Author's Note: Small musings of head canon for my Imperial Agent Nietcha Aurell as she goes about her business in Imperial Intelligence. There will be MANY SPOILERS in regards to the Imperial Agent Questline in SWTOR. You have been warned! This all comes from my tumblr, I just thought I'd put it here, and perhaps expand upon it. Mostly short little musings. May develop into a mixture of entries and actual descriptions of stuff that goes on in game. Enjoy!

Summary: The life of an Imperial Agent is not easy. You cannot trust anyone. Not even yourself, sometimes. Nietcha Aurell travels the galaxy, starts out as a low ranking agent of Imperial Intelligence to becoming a Cipher Agent, and eventually a force to be reckoned with. The psychological turmoil is almost too much to bear.


I do not normally write these kinds of things, diaries or journals I mean. Normally I do not have a desire to ridiculously put down my feelings onto anything in particular, especially the silly datapad of all things. Ridiculous. I prefer action, not words.

My ever present companion, whom I have the strangest relationship with, named Kaliyo Djanis is laughing at me as I write this out. Laughing! How dare she mock me! Heh. That woman is always chuckling. Everything is humorous to her. Life, death, chaos, pain, happiness. Nothing escapes her capacity for malicious levity. She is a grenade waiting to explode. It's nearly quite annoying and a bit sickening. I am almost tired of her presence, but as she continually reminds me, she's "making me look good." Hardly.

It is true, she will never read this (even if she sliced my computer, I am a far better slicer than her, yet have secured my datapad). She is borderline insufferable at times. She hates the Empire, she hates the Republic, she hates boundaries!

We are almost exact opposites. I do not appreciate being told what to do, of course, much like her, however I know my place. My placeā€¦ I am almost afraid to admit that I cannot defy the Sith anymore. Darth Jadus was clearly displeased with my arrogance. He was merciful upon me. I will not defy the Sith anymore. But that does not mean I will support them. I dislike such politics, their wasteful violence, and their insanity. There is no such thing as a "sane Sith." I have never trusted them.

Anyways, I must get some sleep. This is enough for now, as I write this in the Kaas City Nexus Room Cantina. I need some rest. I've just finished dealing with another ridiculous group of people, a cult known as the Revanites, and would prefer to just forget about the entire ordeal with a few more glasses of ardees.

There is still much to be done. There can be no true rest for an Imperial.

Agent Aurell