Tori Fixes Beck & Jade
Authors Note: This is gonna be my longest chapter. Here's my question to you. Do you want me to continue this story? Or I should I make another one for the next episode? Because there back together now and I promised I would only update till they got back together...
"Hey," Beck came around the corner to find one of his most beautiful friends, Tori, standing right next to his best friend, Andre. He'd always wonder if Andre would make a move on her, it was obvious he had feelings for her.
"Hey, Beck," Tori said mid-laugh. Whatever her and Andre had been talking about had them both smiling. Beck wished he could have a happy relationship like them.
"So, Sikowitz wants to know if you guys are gonna sing at the full moon jam?" Beck said, looking back at his Pear Pad. Sikowitz should be doing these jobs for himself, but whatever, thought Beck, entering both Tori and Andre's responses into the tablet.
"Hello. Ex-excuse me, Jade."
Jade's eyes flared up at the boy who dared to interupt her deep thinking. He wasn't cute either, and he was scared to death, meaning he wasn't worth her time.
"I'm Braden? From history class?"
She looked at him with anger. Who the hell was this boy and what the hell did he want? She didn't even remember him, but probably some peasant she had once talked to.
"You borrowed my notes?"
Right, him. She had taken them, saying she needed to study. Really, it was revenge for his constant tapping of his pen and shaking his leg, which bugged her to the point where she want to viciously stab him with scissors.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry."
Jade smiled as he ran off. She was good at this.
"Thanks Braden," She said in a dumbfounded blonde voice, happy with her work here. She strolled past Beck, but he was too busy paying attention to Tori to notice. She felt what happiness she had be instantly deflated.
"Oh come on, her plants actually exploded?" Beck said, laughing at Trina's rediculous-ness. To think he had actually kissed that!
"Yes, her zipper landed in some old lady's soup!" Tori laughed next to him.
Beck laughed, and obviously had missed Meredith approaching him. "Hey Meredith," Tori's voice rang out.
"So Beck, if you want, I was thinking maybe we could hang out later."
Beck froze. Meredith. Not Meredith. Any girl but Meredith. Sure she was cute, and perky, and happy, but she wasn't Jade, and she wasn't Tori. She wasn't even in his interest group. Not only that, though. What would Jade think? She would murder them both!
Tori stood behind Meredith, and Beck had to think of an excuse, and fast.
"Yeah, I uhm... can't. I would, but today's not good."
Tori's whole face fell into this angry, contorted group.
"What do you mean today's not good? What's wrong with today?"
"Today, I have.. uh...," Beck stuttered. "A big jar of coins and I gotta count 'em."
"Okay, Have fun."
Thank God, Beck thought. Then, much to his dismay, Tori pulled Meredith back and once again tried to set them up. Why was Tori so persistant? Beck didn't want to do this! Tori would be murdered, too!
Beck started to wonder if maybe Tori was so stuck on setting him up with Meredith so Jade could be more unhappy. It would make complete sense...
"SHHH!" Beck grabbed Tori's arm and pulled her into the closest. He had know idea what to tell her! There had to be some way to drill this into miss little perfect Tori's mind! Her annoyance started to crawl all over Beck.
"Okay, I get that Meredith likes me! And Maybe, I could like her. But you know, Jade."
"You and Jade broke up months ago!" Tori said, disgusted. She was really starting to hate how much Beck would always worry about her! For god sakes, Jade wasn't worth it!
"Yeah, but when we were dating, one summer, Meredith and I were in a play together. And it made Jade, like, crazy jealous."
Beck started to think back the play. Meredith's character had been all over his, and Meredith was totally into him too. They shared many kisses throughout the play, and were always running lines at Meredith's house. He swore to god nothing had happened, for that matter, he wouldn't even kiss her unless they were on stage. Knowing Jade, she couldn't even think otherwise.
The conversation continued on, and Beck could tell this would be bad. Guys were terrified of Jade, and there was no guy in the whole world that would be able to approach Jade without dying! Beck had the worst trouble getting her in the first place, and keeping her in his grasp for the first sixth months had been nearly impossible. Jade loves being feared, end of story. If she could scare every person in the world, she would do so.
Plus, Beck didn't want her with another guy...
Jade stood posed at the microphone. She was already annoyed with herself for wearing so much color today, and now, standing there, she could barely hear herself. She thought she sounded like shit trying to sing her song, and it was freaking her out. She wanted this night to be perfect, her first time singing alone on stage. Everyone was looking forward to this performance.
"Sure, I would love to turn you up a little," Sinjin said. He thought he was being sexy. it was the same way those guys with the smooth moves had gotten Tori and Jade at Nozu's.
The three guys stood there in pure terror of her. Just how she liked it.
So, this guy was better then the last one, Jade thought. Still, She didn't wanna open her heart up to any guys after what the last one did. She slammed the locker shut and gave him a glare. She couldn't wait to hear what this one had in store to say.
"My name's Gilbert."
"oh my god." Jade smiled victoriously.
"I really like your shoes," he attempted.
"I hate these shoes. There ugly and they hurt my feet."
"Why do you wear them?"
"because I like to punish myself."
She left out the 'because I'm not good enough for Beck' part.
"Well, I think you look really nice today."
"So, yesterday I looked gross." Now that, it was true in her head. "I usually look disgusting, but today I just got lucky."
Watching him stutter amused Jade so much, until he turned around and screamed "OH FORGET IT! I'm not asking her out, you can keep your money." He ran off in pure terror.
"YOU PAID A GUY, TO ASK ME OUT?" She stopped.
Jade's heart completely sank. No one wanted her. Not even SinJin, and they had to pay some stupid guy to ask her out, and even then he wouldn't go through with it! Jade slammed her bag down and chased after Tori. She was gonna kill that girl in the most painful, tortourus way she could think of.
Jade ran around like a maniac, and Beck could hear ehr screams from outside... What did Tori try to do?
Andre and Tori shuffled into a closest, and Beck quickly followed them in. They screamed as if they were in a murder movie.
"Oh thank god it's you. We thought you were Jade."
"Want me to get her?" Beck would've loved too. He told them not to bother her, and they ended up hurting her more then they should've.
"What's up with you guys?" He sorta already knew, Jade was running around screaming like a crazy maniac.
"HEY!" Jade fell from the ceiling. Ahh, her secret ways of getting here.
"Yeah, I should've told you, this is a bad place to hide from Jade." Jade did know every secret passage way in this school, after all.
"Put it down. PUT. IT. DOWN." Beck knew he was the only one who had any control over her. And he liked it that way.
"These two buttcheeks paid a guy to ask me out on a date."
Beck's face fell. First of off, he knew that hurt her. Second, why should Jade get a boyfriend? Jade was his... well, not really anymore. God, he wanted to fucking hurt someone, but instead of letting his anger out, he bottled it up inside, like he always did.
"Guys are scared to ask you out!"
Jade's couldn't take this conversation now. Beck wasn't still into her. He liked another girl...
"Oh my god. How many times do I have to say it? We broke up, ask out any girl you want."
"See, I said you should've jsut asked out Meredith."
"MEREDITH!" Jade's anger pumped through her head, steaming out the side of her ears like a cartoon.
"ohh, I knew it. I knew it two years ago when you were in that awful play with her."
Jade couldn't help but remember it. She had knew it all along, Beck had cheated on her. He was into thick skinny twigs, not thicker girls like her. She knew it. She'd always thought she wasn't good enough, and she knew that he'd be bored with her.
Beck couldn't help but feel like this was two years ago, all over again, standing in his RV screaming at each other.
"You know what? I don't care. Go out with Meredith. Enjoy her cupcakes."
Beck watched Jade leave... he wanted Jade's cupcakes. Not Meredith. Too late now, might as well try to move on.
"So, are you hungry?" Beck asked Meredith, trying to be a polite gentleman.
"Are you?"
"Not really," answered Beck, a little shocked.
"Me either."
This is how it always was! A girl would seem totally fine, totally normal, but she wouldn't have a mind of her own. She'd always have to be just like him. Meredith was just like every other lovestruck girl.
Beck was about to give up on Meredith. Ten minutes wasted now, of simple, hopeless disccusion where Meredith just agreed with EVERY LITTLE EFFING thing he said. He was more annoyed now then ever. He told her he was leaving, and got up to join Tori, who was standing alone by the snack bar.
"So, You and Meredith, huh?" She said, being the same old annoying Tori she always is. "You guys gonna snoodle?"
"There will be no snoodling," Beck said, assuredly.
Beck rolled his eyes. It always had to be about Tori.
Beck knew what he wanted now. He didn't want another girl he wanted Jade. Jade kept him on edge, kept him excited, entertained. Her body was gorgeous, she had a mind of her own and could be completely independent, while ever other girl had to lean on a guy for support. Jade could keep herself upwrite, alone, and be happy. Or, as happy as Jade gets. She didn't even cry in school after there break up. Beck had been more upset then she had. Jade was a chase, and Beck needed it.
Speaking of his chase, she was taking the stage now.
She gripped the microphone and already began seducing him. Beck could feel her eyes glazing towards him, as if she had been singing to him only.
"You think you know me but you don't know me. You think you own me but you can't, control me."
Beck felt himself walking towards the girl displaying a courageous amount of energy on stage. Almost as if he was drawn to it.
"But you're not afraid of me, and I can't convince you. You don't me."
Beck clapped along. Jade had written this song, and the words screamed violently in his ears. His heart ached. This was his girl. This was the girl he was in love with. A girl he couldn't completely own.
Jade smiled knowing beck was completely engrossed in the song.
"You scream at me, I'll scream at you, Louder, Louder, Louder, Louder, Louder, Louder."
She bent down and flipped her hair twice. Beck knew what he had to do now. There was no turning back.
"I think you know me."
Beck had to leave now. He ran to the corner of the stage, and when Jade saw he was gone, she knew she'd gotten her point across. He had probably left in anger.
Maybe that's why it scared the shit out of her as he walked out across the stage.
Tori stood stunned.
"I've missed you."
"So, what are you gonna do about it?" She raised a questioning eyebrow.
They kissed each other passionately across the stage, and Jade looked out to every girl in the audience to let them all know this was HERS. and only hers.
Jade and Beck were lounging back in his RV.
"What took you so long?" Jade said, watching as Beck sat down next to her in only his pants.
"Well, Jade, it's you." He said, looking at her. "And you aren't easy."
"You aren't easy either," she said, kissing his face. "Don't hurt me again."
Beck looked into her vibrant eyes. "I can't go that long without you. It was almost a year."
"Next time, open the door."
They kissed passionately, and she ripped her shirt over her head, leaving her in only a bra and jeans. "See what you missed?"
He laughed like an eager child. "But not tonight."
She threw her shirt back on and picked up her stuff to leave. "You have to earn yourself back up to that status."
She swung the door open and was about to leave. "Wait, Jade," Beck said. "I love you."
"You better," and the door slam shut. Beck sank back into his couch. He was happy again. He wasn't empty anymore.
THANK YOU DAN SCHNIEDER. FINALLY. I WAITED TOO LONG. So shall I continue to the end of Victorious?