not to moan like a two-bit whore.

At this moment, the power that the underworld broker held paled in comparison to the power he held over the elder man in the bedroom as far as he was concerned. He may have been the one entering, but Doflamingo had seized the key to both of their release. Drunk on the sensation of the powerful Warlord riding him, he bucked into each downward movement, effectively returning some of the upper-hand to himself.

His right hand left scratches on the blonde's hip, while his hook remained like a noose hanging from the puppet master's neck. He began to laugh darkly as he felt the threat orgasm upon him.

"See you on the other side," he chuckled to Doflamingo's quizzical expression before wrapping his hand around the erection bobbing against his stomach and giving it a few harsh strokes.

The over-stimulated bird threw his head back in a breathy cry as his seed shot out onto Crocodile's abdominals, the pressure causing his body to tremble and muscles to spasm enough that the Shichibukai beneath him came moments later.

Doflamingo collapsed onto the panting chest, slipping the spent phallus out of himself and rolling to his lover's side.

The two lay together, their breathing labored as they came down from the euphoria. Crocodile immediately began to feel the exhaustion from his work day and their evening together weighing upon him. He looked to the other Shichibukai for what might come next.

The younger man's eyes met his as their breathing synchronized and a sense of wonder seemed to fill the crystalline pools.

Crocodile didn't protest as the blonde raised a hand to the darker, longer locks that framed his face. He leaned slightly into the touch, his golden eyes never leaving the deep azure as the strands were brushed from his cheeks. A warm, sated smile crept onto his face while Doflamingo played with his hair, surprising the larger man when affection gesture granted him an equally tender lover.

The elder man wrapped his right hand around the back of the tanned neck and pulled the blonde up into a slow, sensuous kiss. Though his efforts were hindered by the sluggishness of the post-coital and work-day induced fatigue, Crocodile managed to convey an emotion within the kiss that left Doflamingo breathless. Anything else went unsaid as the violet-haired man fell asleep soon after with his colleague still laying on his broad chest, his ringed fingers entwined in the short blonde hair at the base of the younger Warlord's skull.

Doflamingo continued to run his own fingers through Crocodile's lank hair until the man's breathing completely regulated.

He marveled at the relaxed smile that had fixed itself to the elder man's face; the years that seemed to disappear from the stress-free reptile made him realize how much the chaotic sea affected its inhabitants.

As badly as he wanted to fall into unconsciousness right then and there, the mess still had to be taken care of. He eased his way out of the sleeping Shichibukai's grasp, trying not to disturb his slumber, and traipsed silently out of the room. Crossing the lit hallway, he took a quick, hot shower, being sure to cleanse away all the sweat and uncomfortable fluid. The heated water helped to relax his tense muscles, something Doflamingo would no doubt be grateful for in the morning.

The rivulets of water that continued to cascade down his large body lulled his mind as he watched them. While some part of him relieved that their relationship had seemingly been affirmed, his sick and twisted mind couldn't help but concoct a paranoid belief that Crocodile would never truly be his. To a man that was used to careful control over his possessions, the thought of rebellion angered and even frightened him. Many a friend and lover had felt his wrath when he had discovered a betrayal. His subordinates lived in constant fear of his displeasure, and he relished the feeling of power this gave him.

But not Crocodile.

Doflamingo had not ever found a more satisfying plaything in all his life.

The years of pursuing the headstrong reptile had never grown dull; he found every encounter challenging to his ego and pride. The older man was still a mystery to him, even after all this time he had never broken through the iron-clad armor around the predator's scaly heart.

Until tonight.

He had finally chipped away just enough to see a more vulnerable, softer side of the bristly beast. He shivered; not from the chill of the water that seeped into his bones, but from the thought that he may be nearing the end of his chase. Even as a child he had never kept a toy that dissatisfied or bored him, so the blonde had grown used to abandoning anything that did so even now.

Before now, however, he had never been hesitant. Just like in the bath, he experienced the foreign feeling with a great confusion. This reluctance to let go of something made him call his methods into question. Had he been missing out on something when he let his old lovers go?

He didn't know much about relationships, but he wasn't sure if he could handle the touchy-feely stuff if Crocodile no longer presented a challenge. All this time he had been after the Croc's tail wanting something more from the man than just physical and verbal play, but he had never really considered what exactly that meant. The anxiousness from the razor-edge that they were perched upon made the powerful underworld leader very uncomfortable.

After having made a living manipulating people, the Joker felt as he had become the raven-haired man's marionette, dancing desperately to satisfy his every whim.

An image of the tender smile he had shown the blonde before falling asleep filled Doflamingo's mind, and once more he felt an odd fluttering somewhere in the pit of his stomach. The image morphed into that of a predatory and dominating Croc, and he shivered as he felt a tingle blaze down his spine. He sighed and shut off the water, letting the cold liquid drip off of him.

Grabbing one of the plush white towels from the rack next to the shower he dried himself and picked up his sunglasses from the edge of the now empty bathtub. He looked at Crocodile's discarded clothes as he pulled on his pants, contemplating briefly before bringing them along with a wetted cloth back across the hall. He left the garments over the back of a large armchair that rested just inside the master bedroom and proceeded to the bedside.

Still exactly as the blonde left him, Crocodile slumbered with a pleased look on his face.

Doflamingo folded the damp rag in his hand and leaned over his resting lover, gently kissing him on his parted lips as the younger man ran the cloth over the mess on his exposed torso. He made sure to wick away any sweat as well before he placed the soiled fabric on the end table next to the headboard. He retrieved his shirt from where Crocodile had tossed it, running his hands over the material as he recalled the show the surprisingly kinky man had performed as he removed the clothing.

He grinned gleefully as he thought that perhaps the elder Warlord still had much more interesting things to offer.

He left his shirt and sunglasses with Crocodile's clothes and crawled into bed. Doflamingo frowned as he realized the hook would prohibit him from getting any closer to his sleeping colleague. He eyed the attachments and hoped the predator wouldn't maim him for removing it.

After he fumbled with it a bit, he finally freed the remainder of Crocodile's arm from the golden encasement. Doflamingo dropped the heavy metal quietly over the edge of the bed and threw the covers over them as pressed himself into the slumbering Shichibukai's side. As if sensing him, he rolled over and wrapped his right arm around the larger man's middle, molding his body to the blonde's.

Again, the overwhelming flutter entered his gut and the young bird felt warmth filling him as he embraced the man who he could hardly fathom was… snuggling with him.

"This just might be-" he wondered listlessly, sleep derailing the sea-train of his thoughts.

-October 17, 2012-

Dammit Dofu, don't fall asleep!

Yeah, so he really doesn't know what he wants, he just knows that Crocodile is fun to fuck with...fufufu


I made another fic that's mainly SanZo (which is my oldest and most favorite pairing) and I was surprised how fast it got hits
Seriously, though...

DoflaCroc is pretty popular on Tumblr so I spend a lot of time on there trolling the OP fandom under the same username
This was up a couple days ago on there and I don't think anyone really noticed T~T

But, I'd like to thank all the people who have sent me feedback on here and there (and DevArt) and encourage anyone else to talk to me
I don't bite! And I love to hear from other fans~