AN: Hello everybody! I want to first thank all of you who took the time to review the first chapter. It is a little scary to come back to this site after so many years and still think I have any creativity worth posting. Yet seeing the reviews (and in many cases the caliber of writer creating the reviews) has really made my day.

As promised I wanted to get the second chapter out in time for Valentine's Day to give everyone a hopefully sweet fiction to read for one of our favorite pairings. The downside is this chapter is a little bit shorter than the previous one, and may contain an error or two more.

I hope you read and enjoy this chapter as much as the first. And if you do (or don't) please share with me your thoughts.

Finally let me wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. May you all find the romance you have been searching for. You never know when it can be right under your nose.

That evening the Garden spurred alive as an unmarked transport ship docked. It wasn't the typical SeeD craft but the code it transmitted had checked out. Still every precaution would be taken. Commander's orders.

Having heard all the ruckus, Zell quickly jogged forward to join another blond who waited by the transporter door to 'welcome' their unexpected guest.

"Quistis, what's going on? I didn't think we were expecting any clients for a few days."

The uptight former instructor glanced towards her companion and adjusted her glasses. "We're not. The transport came in with the right clearance codes. I'm pretty certain we will see Squall bursting through those doors though."

Zell stepped back stunned for a moment "Squall? He isn't due back for a few days. Why would he...oh" The realization had hit him like a sack of bricks.

"Yep." Quistis responded in a matter of fact manner.

"How did he find out she was sick?" Zell inquired.

"I have no clue how he learns these things. Hyne knows he nearly left a path of complete destruction the last time he found out she was sick. It took no end of convincing to get him to continue that mission before returning to Rinoa. At least this time he did that much without us forcing him to, though how he managed to get half way around the world without the use of his ship..." 'or without meeting the clients to obtain payment' Quistis thought silently "is beyond me."

Quistis of course referred to the thee Ragnorak, a vessel Squall claimed for his own at the end of their grand adventure. It was one of a variety of tokens that the world choose not to fight the warrior on for ownership. He had earned that and far more for what he did to save their lives. However it wasn't a vessel whose use they wanted to flaunt, at least in more secretive operations. Hence the need for more subdued SeeD transportation. The Ragnorak would have been as subtle as blaring over the speakers 'Squall is coming. You're about to die.'

Suddenly the door opened and a clearly disheveled man exited, gunblade at his side. His clothes were caked with a mixture of mud and blood that had long since dried upon him. A change of clothes was hardly available on these types of missions leaving Squall to make do with what he had. Strapped to his side was his trusty gunblade which bore the marks of many battles, accompanied by a soft blue glow emanating from within. Surprisingly it did look as though Squall managed to wash and shave after the mission's completion, a reminder on the emphasis Rinoa had placed on grooming.

Upon seeing it was their commander the guards lowered their weapons and backed away. They had seen him like this before. It was safer to pretend to be lacking in their work than to risk questioning the man before them.

With heavy footsteps Squall started walking forward ready to ignore the 'welcoming party' and head to his destination.

"Welcome home Squall. I take it you haven't met with the clients yet?" He continued walking undaunted by Quistis's words. She always bothered him with these pesky details.

Without missing a stride he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a manila folder, thrusting it into Quistis' arms while he walked past her and nudged Zell out of his way. He was a man on a mission. "Handle it."

Quistis caught the look on his face and how bloodshot his eyes were. It must have been days since he had last slept. Deciding this would be the wrong time to push back and remind him of his duties, she merely shrugged and held onto the file. A call tomorrow to the clients would be in order. By now they must be wondering as to the status of the mission.

Squall returned to his room quickly and noticed a dainty form tightly wrapped up within his bed sheets in an unruly little ball, while blanketed by a duvet whose purpose he would never understand. Rinoa's head was poking out just enough to give her access to fresh air while her jet black hair and caramel colored accents were flayed wildly about. She looked adorable to him. A small smile bloomed across his face as he watched her for a minute before deciding she would hardly want to greet him in his stained clothing. With a light thud he undid his belt and allowed his gunblade to fall unceremoniously to the floor. He winced as he realized he should have been more careful to avoid waking up his ill girlfriend from her much needed slumber.

He then discarded his jacket and pants while he found a pair of comfortable sweats, pausing a moment before putting on the sweatshirt. Realizing his t-shirt was also smelling a tad...ripe, he threw it off and looked through his closet for a fresh one.

His body froze as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, entangling him into a much welcomed embrace. He must have been tired. Normally Rinoa couldn't stir without his hyperactive senses detecting her movements.

"You're hurt" she said both softly and nasally. The gunblade's thud had indeed woken up the sleeping princess but to Rinoa it was a delightful sound. She had memorized the sound the Lionheart made when it clang against the floor. The special alloy used in its production made it unique. She was awoken with the pleasure of watching Squall strip away his clothes but paused with concern when she saw the fresh bruises on his sides. The damage would only be worse in the front. Suddenly she didn't care about how sexy she looked for Squall anymore, or how nasally her voice sounded, or how frumpy she felt. Now she cared only about him.

And it is here that Rinoa excelled. Only she could take away Squall's pain; the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional.

Squall felt a soft kiss upon his back which sent a very real shiver down his spine. "I'm alright."

"What are you doing home so soon? I wasn't expecting you for a few days." she softly inquired. It was then she remembered the fiasco that happened the last time Squall found out Rinoa was unwell while he was away. It took a lot of work to persuade him to stay long enough to complete that mission. However the second it was finished, nothing short of a warzone was left in his wake as he made his way back to her.

"You don't need to keep doing that every time I get sick. It's just a little bug. It will go away in a day or so." Despite her words saying otherwise, her arms tightened around Squall assuring him that she appreciated what he did and was genuinely happy to have her beloved return a few days early.

"I will always take care of you." Squall spun around in her arms and with a smile on his face he gazed lovingly into Rinoa's eyes.

Rinoa felt herself become momentarily uncomfortable as she turned her eyes way from his intense stare, reminded of the fact that she was hardly at her best this moment "Stop that...I must look hideous now." Squall continued to shower her with that same enraptured look which served to only remind Rinoa that no matter what, nothing could damage his opinion of her.

It was then Rinoa saw how red his eyes had become and how weary his face looked. He must not have slept in days. If this truly was like last time she could only imagine the unhindered rush Squall was in to return to Balamb Garden. He would have cast aside luxuries such as a 'sleep' and 'food'.

"Squall! You're exhausted. You didn't have to rush back like this. We need to get you something to eat and some rest." Rinoa was about to release her hold from him to lead him to a small snack pantry in their apartment when she felt his arms get stiff, preventing her from moving an inch.

"Nothing could keep me from you."

Feeling a blush come about, Rinoa allowed Squall to lean down slightly and tease her lips gently with his own before plucking a chaste kiss from her. Illness be damned, Squall was not going to let another moment pass without kissing the one he loved from whom he spent so much time away from this week.

Rinoa smiled at his gesture, realizing something about Squall in that moment that she wished she had understood all those years ago.

"Squall...Squall I -" Her words were cut short as a familiar feeling in her stomach returned a green expression to her face. She quickly bolted once again to the toilet where moments later a gagging sound could once again be heard.

With a slightly confused expression Squall mused to himself 'I didn't think my kiss would cause this reaction...'

Squall finished putting on a clean shirt then soon ran into the bathroom after his love. It was there he found her with her head hovering just above the toilet seat, caught in a dry heave, as her body was slumped against the floor almost like a rag doll. He could see beads of sweat on her face as she occasionally panted to reclaim her breath in the rare moments between each vomit.

He slowly walked towards her and kneeled beside her form. Gently he pulled her hair back and away from the toilet bowl, earning him a quick glance from her eyes as they darted towards him and then back towards the toilet.

"Squall...please...give me a moment...I don't want you to see me like this...I look horrible!" she gasped as she felt another round of nausea coming up.

Once she had thrown up again she felt a pair of strong and sturdy arms wrap lightly around her as she felt his body hold her from behind, offering support so her full weight wasn't on her hands and knees while she was kneeling by the toilet. "I told you. You look beautiful to me. Alw-"

He was interrupted by the puking sound his girlfriend made, this time with the bowl filling up enough that his formerly clean white shirt would now need a change because of some minor splash back. Rolling his eyes Squall released one hand from Rinoa and flushed the toilet, taking the unpleasantness away with it.

"How can I possibly look good like this Squall?" This wasn't how she wanted their reunion to be. She wanted to dazzle him with that new black number she bought for him. She wanted to remind him why he should be careful with each of those missions and what reward awaited for him at home.

Rinoa with her face in the toilet puking almost nonstop was not the ideal plan.

"You look more beautiful to me with every second." Such bold statements would never pass for Squall in public. Though he had gotten better, he was still quite a private man. He did learn to compliment and appreciate her in front of others slowly over the years, but his most sensitive side was only shown when the two lovebirds had a moment in private.

"How?" Rinoa asked more puzzled. Nothing could be attractive about this.

"Because that's one more second we have together. That's one more moment of happy memories." Happy memories were something Squall was lacking in. Lacking in until a raven-haired nymph entered his life and changed his world.

Rinoa's earlier realization tugged at her heart again as she wanted to share her thoughts. Sadly her illness once again interrupted the tender moment.

Once she was done she looked up at Squall with an unsure expression feeling weak from all the vomiting. Though Squall had kept her hair completely out of the way it remained disheveled. Rinoa felt a small kiss on the back of her head, a reminder that Squall was still there caring for her. She pulled herself back a moment and looked at Squall tenderly with her curious brown eyes. Using a free hand, Squall wiped away the remaining dribble around her mouth as he continued to keep his gaze upon her, reminding her that she always had his heart.

"Even now?" she asked, wondering if even in this pathetic state he could still find her to be as beautiful as he claimed.

"Even now" he affirmed.

It didn't matter to him that she wasn't feeling as attractive as he knew her to be. It didn't matter that she had her face in the toilet most of the night, often producing little more than dry heaves. It didn't matter that Squall's aching muscles screamed for rest and relaxation after a solid week of constant work. It didn't matter that Squall's eyes and mind pleaded for mercy to embrace the sweet bliss of sleep. Squall would stay with her there throughout the night, leaving only on a few occasions to bring Rinoa some crackers or water to soothe her stomach. He could cast aside his trivial discomforts for the girl who had sacrificed so much for him.

She has put up with him through all the irritations he had caused due to his own naive ways. Rinoa taught him, consoled him, healed him, supported him, and gave him courage where there once was only a false bravado. She reminded him that he was a mighty lion of a man. It was the kind of encouragement only a woman could give. Rinoa had come to understand that a few words from your loved one could tear you down to your weakest pieces, or build you up to easily accomplish even the most herculean of tasks with ease. Rinoa had long ago decided she would do her best to focus solely on the latter.

It was for her that Squall would after every mistake, after every goof up keep repeating the same phrase with full meaning.

"I'm trying Rin. I'll keep trying if you help me."

Rinoa's eyes fluttered open the next morning, her lashes batting gently against the chest of the man who once again was her hero the previous night. She was sleeping tightly huddled against the bare skin of her beloved as she saw a pile of discarded, or ruined rather, white t-shirts over in the corner. A smile came to her lips as she recalled everything he had done for her last night.

He stayed awake with her until her stomach settled long enough to move away from the bathroom and return to the comfort of their bed. He had picked her up bridal style and brought her gently there, never letting her feel unsafe within his arms. Once she lay there, Squall brought about some minor meds that would only serve to help her sleep longer, encouraging her to swallow the dreadful pills, hoping it wouldn't reactivate the demon within her stomach causing such a din.

Though Squall hadn't told her, she knew one thought crossed both their minds. For such a tiny woman 'Where did all of this come from?'

Rinoa nuzzled herself deeper into her lover's embrace, now fully rested and feeling the illness has completely left her body. 'Squall fought off that demon too' she thought with a smile, placing gentle kisses on his chest. Her eye caught the clock and refused to accept she could feel so energetic at eight, particularly since sleep did not come until the wee hours of the morning.

Squall tended to have this affect upon her, bringing her unnatural energy. Perhaps it was a result of the Sorceress/Knight bond...but more likely it was just simply love.

Squall had stayed awake that whole night, unwilling to let his body succumb to sleep until he felt Rinoa was blessed with the same gift. He held her and rocked her gently until the early morning hit and Rinoa's breathing became slow and even, a sure sign she was finally resting. Staying awake just a few minutes more to ensure her slumber was not short lived, he too finally allowed his body to enjoy what he had put off for so many days.

Rinoa's mini day-dreaming state was broken by the sound of a vibrating phone on Squall's side of the bed. The fact Squall did not awaken and immediately respond only affirmed to Rinoa just how weary he truly was while taking care of her the previous night. Shifting slightly she reached over to Squall's phone and pulled it over to her.

After entering in Squall's password, given to her by him years ago, Rinoa quickly scanned his messages and his calendar. News had spread quickly of his return. She saw him occasionally send out a notice or two while taking care of her last night, when there was little more he could do than hold her. Curiously she flipped through the sent box and found an E-mail of particular interest.

A reporter had requested a statement about the mission and how he planned to celebrate the mission's success.

His response? A simple line reading 'I'm spending it with my girlfriend Rinoa'

The raven-haired beauty smiled to herself "So he is finally ok with going public with this..."

She hadn't minded his need for privacy. Though it was no secret who occupied the Commander's thoughts within the walls of the Garden, it takes quite a bit to put one's relationship in view of the world.

Suddenly the phone vibrated again as more messages came in, more Garden personnel requesting his time, more work to be done.

'The idiot wouldn't cancel any of them too. The workaholic.'

With a slightly evil smirk Rinoa knew she would have to take things into her own hands. She quickly cleared off his calendar, pushing away any meetings for the next three days. He wasn't supposed to be back until then anyways. She booked up the next seventy-two hours on his calendar and turned on his 'out of office' reply function. Now there was but one final step. She shut down the phone and pulled it into two pieces before removing the battery.

'This should do it.'

Feeling quite satisfied Rinoa returned to the snuggled embrace of her lover and continued to plant him with those small kisses, completely unaware that even though his eyes appeared to be closed, Squall had been quite alert to everything Rinoa had just done.

The silence of the morning was then broken by her musings, "I know I was harsh on you a few months ago, particularly on Valentine's Day. I didn't mean to. It was just this schoolgirl fantasy of having a perfect day like that. After all this time...I just wanted to be romanced with some daring action that wasn't intertwined with the end of the world." Rinoa continued to talk to herself, her head still laying gently against Squall's chest while her free hand stroked his toned though badly bruised body.

"I realized last night that you don't need to do any of those things I imagined to be romantic. Your way has always been different, better. You jumped into space for carried me half way across the world on your" Tears were rapidly forming in Rinoa's eyes as she fought back a full cry " fought for me when the whole world turned against me." Rinoa found herself slowly losing the battle as a light sob began to take place. It was then she felt Squall's arms hug her tightly, alerting her that he was very much awake. Undaunted by this revelation she continued to expose her heart to him, "It didn't matter that I looked horrible last night. It didn't matter that you hadn't slept in days or that you must have been took care of me Squall. You loved on me. And that is the most romantic thing...ever."

Rinoa dried her tears and shimmied up to look Squall directly into his eyes, her body hovering only slightly above his own.

"I was stupid to not see that it wasn't you who didn't understand romance was the rest of the world." meekly she added "It was me."

Rinoa caught his lips in a soft kiss that she allowed to deepen ever so slightly. She had to pause it there. There was something more to say.

"That's why I am making this promise to you."

She paused to collect herself, ready to say the words that always won her over

"I'm trying Squall. I'll keep trying if you help me."

She was rewarded with her statement with a fiery kiss from a warrior who should have been far too tired to move a muscle. She could feel him smiling behind each kiss as his lips traveled from her lips to explore the rest of her body, only to slowly return to her lips and kiss her gently once more. Morning breath be damned, he wanted this.

When the two finally paused at their increasingly passionate displays, Rinoa's eyes landed on the box with the 'present' she got for Squall that still remained on the loveseat.

Though it wouldn't be on the night of his return, tonight would be the right time for her to surprise him with that little number. Tonight would be the night she takes care of his every desire. She smirked to herself as she thought 'I bet he still doesn't realize I figured out a long time ago what his favorite lingerie on me is. No matter. It's more fun this way'.

With her smirk dissipating Rinoa returned to satisfying Squall's call for passion. More romance could be had later. Now was the time to satisfy their fiery animalistic passion.

Romance can be a difficult thing. No matter how hard we wish, no matter how hard we hope, there is no easy manual, no single book that can give us all the answers. What matters instead is keeping one's eyes open for the romance that comes around, particularly when it wasn't in the form we expected. True a dinner alone could be romantic, but so could caring for your loved one late into the night while ignoring your own needs. Very often it's not that we think romance is stupid. It's not that we don't care. It's that we just don't know how. No matter what the case may be, just remember that with romance done well or seemingly poor, no matter how often 'the one' keeps messing up, the important thing is to keep saying,

"I'm trying. I'll keep trying if you help me."

The End.

AN: Well that is the exciting conclusion to this short little fluffy piece. I hope you liked it. I hope you will leave a review with your thoughts or comments. Whether you do or not, let me wish you again.

Happy Valentine's Day

