I walked away feeling like I was at the top of the world. After weeks of fighting myself over telling Mason, I finally put myself out there, told her I loved her and was rewarded with a kiss. I hadn't imagined that she would feel the same and now knowing that she did, nothing could bring me down. Mason Mayfield was my girl. I liked the sound of that.

I watched the girl I loved walk out the door, still feeling the touch of her tingling on my lips. There was only a slight bit anxiety in the pit of my stomach as I let her go off alone to look for Lydia and Jackson. I called Lydia and started to feel uneasy when she didn't answer. I was calling again to leave a message when I ran into a ghostly, sick-looking Jackson.

"Jackson, what happened? Where's Lydia?" I interrogated. He didn't seem capable of speech.

"Jackson!" I said, shaking him to look at me.

"I was outside…I thought—but it was—they asked about Scott…" He muttered broken, incomplete sentences.

"Jackson, what did you do?" I demanded fiercely.

"Allison's dad caught me outside, I thought it was that Alpha and I asked it to change me," He was turning gray. "He said I could help him—they had guns…I told him about Scott. He seemed to already know—He said he wasn't going to hurt him…"

I felt sick with terror. They were here for Scott but Mason was getting him now so he would be safe when they came back in. He was safe in here from the hunters like Mason was from the Alpha. That eased my distress a tad.

"We need to find Lydia." I told him. Mason had given me a job and I was going to fulfill my promise to her.

He nodded, relieved that I wasn't going to beat him up or something. Jackson being intimidated by me was a powerful feeling. The next lacrosse practice, I was going to regret this feeling when he pummeled me on the field…

"You keep looking in here," I pointed down the hall, "I'll check outside." We separated into our respective looking places. I jogged out the double doors into the cold night. I shivered, cursing myself for forgetting my jacket inside. I walked around without detecting the slightest presence of anyone. It was eerily empty in the world tonight.

It was about five more minutes before I noticed something off in the distance. One by one the lights on the lacrosse field flashed on. My paced quicken as my thoughts instantly flew to Mason. Was she out there? Was she okay? My body flooded with regret. I shouldn't have let Mason go alone anywhere tonight. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

"Jackson?" I heard a familiar voice call out timidly. I felt a sigh of relief release from my lips: It was just Lydia. I tensed up again when it hit me that she was the reason I was out here and that some mysterious unseen person was turning on the field lights.

"Jackson?" She called out a little louder, looking around in a panic. "This isn't funny. Jackson, is that you?" I started sprinting when I saw a figure standing in the dark. It had to be Peter.

"Lydia! RUN!" I cried out, trying to run faster in order to reach her. She turned around, squinting out into the light. "RUN, LYDIA!" He was suddenly next to her, smiling demonically as he bared his teeth, half phasing. She let out a blood curling scream as I kept running toward the bloody scene.

Peter attacked Lydia violently, causing me to stop in my steps, horrified. He threw her body around like a rag doll. Her white dress was stained with rich red blood. Her blood. My throat had gone completely dry and for once in my life, I couldn't say anything. I was frozen and didn't do anything to stop the Alpha as he preyed on Lydia.

He dropped her limp body carelessly. Her flesh was ripped open around her neck and shoulders, dripping blood everywhere. Peter flashed me a lazy smile as he stood a few feet away from my paralyzed body. My thoughts went back to Mason, as they had been doing constantly lately.

I was furious with myself that I hadn't told her how I felt sooner. If I had just sucked up the courage instead of being her dorky childhood best friend, we could have had months to spend together, kissing and telling each other how we felt endlessly, not a few slow songs. Now here I was, standing in front of the Alpha, waiting for him to end my life brutally.

Millions of thoughts passed through my head, but somehow I kept my mouth shut for once. I didn't spew out whatever was on my mind at that moment or make a bad joke for the sake of the situation. Mason wasn't here to hold my hand or give me that look that told me I was safe with her. My dad wasn't here to protect me and tell me he loved me. Scott wasn't here for me to shoot off random wolf facts (that he probably should know, but didn't) and to get me out of this situation. Derek wasn't here...thank God for that. But seeing the Alpha come closer to me, I would even go as far to say that his presence wouldn't be totally resented.

I fell to my knees, unable to keep the fear stored away. I prayed to God that Scott would get Mason as far away from here as possible or that a hunter would run into her and bring her to safety. My thoughts strayed to my two best friends one last time. I closed my eyes and let Mason's adorable laugh echo in my ears as her beautiful face smiled in my mind. I pretended, just for a second, that she was here in spirit, keeping me safe, before I opened my eyes.

"Make it quick, please," I pleaded, my eyes betraying me by flashing over to Lydia's still frame.

Peter barked out a mirthless laugh. "Why, Stiles. I'm not going to kill you."

I gulped, "W—Why?"

"Would you rather I did?"

I shook my head quickly.

"I'm going to need your help. Killing you would have absolutely no use for me." He pulled me up to my feet, wiping dirt off my shoulder.

"What makes you think I can help you?" I asked, stumbling backwards.

"You're the smart one, Stiles." He told me simply, "You have useful information, whether you realize it or not."

I didn't quite understand what he was talking about. "Let me rephrase that: What makes you think I will help you?" I crossed my arms for dramatic effect.

"You love Mason." He smirked as if he knew something I didn't, making me feel uneasy again. "If you don't want anything else to happen to her, you'll help me."

"'Anything else'? What the fuck does that mean?" I cried, fearing I had missed something.

Suddenly, I could faintly hear sirens in the distance. They grew louder and louder as I gaped out at the growing lights. Had someone called about Lydia? Had Jackson seen and finally made himself useful and called the police?

"We're on the same side, Stiles. Try not to forget that tonight and on all the nights to come…" And with that he disappeared into the forest. I didn't think it was possible to hate anyone more than I hated Derek and Jackson combined.

I stared down at Lydia's lifeless body before crouching down to check for a pulse. I wasn't a doctor but I had passed health class. There was no pulse.

I let that information overcome me as I listened to the oncoming ambulances. I could feel tears stream down my face as the undeniable truth set in. Lydia Martin, a girl I had known for about five years, had crushed on, had come tonight with, was laying here…dead. Murdered. I hadn't seen a dead body since my mother died eight years ago. I never thought I'd have to go through this again so soon, if ever.

I wiped the stray tears as I bent over and picked Lydia's body up. I walked in silence to the parking lot. The blue and red lights streamed throughout the night. An ambulance and a police car were starting back up and leaving. I walked up to another ambulance, readjusting Lydia's body. Why had some of them left without what they had come for?

"Here she is," I croaked. The blonde haired man was startled. He glanced down at the girl in my arms. He immediately called a few men over as they yanked her from me. People were yelling and trying to revive her but I knew it was no use. I just watched with my eyes glazed over in confusion and sleepiness. I just wanted to see Mason and get some sleep. I could grieve over this with her.

"She's gone," The blonde men sighed sadly. "Time?"

"Ten-forty-three," Another man called back.

"Someone get the Sheriff. This boy needs to be taken into custody." A gruff black haired man grumbled, glaring at me.

"He's in shock, Matt. Son?" The blonde sat me down in the ambulance taking my blood pressure as he talked, "Can you tell me what happened while someone finds Sheriff Stilinski?" I nodded numbly, not bothering to let them know who I was.

"There was something on the field—A man. He turned on the lights and I tried to warn her but he got to her first…" My mouth was dry and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel like talking.

"A man?" The man called Matt scoffed. "Grant, this boy has lost it. This was another animal attack. Honestly, someone needs to do something about all these fucking crazed cougars and mountain lions. This was the second attack tonight!"

"W-What?" My head shot towards him. "Second?" I breathed.

"Yeah, that's why we were called here. A man found a girl in the woods." The blonde told me solemnly, wrapping a blanket around my shivering body. He probably thought I was cold but that wasn't the reason I was shivering.

"Terrible scene. She's still alive though, unlike that poor thing," He nodded towards the black body bag. "She was in pretty bad shape. We had to help get her in the ambulance because she was having a fit, screaming about a 'Stiles'. Whatever that means." I could feel myself becoming light headed from lack of breathing. I couldn't bring myself to ask the most important question.

"It's going to get the town into a huge uproar. They'll probably be out killing any mountain cat they see after tonight." Matt went on, leaning against the van.

"Why's that?" Grant muttered, listening to my erratic heartbeat.

"Because of who the girl was, obviously," He said importantly. "Don't tell me you didn't recognize the girl?" He asked Grant. He shook his head at the incredulous look on Matt's face.

"It was the Mayors kid—"

"—Mason." I whispered.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, "Mason Mayfield. You know her too?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I nodded, not believing how naïve I had been. No one had called for Lydia. No one had known we were out there but Jackson who no idea what was happening.

I sat in the ambulance, feeling sick as I ignored the fuzzy voices talking at me. I saw my dad's face walking towards me; his desolate expression only confirmed Matt's crazy talk.

"Stiles," He uttered, the weight of the world on his shoulders as he pulled me into a fatherly hug, "I'm so sorry, Stiles."

"Dad," I moaned, falling limply into his arms, breaking down just as my world had.

AN: Woww. I had written you guys this long AN and posted this chapter but then it magically disappeared. That shit cray. Well, here we go again, but a much shorter version.

Hunger Games. Thursday. Be there. Sequel. Friday. Be there.

I'm writing a Hunger Games FanFic, if any of you Teen Wolf fanzies are as obsessed with that addicting trilogy as I! I started it on Mibba, just one chapter. It's fairly recent but I think I'll post it on here, too. Possibly. Meow.

Hope you enjoyed this story like mio. (:

Look out for that sequel!