A/N: Now, I know I am not the only one shipping this like crazy. Can we please get on getting the new characters names up so this can be legit? Yes, I think so.
Why do you think I go out of my way, eh, Natsu? You might be onto something if you think for a second about how damn adorable you look when you're thoroughly pissed off. And knowing it's me that's got you that hot and bothered…
"The final round will now commence! This time, it's completely up to the audience! In one final attempt to earn points for your team, use every trick, wile, and flourish you've got left up your sleeves to put on a show for the folks in the stands!"
Well, now, you look pretty confident don't you. If I stare at you long enough, maybe you'll- oh, mmm~ what charming disdain you have for me. If I could just lick that swollen little pout I think I might even be able to let you have this one-
"I'm ending this," you say fiercely, dashing over to your own screened off section of the stadium. It seems you're not concerned with the fact that mine is right next to yours. No matter. The rules are simple enough for you; get the people to scream. And I suppose you think you know how to put on a show.
Let's give them what they really want…
The noise level is measured by magical devices set to sound an alarm once a guild members name has been screamed a certain amount of times and at certain frequency. The goal here is to get them to yell until their throats are raspy.
"Fairy Tail is going to win!" Such a cute declaration. I'll admit I didn't think you'd make it this far, and yet, I knew at the same time that there was no way I wouldn't be given the perfect opportunity. Delicious clash of interests.
You falter a little, not sure what my ploy is as I walk over. Everyone's staring, wondering why I'm putting off the entertainment; everybody else is already full throttle, giving it everything they've got left for the crowd. But I'm going to enjoy this, and I won't hurry for anyone. You're mine.
"Hey, what the hell- MMPH?"
It goes quiet for a split second, all eyes I'm sure on what I've chosen for spectacle. It's enough time to deduce you don't taste at all like I thought you would. Instead of sulfur and unbrushed teeth, you're surprisingly pleasant to run my tongue through; like the warm smoke of a snuffed candle and a cinnamon stick. Stop it. I'm drooling, see? Naughty boy, playing a little before catching yourself…
I'm not one for disappointing the fans. You're struggling, though barely, like a good boy who isn't interested might, but go on and pretend the shock is too much to fight me off completely. I can feel the way you flex a little like you have to impress me. Please. What do you think I've been staring at this entire time. I'd probably recognize your butt before you, anyway.
"Why," you whimper, probably more in defeat, though I can tell you're aroused, both of our buzzers going off at the same time. A tie. We win, and you've managed to reclaim some dignity by chasing us, just like I knew you would. I can't have my play thing being looked down on by everyone, now can I.
"I'll see you later, Natsu." You don't look pleased. And that's the way I like it. Chase me. Chase me down and destroy me.
Hopefully you enjoy staring after my butt as much as I've enjoyed yours.