Quick Author's Note: (Thanks to my laptop not cooperating with me, this is my 3rd time typing this -.-) Heyy! Ok, so yesterday was my first time watching How To Rock, and I already LOVE it. Me and my automatic-couple-making skills put Kasey and Zander as my favorite couple, like, ever. They're so cute! But, anyway, this is my version of the scene where Kasey tries to get Zander to read her text from Tony in How To Rock A Messy Bet. So, without anymore rambling from me, here it is! Please review! :)

Disclaimer: If I owned How To Rock, do you REALLY think I'd be writing my version on FanFiction? Just sayin...

A Messy Bet

"Zander, I have the most important text of my life on my phone." Kasey began, sounding desperate as she looked at Zander.

"But you can't read it." he replied, sounding almost sorry for her.

"No.." she agreed, then went for it. "But YOU can." she went on, almost begging.

Zander couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked even though she was obviously falling apart from her determination to win the bet. He knew he had fallen for her, hard. Ever since he first saw her to now, she had a hold on his heart. He quickly snapped back into reality as she kept talking.

"No hard feelings, right?" she asked hopefully, making his heart skip a beat when she bit her lip in anticipation of his answer. But he was still a little upset about her causing him to lose and embarrass himself, so he quickly made up his mind, ignoring his heart screaming at him to help her.

He began to shake his head, then deadpanned. "No, Kasey, very hard feelings." If only you knew my feelings, he thought. His heart fell as her face did when she heard his answer. He quickly explained to cover up his feelings starting to show through. "Thanks to you, I spent the whole day hitting on girls, looking like an insane pirate with a mustache on my face."

She was silent for a moment as she thought of her next move. "So...are you gonna help me or not?" she asked slowly, hoping he'd change his mind.

His body was faster than his mind, and he put his hand on her shoulder before confirming, "Not." and attempted to walk off before he could do anything stupid.

Kasey, without thinking, grabbed Zander's arm and spun him around quickly. Her hands went to his shirt collar, and before he could get out a, "What are you doing?", her lips crashed onto his.

Zander's brain seemed to shut off completely as soon as he felt her lips. He was too stunned for the first few seconds to do anything, and by the time he knew what was actually happening, she had pulled away. She looked equally suprised, but regained herself faster than him.

Kasey had no idea exactly why she did that. She was going to try to convince him, but she didn't know that she would go that far. She had to admit, even though it was short, she enjoyed the kiss more than she should have. She realized that she needed to break the silence.

"Uh...I-I'll j-just have to break, uh, Kevin and, uh... Nelson I-I g-guess." she stammered out, trying to get ahold of herself. Luckily, she didn't think Zander, who was still blinking slowly and obviously confused as to what happened, noticed. As she walked away, she couldn't help but notice a smile break out across his face, and couldn't help but smile too.