Title: Crazy Girl

Author: ilikewhitevans

Length: 1500~ words

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did, *sigh* things in Glee would go a lot differently.

A/N: So I don't really want this to be angsty but it's probably going to be after this chapter for a little bit. And I love reviews. They are kind of like crack so if you wanna, you know, throw them my way *wink, wink* by all means, please do so. Thanks.

Lastly, she saw Kurt walking backwards blocking her view of who, she could only guess was Rachel Berry. And then, he turned around and her view suddenly wasn't obstructed.

Quinn could only think one thing to herself.


The girl, well, young woman, Quinn thought, was beautiful. Long, dark, chestnut hair looked soft and thick. Like it would feel like fine silk. She was short, and small. But not outrageously so. Just petite. She was dressed in a plain red v-neck shirt, and skinny jeans, a pair of black converse adorning her feet. She lightly cleared her throat, and Quinn's eyes shot up and locked onto to the girl's.

Whoa. And then, I need to come up with a new word.

The girl's eyes were dark, chocolate if Quinn had to put a name to it. But that's not what was so amazing.

Quinn believed that eyes were the windows to the soul. Believed it with everything she had. And this girl's eyes? Were looking straight into her. Straight past the blonde hair, hazel eyes, and into who Quinn actually was.

"Hi. I'm Rachel." The girl stuck her hand out formally.

"Uh, I-I'm Quinn." Quinn took Rachel's hand and couldn't help but notice that her hands were just as soft as her hair looked.

Rachel smiled, "I know. Kurt told me." She said, gesturing over her shoulder to Kurt, who was in the kitchen, presumably making drinks or something.

"Ah. Yeah, I get the feeling that he does that." Quinn smiled, when Rachel just nodded, smirked and slid her hands into her back pockets.

Quinn saw Rachel's eyes move around the table, before focusing on the chair that was empty. The chair that Kurt had been sitting in. The chair that was right next to Quinn.

"You wanna sit?" Quinn said, pointing to the chair, next to her. Rachel nodded, mumbled thanks and took the seat, leaning back and crossing her legs, one over the other.

Quinn realized that while she had been attempting to talk to Rachel, the other four people who had come in were sitting around the table talking to the Hudson's. She'd been so focused on Rachel that she hadn't realized that the entire set up of the table had changed. Puck was now next to her engrossed in a conversation with the Latina and the blonde that had come in before Rachel. The two men that had come in first were sitting across from her talking to Carole and Burt.

Kurt chose that moment to reappear on the porch with a tray full of drinks. He handed Quinn, Puck, Burt, the Latina and the other blonde beers, gave the other two men and Carole glasses full of what looked to be iced tea. He sat down on the arm of Rachel's chair and put the tray down on the table and took two steaming mugs from it, handing one to Rachel and keeping the other for himself.

Kurt took a small sip, and then set his mug back on the table, when he noticed Quinn looking at both he and Rachel. "We drink hot tea, rather than sweet tea, or soda. We have a big production coming up and our voices need to be in tip top shape."

Quinn nodded, taking a long drink of her beer. "Ah. I can imagine. I know what that's like."

Rachel looked at her, disbelieving. "You do?"

"Well, technically, I don't but I had an ex who was in show choir in high school and then in college and she used to drink nothing but hot tea the week before a big competition or performance." She said, pulling yet another cigarette out of her pack.

Quinn looked up, catching the tail end of a look that Rachel and Kurt were sharing. "What? I know Kurt is fine with it, but Rachel, I don't have to smoke around you. It's not that big of a deal." She moved to put her cigarette away, when Rachel's hand covered hers, stopping her. Quinn's eyes dropped to where the brunette's thumb was rubbing back and forth on her hand.

"Quinn, it's fine." The blonde's eyes snapped back up to Rachel's, locking onto those mahogany eyes, and tried to disregard the pleasant shiver that went down her spine when they connected, both through their hands and eyes.

Quinn managed to choke out, "Okay, if you say so," before taking the cigarette and placing it to her lips. She hadn't realized her hands were shaking until she tried to light it and the flame wouldn't settle long enough. Rachel seemed to see Quinn struggling and grabbed the lighter from Quinn, their hands brushing yet again.

"Here. Let me help you." Rachel easily struck the lighter and held it to the end of Quinn's cigarette. She took a deep drag, relishing in the slight burn in her chest from it, before blowing the steady stream out and away from both Kurt and Rachel.

"Thanks." She said, smiling.

Rachel gave her a wink, the corners of her mouth turning up. "No problem."

The three of them sat in silence for a few moments before Kurt cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the entire table. Once their eyes were all on him, he directed his attention to Quinn. "Since my brother has no manners," he said, throwing a pointed glance at Puck, "I believe I will make all of the introductions."

He gestured to the blonde sitting next to Puck, "That is Brittany, Rachel's beautiful sister," she waved happily at Quinn, "and the saucy Latina, next to her, is Santana Lopez, her girlfriend." Santana acknowledged him with a smirk and small nod.

"She is sitting next to my mom and dad, but you already know that. And these two fantastic men, are Hiram and Leroy Berry, Brittany and Rachel's fathers." He said gesturing to the small Caucasian man and the larger African-American man. They waved, and smiled brightly at her, and she could see where Rachel got her smile. They seemed warm, even without yet saying a word.

"He probably should have clarified," the smaller man said, "I'm Hiram, and he is Leroy." He pointed to his partner.

Quinn chuckled. "Yeah, I was hoping one of you would do that. I didn't want to just have to refer to you as 'Hiram and Leroy' the whole time." The whole table erupted in laughter, causing Quinn to blush lightly.

"We would never leave you hanging like that, honey." Hiram comforted.

She smiled gratefully at him, and looked down to her hands. "So Quinn, tell us a little more about yourself. Kurt said you were from Oklahoma?" Leroy said, taking a sip of his sweet tea.

"Yes, sir. I was actually born and raised there."

"Where at?" He questioned.

She took a sip of her beer, suddenly realizing it was almost empty. "Oklahoma City. But we actually lived just North of there in a smaller town."

"Really? We know some people who live in Oklahoma. Where did you live?"

He was making her nervous with all these questions. These people clearly wanted to get to know her, she could tough it out. "I lived in Edmond. We actually lived on the border between the two." She took yet another cigarette and lit it. Or tried. But she had the same problem this time the time before.

Rachel gently pulled the lighter from her hand again, and once again, struck it to light Quinn's cigarette. She mumbled thanks before looking up to Hiram and Leroy again.

"That's incredible. We have friends in Norman." Leroy said, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a long cigar tube. "So I assume you went to high school in Edmond, correct?"

"Yes. I went to Memorial." She said, her leg starting to bounce. Puck seemed to notice this.

"You okay?" He mouthed to her.

She just blinked slowly. Their silent way of communicating, "I'm okay now, but I may not be in a few minutes."

Leroy pulled a matchbook from his pocket and struck one, lighting the cigar he had just put into his mouth. "So you're in the Navy with Puck?"

"Yes, sir." She said. Now her hands were becoming slightly slick, and she couldn't seem to keep her leg still, almost like it had a mind of it's own. Puck leaned over, which thankfully wasn't far, and placed his larger hand on her knee. His silent way of saying, "Calm down. It's okay."

"And you're parents are okay with that?" He asked.

These were the questions she hadn't wanted to answer. Her parents. A sensitive subject if ever there was one. She hated talking about it. She'd only told Puck because he had been there when she'd found out. She focused on the patterns of smoke lifting from her cigarette, trying to ground herself in something. She hadn't realized she'd spaced out that long, until she felt Rachel's hand on her shoulder and that sweet voice in her ear.

"Quinn, are you okay?" She said, and Quinn's eyes moved from her cigarette to Rachel. She locked onto Rachel's eyes, for a split second, feeling her heart rate speed up, before she stood suddenly, practically knocking both Rachel and Puck to the ground.

"I need another beer." She said, practically running through the door, and into the kitchen. And away from the memories.

So what'd you think? Good, bad, or ugly? Read and Review please.