Finally, I'm back. I know I said I'd update the other two by my birthday, But I'm sorry I just couldn't get on and I had the urge to update this one.

The whole '42' no one got, but I got it from their racecar number. In Fast and the Phineas, his car # was 42 ;D.

I did change my username, but I changed it back. so many of you know me as Mrs. Ferb Fletcher-inator or Fletcher-inator, it would be hard to switch. i just couldn't do it.

i own nothing except the song at the end. I wroth that in may during math class. i hop it came out good.

"Hello?" Brad said as he answered his cell phone. "Really?...Are you sure?...Are they there?...No?...Alright. I understand. We'll be right over." He let out a deep sigh as he hung up the phone. He looked up at the others in the room.

"Who was that?" Joshua asked looking up from his notes. He pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose as he watched Brad get up out of his chair.

"Detective Jamie Chiasson. They found Steve." Brad said. He watched as it slowly sunk in to all of his colleges' ears.

"No way!" Joshua also rose from his seat. "Were the boys there too?"

Brad shook his head slowly. "I'm afraid not, guys. Steve's dead. Car crash."

Shannon's eyes widened in shock. Timmy choked on his coffee.

"B-But that means-" Joshua started.

Brad nodded his head and looked in each of the detective's eyes slowly as he spoke these next words. "Steve was the only one who knew where these two boys are. Now that he's gone, there is no possible way of getting that information from him anymore. I'm afraid if we don't find those two fast…they my just be goners."

It was silent for a few moments. Brad did hear a small sniffle coming from the rookie, Noah.

"Then let's get a move on." Shannon said standing up grabbing the keys. She had a determined look in her eye. Like a mother bear hunting down the one who hurt her young. "I've got three kids at home. If Sheryl, Marci or Devin were missing I wouldn't stop until they were found. I cannot imagine the pain that their family is feeling. All of the pain that they're feeling. So let's get out there and find us two boys!" She pumped her fist in the air.

The others sat in bewilderment. The usual shy and timid Shannon was now screaming and being very, well, totally opposite of herself.

There was silence and Shannon was breathing heavily as she lowered her arm.

"Decaf." Someone muttered between 'coughs'.

Brad walked over to Shannon and patted her shoulder. "I agree." He nodded his head and Shannon gave a small smile.

With that they walked out of the room heading outside to find the boys. To do their jobs and make a family whole again.

Candace sniffled and rubbed her red eyes with the sleeve of her pajamas. She was curled up in bed underneath all of the blankets. Mr. Miggins and Ducky Momo were right next to her.

Her droopy eyes stared at the television. She had no clue of what she was watching, but her eyes stayed glued to it until she heard a commercial that made her anger boil inside of her.

"It's 10 PM. Do you know where your children are" A picture of a girl was on the television. Next to the picture was her name, Mary-Anne Kady. Missing since 7-05-06.

Candace could feel the tears brim her eyes. This girl looked around five-years old in the picture. Only five-years old, missing for six years. July 5, probably at some fair for the fourth of July with her family and was kidnapped.

Or maybe she was just going on vacation with her family and her idiotic sister left them alone in the car and they were taken by some low-life. That sister is probably still feeling the guilt. After all those years, she still felt guilty of her sister's disappearance.

She shook her head. 'No' she thought, 'I'm the only one that would be stupid enough to leave my younger sibling s in the car.'

Candace could no longer keep all of her anger bubbled inside of her; she clutched the remote in her hand and chucked it across the room. It smacked against the wall, causing the batteries to fall out. She screeched into her pillow and banged her fist repeatedly against it screaming, "I'm a doomkauf! I'm a doomkauf!"

Lawrence must have heard the banging because a moment later Candace heard a knocking on her door. "May I come in?"

"Sure." Candace said, muffled because she had her face buried in her pillow.

Lawrence walked in and sat down on his daughter's bed. "It's not your fault, sweetie"

"Yes it is, Dad. I left them and now they're gone and it's just all my fault!" She cried burying her head into her's Dad's shoulder. He sighed and slowly rubbed her back. She violently shook against Lawrence's body.

"I know it seems hard, Candace, but we'll get through this trust me." Lawrence tried his best to comfort his daughter.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." She sniffled hugging her dad harder.

Lawrence was surprised that Candace had called him 'Daddy', she did that very rarely.

"For what?"

"My brothers have been missing for 3 days now and it's my fault. What if we—"

"When." Lawrence interrupted his daughter knowing what she was going to say.

Candace sighed and nodded her head. "What if when we find them they never forgive me! I mean, I wouldn't blame them if they hate me forever and ever until I die." She ended in a fir of tears.

"Oh, Candace, they won't hate you. They are your brothers and they never blamed you in the first place. You blamed yourself."

"Because it is!" She yelled slamming her back onto her pillow.

Lawrence sighed and patted her knee. "We'll find them, honey. I promise."

Around a half and hour later they arrived at the scene of the accident. The only thing that remained was the totaled car. The medics had taken Steve to the hospital to see if anything could be done. Their answer was no.

Brad, Noah and Shannon had stayed by the crash, while Timmy and Joshua investigated a mile back and another suspicious scene.

Brad scurried over to Detective Jamie Chiasson. Brad inspected the crash a bit before motioning her over. Brad grimaced and asked, "What'd he hit, a tree?"

Chiasson finished collecting her notes before she looked up at Brad. She nodded. The skid marks show that he was driving pretty fast and tried to stop. There were some tracks in the dirt about a mile back."

"You got K-9 checking it out?" Brad asked.

"Sure do."

"Good. I hope we find these boys soon. I don't now how much longer we have left."

Chiasson nodded in agreement, "I know, but I have a feeling that we will. I'm not sure how or why, but I know."

Brad nodded with a smile, "I hope you're right."

"When am I wrong?" She said with a smirk.

"Hopefully not this time."

Jamie was about to retort back when she heard a voice on her walkie-talkie. "We've got scent!" A rushed voice said. "Back by the tire tracks. It's the sent from the back of the car."

Brad and Jamie met each other with bright smiles. "We're on our way!" Jamie responded back before the duo ran to the car with Shannon and Noah right behind them.

Brad jammed the key into ignition and sped along the road towards their destination. With their speed, they reached there in a couple of minutes. He slammed on his brakes when he saw Joshua jumping around and waving his arms in the air.

They jumped out of the car and ran over to the ecstatic man. "What'd you find?" Jamie asked eagerly.

Joshua, out of breath, pointed over towards a group of police officers. They made their way over towards them.

Brad felt a new wave of hope rush over him and shouted, "Guys, split up and search for any clues."

He got nods and 'yes sir's from the group of detectives.

They didn't leave on rock un-turned or any spot not looked in. It wasn't long before Timmy found markings in the dirt leading from half-way from the road and to an enormous piles of leaves and twigs.

"Dragging, maybe?" Shannon suggested.

Brad nodded his head in agreement, "I'm afraid so."

Timmy cocked his head to the side. "But, they just disappear. How is that even possible?"

"He could have handed them over to someone else to hide." Jamie suggested.

"We'll discuss that matter after we finish up here. Keep searching!" Brad ordered turning away to continue his search.

He was losing sight of his new-found hope and was ready to call it a night when his foot stubbed against something. He frowned and leaned down to pick the object up. A smile lit up his face. This could really be it!

He turned around and let out a sharp whistle using two fingers. "Look what I found!" He held it up and the others cheered as Brad made his way over to them.

He looked up at the others and narrowed his eyes, "Come on, guys, we've got a family to notify!"

They all high-fived before making their way to the cars and heading out to the Flynn-Fletcher household.

Isabella slowly made her way towards the house across the street form her. She frowned and hung her head as she slowly climbed up the porch. Life wasn't the same without the Flynn-Fletcher duo.

She picked her arm up to ring the bell when she heard a sniffle from behind her.

"Why, hello Isabella." Baljeet greeted with a blow into his tissue.

"'Sup, Is."

"Hey, Buford. You guys come to cheer them up?" She asked.

Both of them nodded their heads. "My mom baked a casserole for them." Baljeet said holding up a pan. "But I doubt it will do any good at all…" He slowly trailed off.

Isabella reached a hand over and patted Baljeet's shoulder, "I know what you mean."

"I think they need all the cheering up they can get though." She said a little perkier. "So, let's get ourselves together and not let them see us cry because our crying will cause them to cry." Buford looked bewildered. "Fireside Girl Manual said so." Isabella explained.

"Ohh" Buford said realization.

"Shall we?" Baljeet said in a small voice.

Nods encouraged the young boy to go and ring the doorbell, but just as he was about to ring it, another interruption caused the three to turn their heads to a car parked in front of the house.

A women with brown shoulder length hair stepped out of the driver's seat and a teen with brown hair that flowed down her back stepped out of the passenger seat. "Come on, Dad, hurry up!" She said slamming the car door shut.

"Alright, alright." He muttered stepping out of the back. "You know I don't know why I couldn't sit in the front. I am the father after all. Besides I shouldn't even be here right now. I have to help Perry the Platypus."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, "What does Perry need help with, Dad?"

Doofenshrimtz rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. "His boys are missing. I am supposed to be making posters that will help him find them. I haven't showed them to Perry the Platypus yet. I finished the design though. 'Missing boys'"

Vanessa waited for more, "Is that it, Dad?"

"Perfect isn't it?" He said smugly.

"It could use some work."

Charlene smiled when she saw the three kids and said, "Hello. Are you friends with the two boys?"

"Try best friends." Buford said in a gruff voice.

Her smile disappeared when she heard this and frowned, "I am so sorry for your lose. I heard Linda's, my friend from cooking class, two boys were missing and Vanessa seemed to know one of them so we decided to drop by."

"Hey, guys." Vanessa greeted quietly. Doof was right behind her talking to himself, "Maybe, I need something more. Like maybe I should say they are 'two human boys' so they don't think I'm talking about platypuses or something—"

He was stopped short when his daughter cleared her throat. "Dad, this is Isabella, Buford and Baljeet."

"Hello, I'm Dr. Heinz Doofenshrimtz."

"That's a weird name."

"Oh and 'Buford's not?" He retorted.

"Heinz!" His ex-wife muttered elbowing him in the stomach.

Doof just rolled his eyes.

Charlene apologized for Doof's behavior before she walked over and rang the door bell. A few moments later, a tired and worn out looking Linda answered the door. She gave a weak smile when she saw her friends.

"Good evening Linda. We thought you could use some cheering up." Charlene spoke softly.

She nodded her head, "I was just sitting, so come on in."

The six of them entered the house. It was dark and dreary. There were some dishes in the sink, but it was a lot cleaner than you'd expect coming from a family going through so much pain.

"My mother made you a casserole, Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher." Baljeet said placing the casserole on the table.

She nodded her head in appreciation.

"Here Linda some pie." Charlene offered.

"Thank you guys, I am so thankful to have friends like you." She smiled hugging Charlene.

"Have you been eating right, Linda?" She asked rubbing her friend's shoulder.

"Not as much as usual, but I'm eating something." Linda admitted.

"You have to take your time to sit and eat." She insisted.

"How can I when I know the boys are probably starving. It isn't fair." She shook her head.

Vanessa sighed, "But, don't you want to be healthy when they come home so all attention is on your boys?"

"I guess so…"

"Then I have a great idea!" Isabella said snapping her fingers. "Why don't we all have a nice dinner followed by dessert?" She motioned to the casserole and pie on the table.

Baljeet nodded his head eagerly.

"It's settled then. So, just call Lawrence and Candace down here and let's get started, hmm?"

"Candace is fast asleep, but I think a meal will serve us all well, no?" Lawrence said descending from the stairs.

Perry groaned as he shut the door to yet another empty room. There weren't many left and he still had no clue to the whereabouts of his boys.

There was the living room and Margaret's bedroom left. He couldn't look in her room because she was sprawled across her bed watching her programs. So that left the living room.

He quietly tip-toed in front of her doorway and then dashed down the steps the living room. He pushed his webbed feet harder and harder until he reached the living room.

He felt paralyzed for a moment. The boys had been here. Perry thought. He wasn't sure how he could tell, but he just could. He wasn't entirely sure how long ago, but it wasn't that long that they had been gone.

The O.W.C.A. had taught him to search for the unexpected, so that is just what he did. He searched in between couch cushions, under chairs and in the fireplace. The place he looked was underneath the carpet. He slowly lifted it up and smirked when he saw an outline on the floor. He dashed to it and lifted it up with ease. He skipped a few steps on the way down so time would pass by quicker.

His smiled disappeared when he saw a locked door at the end of the stairway. No! No! No! He frowned in concentration and then grabbed his hat off of his head. He dug around inside it for a few moments before his fingers touched what he had been looking for.

He grabbed the small pin and jabbed it into the door knob. He jiggled it around for a few moments before he finally heard the satisfying click of the lock opening. He swung the door open and stuck his head inside. "Krrrrr" He let out a chatter, calling for his boys. He didn't hear anything, so he walked in and sniffed picking up the boys' scent.

He wasn't sure if he could smell them because he was an animal or maybe it was just because they were his bets friends, all that mattered was that he could get the police to see this…and he had the perfect solution.

He exited the dark room and purposely left the door open and the rug overturned. He smirked as he flew home on his jetpack. He was going to get Phineas and Ferb back!

An hour later, they had finished and the kids and the Doofenshrimtz family was making their way home. Linda was cleaning the kitchen; something to keep her busy and Lawrence was straitening up the living room when he heard a small knock at the door.

"Coming!" He called as he walked towards the door.

He opened the door and saw Brad, Shannon and Jamie at the door.

"Good evening, detectives. Is there anything I can help you with?" Lawrence greeted them.

"Actually yes, yes there is." Brad said taking the object from behind his back. "Do these belong to one of your sons?"

In his hands was a pair of black tennis shoes.

Phineas tried once more to break the restraints on his arms, but they didn't come loose. He groaned and looked over at Ferb who was moving his feet around trying to loosen the knot, but like Phineas, he was also failing. Phineas scooted over to Ferb and leaned his head on his shoulder.

'Don't worry, Ferb. We'll get out. We always do.' Phineas tried to comfort him using their mind readers.

Ferb let out a muffled sigh, 'But, we've never been held hostage before.'

Phineas frowned underneath the ductape, 'yeah,' but then his expression brightened. 'I bet Perry, Mom, Dad and Candace are out looking for us right now as we speak. I know it's been three days and we're in the middle of no where, but who knows maybe they'll find us.'

Ferb nodded his head, 'I guess you're right.' He closed his eyes and was about to get his first nap in days when he heard a sniffle. 'Phineas?'

'Y-Yeah, Ferb?' Even in his mind it sounded like he had been crying.

'What's wrong?'

Phineas sighed, 'Everything, Ferb. We're locked underground, I'm tired and starving, my wrists and feet are numb, I miss our family and on top of that I have your sock in my mouth!' Phineas finally broke down although it was a bit hard to cry with a sock in your mouth and it taped shut, but he managed.

Ferb looked down on his brother in worry, 'Phin, we'll be home in no time.' He thought as he snuggled closer to his brother.

Phineas shook his head, 'I can't let you make that promise, Ferb. It's too much to ask for.'

Ferb shook his head stubbornly, 'No it's not.'

After a few seconds of silence, Phineas asked the question that has been bugging him for a while now. 'Are you scared, Ferb?'

Ferb's brows knit in confusion. Was he scared? 'Of course I am. I am more scared than anything right now, Phin."

Phineas sighed and looked up at his brother. 'But, you always seem so calm all the time. It's like nothing ever scares you. You're invincible.'

Ferb shook his head and disagreed 'Phin, right now I'm beyond scared. I'm afraid of your safety, my safety. If we'll ever see Mum, Dad, Candace or Perry again. But, most of all, I'm scared that this moment right here will be our last.'

As Phineas listened to his brother's speech, he did his best to hold back tears. But once Ferb finished Phineas couldn't hold them in anymore. He sobbed in his brother's shoulder.

'Right now Ferb, I'd give anything to be at home. To see Dad with Queen on his face, eat Mom's snacks and have Candace bust us. But most of all I want to sit under our tree with you and wonder where Perry went, right before we build the greatest thing ever!'

Ferb sighed and looked down at his brother. He was also crying, but not as much as Phineas. Ferb nestled closer to Phineas and began to hum in his head.

'Ferb, right now's not the time for a song.' Phineas said sniffling.

Ferb shook his head, 'It'll help. Trust me.'

Phienas sighed and gave in. 'Fine'

'We're buried in the dirt,

Stuck inside the Earth.

We've been starved, kicked and beat.

We've got numb hands and feet.

I know we may feel alone,

But come tomorrow when we're home,

We'll look back and we'll see

That I had you and you had me.

You've got my back when I'm about to fall.

We've stuck together through it all.

I don't need anyone,

But you to have some fun.

Even though we miss Mum and Dad,

Even though our life seems bad

Even though we'r elocked deep, down in

Even though we're way too thin

Remember, I'm right here beside you Phin

When you feel alone

Cuz, come tomorrow when we're home,

We'll look back ad we'll see

That I had you and you had me.

You've got my back when I'm about to fall.

We've stuck together trough it all.

I don't need anyone,

But you to have some fun.

You know it's true

All I need is you

And you see

All you need is me

All we need is each other to get through

You need me and I need yooouuuu.

Phineas mentally clapped inside his head for Ferb's performance and did his best to move closer to him, if that was even possible. 'I want to go home.'

Ferb sniffled and looked down once again on his younger brother, 'Me too, Phin, me too.'