Prologue! Pokemon is definitely my favorite FanFiction subject. I know, there are a lot of Gary/Misty shipping stories but I mean, why not? This is one that I have personally pictured. Reviews are always welcome ;) Next chapter is coming very, very, very soon.

I flipped through the pages of my PokeFancy Magazine with my obnoxious Psyduck resting on my stomach. This was the first time in months that I could actually relax. My sisters were off making their name in the show business world and I was stuck here, in the Cerulean Gym. Honestly, I never thought of what I wanted to do with my life. For a long time, I thought I would travel with Ash forever. But of course, nothing lasts forever.

I remember that shock when I got that call, telling me to return home. Sure, Cerulean was my home town but I had been away so long, all of my old friends had moved on. I've made new friends but I'm still pretty lonely. I miss seeing a familiar face everyday. It's been about 3 years since I left Ash. I was nearly 12 when we met, angsty and tempermental. Our little trio lasted for five years but it seems like we were together for a lifetime. I'm 20 years old now, taller, more mature, and completely lost in life.

About once a month, Tracey comes up to do errands for Professor Oak, and today was that day. I checked my watch and shoved Psyduck of my lap to get up. He should've been here already and I was still in my pajamas. Whatever, it was only Tracey. I looked in the mirror and fixed my flaming red hair. Psyduck waddled over and nudged my leg for a treat. "I dont think so, you're getting fat enough!" I muttered. There was a knock at the door.

"Coming Tracy," I opened the door, "You're a tiny bit late-" I sucked in a breath.

"Hey, Red. Long time no see, huh?"

Hope you liked my prologue:) I'm relatively a newbie so, cut me some slack! Make you sure you read the following chapters!

If you like it, check my profile where I make updates every now and then about whats happening:D