I don't own anything

Chapter 41


6 Months later

It was June 15th. Therefore tomorrow was June 16th; meaning my wedding day. These past 6 months have flown by so fast it seems like just yesterday when Ezra proposed to me. After we had picked a date we called his family and told them our plan of moving near them once I graduate, needless to say they were thrilled. His family and my friends, as well as Mike, have been there with us through this whole planning process for the wedding. I was so glad Mike has been able to have a part in all of this too. He finally had enough of the problems with Ella and Byron so he paid extra to move on campus and live in the dorms while he attends Hollis this fall.

I was currently laying in mine and Ezra's bed in our apartment watching the time go by on the clock; it was currently 11:49pm. Hanna, Spencer and Emily we all asleep out in the living room, I however lay in bed wide awake with nervousness and excitement for tomorrow. All of Ezra's family was staying in a hotel since we didn't have room for anyone to stay here with us, the only reason the girls were here with me is because they didn't want to leave me here by myself tonight and to make sure Ezra didn't sneak over after his party. The guys had thrown Ezra his bachelor party tonight and they took his cell phone from him, the girls had done the same to me while we were out dancing because Ezra and I wouldn't stop texting each other. However, as soon as the girls had fallen asleep about an hour ago I stole it back out of Hanna's purse and texted Ezra, yet haven't heard anything back. Finally after accepting that I wouldn't hear back from him tonight I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. Just as I was about to fall into a deep slumber I heard my phone buzz. I immediately rolled over to the nightstand to grab it and smiled like a giddy school girl when I saw it was a text from Ezra.

Hey Beautiful, you still awake? – Ezra

Of course, I'm too excited to sleep. I need to see you…– Aria xoxo

Come downstairs then. – Ezra

Right now? – Aria xoxo

Right now baby, see you in a few. – Ezra

I was smiling like an idiot as I jumped out of bed and ran to the closet to grab a lightweight jacket to put on over my camisole and short shorts as well as a pair of flip flops. I slipped out the front door quietly so I wouldn't wake the girls, and then made my way downstairs. The elevator ride down to the lobby felt like an eternity but was only a couple of minutes. The second the doors opened I ran out them and out the lobby door to find Ezra standing out front in jeans and a simple t-shirt. I didn't hesitate so much as a second to run and jump into his awaiting arms, wrapping my legs around his waist to hug him tightly. Ezra's arm were holding me just as tight to his body and caressed my back after his hands slipped up my camisole.

"Even though we've only been apart a day I missed you so much!" Ezra whispered in my ear before I turned my head to kiss him lovingly.

"I missed you too, and it didn't help that the girls took my phone from me. I'm just thankful Sara didn't take it back to the hotel with her." I pouted causing him to laugh and kiss my pout away.

"Well what do you say we sneak off and go somewhere? I doubt anyone will wake up soon and realize we are gone."

"Sounds perfect, I don't care where we go I just want to be alone with you." I replied, smiling brightly before giving him another sweet kiss.

"Okay it's settled then, I know the perfect place." He grinned at me.

Ezra placed his hands on my hips to sit me back down on the ground then turned around for me to jump up on his back. I once again wrapped my legs and arms around his body to secure myself right before he took off running, causing me to fall into a fit of giggles. His hands were placed just above my knees to hold my thighs as he ran in the unknown direction. As soon as I realized he had taken a short cut I found awhile ago that lead to the beach I turned my head to kiss right under his ear.

"You're right; this is the perfect place to go." I whispered into his ear and buried my head in the crook of his neck with a huge smile on my face.

Before I knew it we were at the beach, standing in the same spot that we were going to get married at later on today. I slid off Ezra's back then reached for his hand, lacing our fingers together as we silently looked out at the water. I tugged on Ezra's hand, signaling to him that I wanted to lie down in his arms. No words needed to be spoken for us to know what the other was thinking. He was lying flat on his back with his left arm wrapped around my body, resting it on my hip. I was lying on my side; my left leg was draped across his waist as my head rested on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Ezra's right hand slid up to lace his fingers in mine as they lay on his chest. I snuggled my head deeper into his neck and sighed in bliss when Ezra kissed my hairline lightly.

"I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow, well technically today because it's past midnight." I murmured, thinking out loud.

"Yeah about 17 hours in fact. I'm so glad everyone was able to make it."

"Just think how much they would all freak out if they found out we were 'breaking tradition' to see each other on our wedding day." I giggled thinking back to the lecture Ezra and I both got about it being bad luck to see each other before the wedding ceremony.

"Well it's not like we were ever one to follow tradition." Ezra replied with playfulness in his voice.

"You certainly got that right." I grinned before placing a kiss on his neck.

After several moments of silence I hesitantly spoke up.

"Hey Ezra?" I whispered quietly.

"Yes Sweetheart?" He asked while caressing my hip.

"Are you nervous for tonight, to get married?"

"Of course I am. I'm nervous about married life and all the things that come with it. I'm afraid I won't be a good enough husband to you. But overall I'm excited to start this new life with you, to have you by my side through everything. To know that no matter how many times I screw up, you'll still be there to support me at the end of the day."

I sat up and turned to Ezra so I was looking down at him as he smiled sheepishly at me.

"Ezra, no matter what, it is impossible for you to even be considered a bad husband. You have been the best boyfriend and fiancé a girl could ever ask for, hell ever dream for. I love you so much; nothing you do can ever change that. I'm scared too. I worry that I won't be a good wife for you but we'll figure it all out together. Besides if you think about it, not much will change. We already live together, all our stuff is in a joint account. We basically have been married ever since we moved here to California; it's just going to be legally official today." I bit my lip and shrugged a little.

"You could never be a bad wife baby. I love you too. Come here."

I leaned down as he kissed me lightly before snuggling back down on his chest. We lay there just like that for another hour until we decided to head back. Ezra had given me another piggy back ride back to the apartment, though we walked this time instead of running. We were currently standing outside of the apartment door saying goodbye, not wanting to let go of our embrace knowing we wouldn't see each other until the wedding tonight. It was going to be in the afternoon but we thought it would be even more romantic to have it during the sunset at 7pm tonight.

"You should probably go so you we can get some sleep. It's going to be a long day as soon as we get up and I don't know about you, but I plan to stay up all night long babe." I whispered seductively against his lips before I playfully bit his lower lip and lugged on it.

"Well now that that thought is in my head I don't want to leave you and return to a hotel room full of guys. I want to stay right here with my arms wrapped around you just like this." Ezra grinned as he lightly pressed my back against the wall while holding my body against his.

"Don't worry babe, after the ceremony tonight we have 3 weeks of our honeymoon where we are going to turn off our phones so no one can call and interrupt us and spent all the time in bed that we want." I whispered into his ear, grinning at the groan that escaped his lips.

I managed to slip out of his embrace so I could open the apartment door. Just as I stepped in I turned to wave flirtatiously at him before shutting the door. The girls were still asleep so I slipped into the bedroom, crawled into bed and fell fast asleep.

The next morning I had been woken up at 2pm by a frantic Spencer. Apparently Hanna let me sleep in saying there was no need for me to be up since I was the bride and everyone else was supposed to get everything set up and all I needed to do was get dressed and be on time. Spencer however freaked out when Emily told her I was still passed out in bed. At the moment I was sitting in the living room on the couch, snuggled into a blanket while eating the delicious lunch Hanna and Emily made for all the girls. Everyone, meaning Hanna, Emily, Spencer, Isabella, Sara and Samantha, as well as myself, were all scattered around the living room talking while we all ate. I couldn't help but smile as I thought back to last night when Ezra and I snuck off to the beach to spend some time with one another before the wedding, our last moment before we become husband and wife.

"Hello earth to Aria?" Emily said trying to get my attention.

"Uh, what? Sorry I didn't hear you." I muttered as she pulled me out of my little day dream.

"Oooh someone's dreaming about Fitzy." Hanna teased.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. Besides he is about to be my husband therefore I can day dream about him if I want to Hanna." I pointed out with a grin as I took a sip of coffee.

"Anyway, what she was asking was; are you ready to start getting ready? It's nearly 3:30 so by the time we all get dressed, makeup done and hair it will be time for you to get in your dress and make our way to the beach?" Sara said before Hanna could make a dirty come back.

"Yeah I'm ready to start whenever you guys are."

2 ½ hours later I was standing in mine and Ezra's bedroom looking at myself in the floor length mirror we had. Hanna had done my makeup; we went with very light amount makeup so it looked natural. Sara had done my hair; it was down in light curls, just like Ezra loved. They had done a magnificent job. They all helped me into my dress and Isabella laced up the back for me. The longer I stare at myself in the mirror the more real it is all becoming, my beautiful dress, and the way everything looked, it was just beyond amazing there aren't; even words for it. As I look in the mirror I remembered back when I went dress shopping for the very first time.

I had flown to New York so the girls and his family could be there with me to help me pick my wedding dress. I will admit it was hard doing it without Ella there since I had always dreamed of Ella being by my side whenever that time had come for me where I would need to go wedding dress shopping. But Isabella filled the place of my mom and was there for me the whole time. I smiled as I thought back to that day and the surprise Isabella had for me once I found my perfect dress.

Prior to me flying to New York Ezra and I had discussed the maximum amount we felt we could afford for the dress. Ezra said he didn't want me to limit myself but I wouldn't feel right spending money we didn't have on a dress I would only wear once so we agreed on a budget. However when I was trying different dresses my eye caught one on a mannequin that I loved, but knowing it was way out of my price range I didn't say anything and kept on searching. I think Isabella had caught on to my glances at the dress, so she encouraged me to try it on. Even throughout my refusal to try it on; afraid I would fall in love with a dress I couldn't afford, she told the sales woman to pull it anyway. After pointless protests from me I tried on this beautiful dress that I had been admiring since we walked in here. The moment I stepped out on the pedestal and looked in the mirror at myself, tears filled my eyes and everyone's jaws dropped.

It was a beautiful strapless, sweetheart neckline with an A line skirt and had subtle sparkles that shun in the light all over the dress. The bodist fit me perfectly and the skirt was very flowy, it was outstanding for a beach wedding. Overall the dress was magnificent. I would have bought it in a heartbeat. Once I remembered the price however all hope for getting it dropped and I felt crushed. I excused myself to hurry back to my dressing room as heart break tears replaced the happy joyous ones that I previously had. As soon as I got to the room, I felt as if I couldn't breathe and was overwhelmed. I managed to loosen the back enough for me to slip out of it and put the silk robe on then sat down on one of the chairs in the room. There was a soft knock on the door but I ignored it. I heard the door open slowly to reveal Isabella.

"Honey what's wrong?" She asked softly, taking a seat next to me.

I shook my head and starred down at my hands as more tears fell silently down my cheeks.

"Why'd you take the dress off? I thought you loved it and it was going to be the one?" She asked.

"Because I can't afford it, our budget was $2,000 and that dress is $6,000. There is no way Ezra and I can make that work. Even if we could, that's way more than the amount we agreed on. I can't just call him and say I found my dream dress but guess what, it's three times our maximum price." I said as I tried to contain my tears.

Isabella placed her hand on my back and rubbed it soothingly to calm me down.

"Without the budget conflict, would this be the dress that you want to wear for your wedding?" Isabella asked once I calmed a bit.

"It doesn't matter what I want, we can't do it." I mumbled as I wiped under my eyes, thankful I wore waterproof mascara.

"Yes it does matter, this is your wedding dress, and you only get one in your life. I am buying you whatever dress you want. Whether you want this dress or any other dress here; I am paying for it so don't worry about the price."

My head snapped up and I turned to look at her and shook my head.

"That's an incredible offer Isabella but I could never ask you to do that. I'll just keep trying on dresses until I find something I love that's under 2,000. Thank you very much though." I smiled sadly at her.

"No, I insist. It is my wedding gift to you, ever since we met I have seen you as my own daughter and I want to do something special for you. You might as well agree because I'm not taking no as an answer."

"Are you serious?" I sat there stunned, unable to believe this was really happening.

She nodded her head and smiled at me then reached up to wipe my tears away. "Yes Sweetheart, if this is the dress you want then just say the word and I'll go get my checkbook out of my purse."

"Thank you so much, I- I don't even know what to say other than how grateful I am." I stuttered and hugged her tightly.

"You're welcome honey." She laughed as she hugged me back.

"Aria, can I come in?" I heard Isabella ask before sticking her head in the room.

I smiled and turned to face her, before I could say anything she spoke up.

"My you look absolutely gorgeous my dear. Ezra is going to have his breath taken away when he sees you." She gushed as she walked over to me.

I blushed and smiled brightly as I looked down at the dress.

"Thank you Isabella, I can express just how thankful I am to both you and David for all you have done. You guys accepted our relationship for what it is and never doubted our judgment. You all have made me feel like family since day one. Even when you'd only known me for a few days you protected me from Byron when he hit me and that meant so much to me. I just- I just want you to know that everything you guys have done for me means the world and will never go ungrateful." I was trying my hardest not to cry but wasn't so lucky, neither was Isabella.

"We love you sweetie and we will protect you as if you were my own daughter because that's how I see you. None of that daughter-in-law crap, but as my actual daughter and I know David feels the same way." She smiled teary eyed at me before pulling me into a hug.

"Okay now we are going to have to leave in about 5 minutes because it's already 6:20 and I'm sure they are going to start freaking out soon if the wedding is at 7 and there currently isn't a bride present. But before you go I have something for you."

"You don't have to give me anything, you have already done so much." I shook my head.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. This was a special necklace from Ezra's grandmother. The two of them were very close and she gave this to him right before she passed and made him promise to give it to the girl he was going to marry. He gave it to me this morning before we left the hotel and asked if I would give it to you as a surprise."

Happy tears filled my eyes at the sentiment of this gift. She turned me around and I held my hair up as she clipped the beautiful silver locket on my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror again to admire it.

"It's beautiful." I whispered before turning to hug her as a thank you.


It was just after 7pm on our wedding day. Mike said they we all ready so I took my place next to the reverend as I waited for my beautiful bride to walk down to me. I couldn't wait to see the dress, as soon as she picked it out she called me and told me about the surprise my mom had for her. I couldn't believe it when she said that and I was incredibly grateful to my mom for doing that for Aria. You wouldn't believe how thrilled I was that Aria was able to get her dream dress even though it was more than we could have afforded. But I know that if Aria or one of the girls had called me and told me the situation I would have told them to go ahead and get the dress. We would be able to make it work as long as Aria was happy and wouldn't have to just settle for something that we could afford rather than something she loved.

Finally it was time. All of the Groomsmen and Bridesmaids' had already walked down the aisle and we were just waiting for Aria. I was smiling like an idiot as I saw Aria and how stunning she looked. There truly weren't enough words to describe just how flawless she looked right now. She was smiling brightly at me and our eyes locked as she made her way to me. Mike was walking her down the aisle for the obvious reasons as to why her actual father wasn't here to do it. My dad had actually offered to do it which mean a great deal to both of us but Aria had promised the job to Mike. As her little brother it only felt right that he be the one to fulfill the position. The moment Aria stood in front of me and I took her hands in mine, I completely blocked out everything around us and just stared into her eyes. Then before I knew it, it was time to say those two words that change a person's life for the better.

"Do you Aria Montgomery take the Ezra Fitz to be your husband?"

"I do." Aria whispered eyes still glued to mine.

"And do you Ezra Fitz take the Aria Montgomery to be your wife?"

"I do." I replied instantly, smiling at Aria and squeezing her hands.

"I now pronounce for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fitz. You may now kiss your bride."

With that being said I leaned down to kiss Aria lovingly. The sweet kiss was full of passion and emotions as we were both smiling throughout our short kiss.

"I love you Mr. Fitz." She as soon as we broke the kiss.

"As I love you Mrs. Fitz." I grinned back at her before kissing her again, as everyone cheered and hollered for us.

Okay so that wraps up 'The Fight For Love'! I hope you all liked the ending, as well as the entire story. I want to thank all my readers who have kept reading since day one, even when my writing was horrible. This is my first story I have ever written, I'm very sad and proud at the same time that it's over. There will be a sequel as you all know. I have the sequel to this as well as another long term story that I have mentioned in the past, to start writing. My plan is to write as much of those two stories I can before the school year starts again because my school load is very heavy this year. Okay well thank you all again I can't believe I have gotten 450+ reviews for this story. I love you all and you have all been so amazing and kind to me!