Disclaimer: I disclaim it! As in either of the shows or book series.

Chapter 6- Prepping For The Ball

Nina's POV

Next Saturday, The Night Of The Ball

This morning, Joy went to the spa, and all to get ready for the ball. Then, she ame back to get her outfit on, but before she left she went looking for me.

What I did all day was getting ready for the ball. Charlotte, Madeline, Emma, Sutton, Laurel, and Amber helped me get ready, too. They did my nails, my hait, and my make-up.

Once we about all ready to go, Emma came back into the room with an envelope with a post-it note on it, which said:

Here is the list of chores that I expect to be done when I get back -Joy

I opened the envelope to find a really long list of stupid chores. Why does Joy have to be so mean.

"Give me that," Charlotte demanded, taking the note and envelope out of my hand. "Oh, that bitch!" she shouted as she passed the not around. All of them were pissed off because of the note.

"I'll be right back," Madeline told me as she walked out of the room with the note.

"Nina, I want you to wear this. Look familiar?" Laurel said to me as she handed me a locket, but not just any locket; my locket. The exact locker that Joy took from me.

"Where did you find it?" I asked, happily.

"When we were setting up the prank last week, I took it out of Joy's gym locker. I thought you might want it back. Emma and Sutton are wearing theirs, too," she informed me. I watch as Sutton and Emma pointed to thiers. Emma's had a light blue gem, and Sutton's had a red gem. It matched their dresses so well.

(A/N: Dresses are on Twitter, and the account name is on profile.)

"Thank you," I said embracing Laurel in a big hug. I quickly dug in my satchel for my mom's locket, which had a white gem. It matched her dress." Wear this," I said handing it to her.

"I can't. Isn't that your birth mother's?" she questioned. I nodded.

"And now, it's yours. I will always have her in this one," I pointed to the locket that was now around my neck. "Plus, I insist." She sighed.

"You're so stubborn," she said, reluctantly taking the locket, and placing it on her neck.

"Are we all ready to go now?" asked Amber excitedly. We all nodded. "Then, lets do this! We are going to walk in together then, about a minute later Nina will follow. Do you understand?" Amber instructed.

"Yep!" we all exclaimed. Amber smiled.

"Okay. Show time," Amber said smoothly. Now, I knew most definitely that this is going to be one interesting night.

A/N: What did you think? You like it? Sorry it took awhile. I was working on my other story No Ordinary Girls, which I finally posted another chapter. It been since forever ago that I posted a chapter. I also thought I should tell you there will be Fabina in the next chapter. Gotta go. Bye!
-Cari xxxxx