I smile and press the elevator button, walking into the silver and watching the doors close, turning around to a huge mirror and sighing at the reflection. Out of everything I know in life…I know little. Yuki, I had no idea she was this 'X Essence' or whatever she said. I didn't know Kaki had actual feelings. I didn't know that Easter was still after me, and I got Yuki, Kaki, and I all captured. I didn't know about Sorrow. I didn't know I could Character Transform with Mi's Characters. I didn't know Ikuto's feelings for me until too late. I didn't know Toa was forced with that picture business. In fact, at first, when all this started, I didn't know anything. Just that life sucked dcks and that was pretty much it. I sigh and place a palm on the mirror.

"Maki-cha?" Quartz cocks her head.

I smile. Of course I never knew…that's because…"That's me."

You've read 1) My Patch of Ice and Blood


2) No More Sorrow

Linkinparkfan9799 presents…


The Red

Chapter 1

You Didn't Miss Much

HELLO! YO! WHATSUP! BARNEY! AND…cut. Yo. I'm Maki Kia (or Maki btch Kia if you ask my wonderful twin). You should know that if you've read 'My Patch of Ice and Blood' and 'No More Sorrow'. If you haven't, go to them because you'll be L-A-Z-Y, Lost, in this if you don't know the first two by now. It's true though, you didn't really miss much of anything. Well, you did miss the hospital release of Ikuto (I'm still upset he didn't get an Iron Lung and full-fill my half of 'The Kia Bet of October 2012'). Now? Again, it hasn't been the dramatic eight million years where Ikuto and I are old and wrinkly and 'doing it' to have our fifth billionth baby, but have to stop every six seconds because of his damaged lung. That'd just be porno. It's been TWO MONTHS people. I mean jeez whoever actually HOPED for that particular porno, you're sick. You need help. Either that or you're an old pervert with tiny balls. Speaking of which…now it's December, to those dumb people, and it's snowing lightly outside. It's December 1, 2012, to be exact, and here's a little test: What significance does that have in my life?

Barney's assassination (Barney the purple dinosaur)

Dora's Torture (Dora the explorer)

Barney's 'accident' (the cable guy. I'M MISSING MY DAILY VAMPIRE KNIGHT/ROSARIO + VAMPIRE!)

The answer: None of the planned above. It's really (if you were smart and chose not to believe my Crack mouth) D) my boyfriend's birthday. Another test: who's my boyfriend?

Barney (dinosaur) [OH GD]




The pervert hobo

Step-Dad [Wrong. Wrong. SO WRONG. But eh, just thinking about those perverts who assume]


To be honest, it's half-half G. Don't get me wrong, but it's Ikuto, and remember in (1) I called him Santa a lot? Sorry for all the tests, but my present is NOT available to strangers! I sigh out loud, sort of confusion 'my cat' (I'm sorry, but I don't want a break-up just yet!) has to suffer. He sets down the magazine he borrowed from my Japanese book shelf, awfully barren save a few Japanese versions of Manga I already own or don't, magazines, and one or two books on 'How To Love A Pervert' (I'm serious, there's a series and I want the third book for Christmas!). "Something up?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Just talking to myself."

I feel him stuff his right hand in my right pocket by stretching his arm over (yeah, he's sitting on my left). "Aw…but you can talk to me, my little kitten…"

"Lick my ear now and I swear Yoru is going in the garbage disposal."

Yoru screams and ducks into his egg, Ikuto's hand flying out of my pocket. "JEEZ! TALK ABOUT HOMICIDAL!"

I shrug and Rosa flies over with a little drawing of a rose. I smile and pin it up onto the post-board now having one column of drawing's from my characters (plus Mi's, but I think she's a part of me now…). I shrug and return to Dracula. You know, like I said, I don't know much about myself, but I ought to figure it all out someday. Nana is dancing with Quartz, then arguing about the dancing style, and then dancing again, while Vanessa sits on the top of the closet and Rosa sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth as she colors something in her little drawing pad. I swear she's like Annie (who visited earlier and vandalized my boyfriend's sleeping face [now containing a faded heart with him and catnip]). Someone knocks on the door and I stand to open it, finding it to be a shivering Amu and Yuki, icicles hanging off the tips of their noses (I'm not kidding).

"What the…" I blink.

"Don't…ask…" Amu's teeth chatters.

I let them in and Ikuto sighs. "Jeez when can we have some time alone?" he asks.

"You're so nice," Yuki rolls her eyes.

Mina flies in along with Annie, Miki, Ran, Dia, and Su. "HaHA! Bow to me my subjects, for you're Queen has returned!"

And I STILL have a difficulty understanding how she's Yuki's wish to be more ARTISTIC and Annie is to be NICE AND SWEET. If anything it should be switched so there's some irony with Mina. I guess it's the colorful clothing articles, the crown with a paintbrush and microphone making an 'X', and the fact that she's 'creative' in her personality. Annie is in fact sweet and all…but she vandalizes people. I'm serious…I laugh. She's drawing on Yoru's forehead. "GET OFF ME!" Yoru screams.

"Now isn't that cute?" Yuki and I beam.

"No," Ikuto and Amu mutter, Ikuto on the left side of my bed and Amu at the right half's foot.

I stick out my tongue at them and next thing you know, Ikuto is tonguing me, Yuki trying to pry him off, and Amu laughing her guts out. I don't DARE to move and Ikuto is eventually off, allowing me to breathe once more. "WHAT THE FCK?" I exclaim. "JUST BECAUSE I STICK MY TONGUE OUT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO STICK IT IN!"

Kaki runs up with a butcher knife and starts chasing Ikuto around suspecting sex. You know…having her around only teaches me to be wiser with word choice. Amu sighs and looks out at the snow. "Something wrong?" Yuki sits next to her.

All the Characters fly down, raising brows. Amu crosses her arms and stares at the ground. "You see…there's been these new occurrences…"

I sigh. I guess you also missed Lulu moving out of Japan and taking the Question Eggs with her (Tadase and Kukai told me she was the actual cause). Now what she's talking about doesn't scare me, but if it's Sorrow*, I'm killing her once and for all! (*SORROW*-Disease for 'X' Negative bearers that takes the form of a bloody girl with carnivore jaws and long claws.). Although, when she 'died', it was dmn convincing I'll tell you that. Yuki pats Amu's back. "What type?" Nana wonders.

"There are weird 'X's appearing on eggs," Dia sorrowfully informs. "They're so sad…but we can't purify them."

"Then what do you do with them?" Quartz and Annie wonder.

Miki bites her lip and Su holds her face in her hands. "We have to destroy them."

All characters and Yuki and I gasp. "D-Destroy?" I stutter. "Why? Can't you just capture them and have Mack look at them?"

"We tried," Ran pouts, "but he can't get anything!"

"THEN TRY!" Vanessa scolds.


"WHOA!" Amu holds up her hands. "Calm down guys…we'll find a way to be able to purify them soon."

Quartz tugs a strand of my hair and I turn to see her pointing out the window. I squint and see a faint crimson glint. I raise a brow and shake it off. "I guess it'll be okay for now," I sigh. "Just as long as it's not every heart in Asia."

Amu nods and we all walk (or hover) downstairs to see Ikuto clinging to the ceiling with knives surrounding him. Kaki comes in with knives and chucks one up, nearly cutting off his dck but he manages to miss it. I sigh and take the knives from Kaki and shove them back into the drawer, keeping the large butcher knife out and slice my elbow. I don't wince or scream or cry out, I just watch the blood flow and the feel the pain. I sigh and shove the knife back in, hugging my ribs and Mommy walking in with a cake.


They come in and Ikuto huffs, grabbing some gauze and wrapping it around the cut. "Why won't you stop doing that?" he sighs.

I shrug and he kisses the top of my head (I'm still surprised we even HAVE this relationship because he's eighteen and I'm TWELVE). I sit in between Amu and Yuki and Mommy pushes the slices to us, Kaki dragging me into the Living Room and onto the couch to grab the remote and flip through channels. Her finger freezes and I gap. It's Barney.

"CHANGE IT!" I scream.

She drops it and we have to suffer through most of a 'clean up' song before she flips it thrice to freeze again and for me to gap again. It's Vampire Knight. She squeals and sits [] close to the TV, blushing once Kain, Akatsuki comes on. "HE'S SO FCKING HOT!"

I shrug. "I don't know what you see in him."

She stands in front of me, one hand on her hip and the other pointing at me with a scowl on her face. "Shut up! You think Zero's hot!"

"What?" Ikuto runs in.

I roll my eyes. "It's Vampire Knight, silly," I smile. "And we picked what characters we think are the hottest. I picked Zero."

"And I picked Akatsuki!" Kaki jumps and lands right in front of the TV again. "OH LOOK HE'S SHIRTLESS!"

"Girls would you keep it down?" Mommy asks. "You're comments are disturbing Amu!"

Yuki comes in. "Yo."

Amu comes in, raising a brow. "What are you watching?"

"Vampire Knight, baby!" Kaki exclaims.

Amu blinks and exits politely. Kaki is left frozen, sweat pouring down her face. "Yo, yo, yo!" Cassie waves a hand in front of Kaki's face, rapping of course. "The girl's not dead, hit her in the head!"

Hidu beats a brass knuckle to her palm. "I agree, I agree!"

Yuki and I shake our heads and she sits next to me, watching Vampire Knight as it runs before it switches to Elfen Lied. "TURN IT OFF!" she rushes as I go to find the remote. "TURN IT FCKING OFF!"

I manage to chuck the remote at the TV and missing, but the wall slamming against the 'off' button. I sigh with relief and slump in the couch, Ikuto staring. "What was that about?" he raises a brow. "I thought you liked that show."

"We do," I sigh, "but we don't need anymore Kaki 'Lucy Cosplay'. Rosa?"


"What's that?"

"A marker."

"What's it doing?"

"…Drawing on your forehead…" she hangs her head.

I pat her light red bob and point to Ikuto. "Draw on him. Make sure you retrace the faded spot."

He walks out and tries to escape Annie's (yeah, she joined in) and Rosa's markers, making Yuki and I wonder why the heck Rosa likes to draw so much. Yet again it's not like she spends 24/7 drawing on people like Annie. It's just that she draws maybe once or twice a day and then spends as much time as possible with the other characters and/or the people (Kip included). Kaki sits in front of the TV again, her face blank. Yuki and I sit next to her, me sighing and resting my cheek on my fist on my elbow on the side of my knee as the legs cross. "Something up?" Yuki wonders.

I shake my head. "I just wish I could be in Vampire Knight. It'd be SO cool to meet a real life vampire."

"That or hump Zero while Ikuto's watching with envy," Kaki mutters.

We spend the rest of the night bickering and talking with Yuki about how cool it'd be to be in vampire knight…

…and only Quartz and I notice the crimson glint.


Kaki: Not cool

SHUT UP! Anyways, POLL!



Something to think about: What do you think that red glint is?