Serena had explained it all to Emily and had cried again. She hated crying to Emily, but she couldn't stop herself. She was supposed to be the strong one; the older sister; the protector, and yet she had made herself vulnerable again in front of Emily.
So she got herself to calm down and assured Emily she was okay. She promised Emily everything would be okay and Dekker would not do this to her again. Then she saw Emily close her eyes to sleep. She laid down next to Emily on her bed and watched her sister drift off before she felt her exhaust overcoming her and she soon gave in.
When her breathing steadied, Emily opened one eye. She let out a sigh. She had thought Serena was never going to sleep. She had nearly fallen asleep for real several times while waiting.
Emily got out of bed slowly so she wouldn't wake up Serena. She wanted to help her sister, but there was no way Serena would ever let her. There was no way anyone in the house would let her. But that wouldn't stop Emily.
She walked over to Terran's crib and looked down at him sleeping peacefully. It was a shame he was stuck with Dekker as a father. Mike was doing his best and Emily knew it would get better as he got older, but there was something about having a real family, not parents who fought constantly.
She bit her lip, terrified as she reached into the crib.
Emily sat on a fallen tree in the forest with a bundle in her arms which she rocked gently and played with, waving her finger around for fun. Suddenly, she heard the ground shifting; a crunch in the snow. She jumped to her feet and turned around, clutching the bundle close to her chest.
"You are alone?"
Emily nodded her head fearfully. She hadn't called Dekker, but she had been expecting him to show up. He wanted Terran and for some reason he thought she was the best way to get his son. She knew if she waited long enough, he couldn't resist the temptation. Dekker had only let Serena keep Terran because he couldn't hurt Serena. But he had, over and over again, hurt Emily. This time, she knew he wouldn't hesitate.
Dekker felt like there was something that wasn't quite right. It had only been hours since he had returned Serena. She had no doubt shared her story with the other Samurai and now her sister was out in the open with Terran… something didn't add up.
Since he had been left to survive on his own, Dekker always carried his supplies with him. He had a home in the cave but unsure of what would happen when he wandered out, especially during the winter season, he never went anywhere without the basic necessities. He pulled out a rope.
"While I have you here, we can do this one of two ways," he told her.
Emily shook her head and clutched her bundle closer to her chest, "I'll let you have him on one condition."
Dekker wasn't sure he heard her right, "What?"
"I'll let you have him," Emily repeated, "on one condition. Leave my sister alone!"
Dekker was starting to feel more and more like this was a trap. He noticed he could only see the blankets around Terran, but he hadn't seen his son's face.
"Let me see him," he asked. Emily shifted the bundle around in her arms and lowered the blankets, exposing Terran's face.
"It's cold," she told Dekker, "You'll need to keep him warm… if you're going to take him."
Dekker couldn't believe it. She had been stupid enough to actually bring the baby. Now he was certain this was a trap.
Emily held out Terran slightly, "Take him."
Dekker stood still for a moment and tried to listen around. Either she was actually stupid enough to just hand over the baby, or this was planned, and if it was planned, it was likely the entire team was watching.
"Put him down."
Emily shook her head, "It's cold. Come take him."
Dekker wouldn't approach her until he knew what was going on. Emily knew she had to make her move.
"I hate myself… but you promised you wouldn't hurt him," she said. "You promised Serena. Besides, you're his dad; you want to take care of him."
"What game are you playing, yellow Ranger?"
Emily shook her head, "This isn't a game, Dekker. This is the most serious thing I've ever done. If we can't convince you to back off… I hate it but… we might as well just hand him over."
"Who is here with you?"
"No one," Emily insisted. "No one knows I even took him out of his crib."
"And why are you giving him to me?"
"Because you're going to keep fighting for him and we can't stop you. It's going to ruin his life. I have a better chance of convincing Serena to stop looking for him. If you promise to leave her alone from now on… you can have him."
Dekker noticed the tears in Emily's eyes and the look on her face. "This is hard for you?"
"You promise you'll take care of him?" Emily asked.
"He is my son. I will raise him as such. I will give him everything."
"Promise you'll leave Serena alone?"
"Give me my son, yellow Ranger," Dekker growled. He stepped forward and Emily stepped back, clutching Terran tighter.
"Promise you'll leave Serena alone?" she repeated.
"Yellow Ranger, give me my son."
"Leave Serena alone."
"Give me my son!" Dekker roared and charged forward. He didn't have any weapons on him but he could over power the yellow Ranger. He always could. When she turned to run away he caught the hood of her jacket and pulled her onto her back. She was still holding his son tight with one hand but he saw the other reaching for her waist. He grabbed her wrist before she could get her Samuraizer and he twisted it painfully while his other hand grabbed the bundle. When he had Terran, safe and sound, in his arms, he let go of Emily, "I will be leaving."
Emily looked up at Dekker as he slowly got up off her, "Please leave her alone, now."
Dekker scoffed. He couldn't care any less any more. He took a few steps away from Emily and then double checked the bundle. The Samurai were sneaky so before he got too far he wanted to see if he got what he wanted.
He unwrapped Terran from the blankets and saw his son looking up at him, smiling happily. He tickled the little boy under the chin, trying to make the smile grow when suddenly he felt something hit his back. His vision blurred and he swayed. He held Terran tight, but his grip soon started to fail. He dropped the boy into the snow and fell.
Emily tucked her Samuraizer away and smiled to herself. She had no idea how well the symbol would work, but she just needed it to work well enough for Dekker to forget a little over a year of his life, which, given how long he had been alive, was not a huge part of his life. Hopefully, she had done the forget symbol right.
She got up, cradling the wrist Dekker had twisted, and walked to the bundle he had dropped. The blankets had fallen around Terran, who was lying in the snow. She picked up Terran's favourite blanket, "He must have thought I was an idiot. I love doubles."
Smiling to herself, Emily set off for home.
When she got to the Shiba House, she saw Mike waiting outside. He looked very unimpressed.
"Where did you go?" he demanded.
"Where?" Mike asked again. He had been worried for her. After giving her and Serena some time to talk, he decided it was likely best to check up on them, but when he opened the door to Serena's room, Emily was gone. He checked the map first and saw her signal walking home so he waited for her.
"I just had to take care of some stuff," Emily shrugged, still holding her wrist. It hurt like hell. She was sure Dekker had done something to it.
"Like…" Mike pressed. Emily let out a heavy sigh. She couldn't really hide it from him.
Mike tensed up instantly, "What?"
"He attacked Serena," Emily said, "It's only fair…"
"Do you have a death wish?" Mike cried as he stormed over to Emily and grabbed her by the arm, "You're going to get yourself killed! You went looking for him?"
Emily bit her lip and looked down. She could hear Mike growling angrily.
"I'm fine!"
"You could have gotten hurt!"
"I can always get hurt," Emily rolled her eyes, "besides, I didn't."
"Because you didn't find him?" Mike asked hopefully. Emily bit her lip again. Mike gasped. "Emily! You could have gotten yourself killed!"
"I didn't!" Emily stomped her foot.
"He underestimated me! You're all underestimating me."
"If anyone else had gone out there…"
"They would have gotten hurt, too, Em."
"But why will I always get killed?"
"Because you keep putting yourself in situations where you're going to get yourself killed!"
"He's a better fighter than me. You're all better than me, but I still took him on and won!"
"You could have been killed," Mike stated. He dropped her arm and turned away from her with a huff, "I'm going inside."
Emily was a little disappointed. She knew that if she told everyone what she did they would yell at her for going out on her own, but she thought she could at least tell Mike and get him to understand.
"But don't you want to hear how I won?"
"Not really, Em," Mike shook his head as he walked up the steps.
"Em, I've seen and done enough stupid things in my life. I don't need to hear another story."
"What?" Emily furrowed her brow quizzically then shook her head, "Okay, I get it was kind of stupid but…"
Mike turned around and looked at Emily, "No, Em, there's a line. There's doing stupid things and there's being stupid enough to do stupid things. One day, you're going to run out into danger and you're not going to get lucky."
"We've talked about this once before, Emily."
"The last time you went out on your own after Dekker and didn't tell anyone!" Mike screamed.
"Serena knew…"
"Serena had just woken up from a coma, you idiot!" Mike shouted and Emily had a look of shock on her face, "She could barely get a word out! By the time she could string a sentence together, you could have been long dead."
"But I wasn't!"
"But you could have been."
"But I wasn't…"
"I don't care what happened! I care about what could have happened, and what will eventually happen if you keep running around like a moron looking for trouble!"
"If you're going to keep being stupid you'll end up dead before we're even married, so why should I even bother?"
Emily had had it. Her lip quivered and tears stung her eyes. She pulled her ring off her finger and tossed it at Mike.
"Fine! Don't marry me!"
She stormed passed him and into the house. Mike followed her, holding the ring.
Emily didn't listen to him. She walked down to her sister's room and slammed the door. The sound woke up both Terran and Serena.
Serena heard the door slam, but then heard Terran crying. She got up and walked over to the crib. She picked him up but noticed his blanket was gone. She usually hung it over the side of the crib so he knew it was near, and it was close enough in reach so she could wrap it around him when he woke up in the mornings. As she picked him up and soothed him, she started looking around for it.
"It's here," she heard someone say and turned around. She saw Emily sitting on the floor against the door, knees to her chest, holding the baby blanket out. Her sister's face was soaked in tears.
"Emy…" Serena walked over and took the blanket from Emily. She wrapped it around Terran and then sat next to her sister, "What's wrong?"
"I took care of Dekker."
"I made him forget about Terran… and hopefully about you too. He won't come looking for him anymore so Terran's safe."
"How?" Serena asked with concern, "Emy, what did you do?"
"Dekker wanted Terran. I took his blanket, made a double, and took it out. Dekker fell for it, and when he took Terran, I hit him with a forget symbol."
"Forget? Emily, that's…"
"Not so hard," Emily shrugged her shoulders, "Kevin and I did have to use symbol power without the Samuraizers, remember? That'll definitely strengthen you."
"I guess, but…"
"I went after Dekker and I survived. Don't get mad."
"But you could have gotten hurt, Em."
"Dekker came in here and tied you up! He took Terran once, he could do it again! Someone was going to get hurt anyways!"
"I won't do it again, I promise," Emily huffed. She crossed her arms over her knees, "If you're all going to flip out."
Serena sighed. She hated that Emily had gone out on her own, but if it meant keeping Terran safe maybe it was for the best. Emily was a trained Samurai, Terran was just a baby.
She was about to wrap her free arm around Emily in a hug when she noticed the bruising on Emily's wrist. She set Terran down in her lap and inspected Emily's hand, "What happened?"
"That's all Dekker did," Emily shrugged her shoulders, "He twisted it."
Serena looked up at Emily, "Do you want peas?"
Emily shook her head, "I can barely feel it now."
"It's not bothering me," Emily insisted.
"I'll get the first aid kit, still," Serena said. She put Terran in his crib and left the room for a moment.
Emily just sat on the floor while she waited, and she stared at Terran's crib. At least she had fixed his family. She didn't regret that.
Serena came back with two rolls of bandages. Mentor had started to buy them in colour, thinking it could at least be something fun for the Rangers when they got hurt. Serena had brought back a green and yellow, as well as a bag of frozen peas.
"I can wrap them together so you see…"
"Just yellow, please," Emily whispered and placed the peas on her hand. Serena looked at Emily like she was about to ask, but decided against it. She wrapped her wrist up. As soon as she was done she started to clean up, but Emily threw herself in Serena's arms.
"Are you mad?"
"What? About Dekker?"
"A little, but… if it was for Terran… Don't make me choose, Emily…"
Emily just hugged her sister tighter, so Serena wrapped her arms around Emily and held her. Something was wrong, but for now everything was okay. She trusted when Emily said Terran was safe, and whatever Emily had done, she was fine now, at least, that's what it looked like.
But something felt wrong. After a few moments Serena finally asked, "Emily, are you okay?"
She got no reply. She pulled away from Emily and saw why. Emily had fallen asleep.
"Conveniently," Serena whispered with a soft chuckle. She lifted her sister up and set her down in her bed. She tucked her in, careful with her wrist.
Then a thought occurred to her. Emily had hurt her left wrist. Serena had seen Emily hurt herself enough times to know swelling usually occurred with injuries. Usually there was nothing to worry about with the swelling, but now Emily always worn her engagement ring. If her fingers swelled, getting the ring off would be difficult or impossible unless the ring was cut.
But when Serena reached for Emily's hand she saw the ring wasn't there.
"Emily… what did you do?" Serena asked. She turned to Terran's crib and shook her head. She was happy he was safe, but what did it cost?