"Jennifer! David! Hurry up; you'll both be late for school!" Dr. John Noble hollered up the stairs of his modest 3 bedroom London townhouse.
"Coming Dad!" He heard his son reply and footsteps running on the floor above him.
"Gimme a minute, yeah?" His daughter yelled, irritated. John shook his head and sighed as he turned back into the kitchen. He was a good father, wasn't he? He woke them up early so they would have plenty of time to get ready before school. He was making pancakes right now. Just so they could sit down together as a family.
"Morning, Dad." David greeted him as he sat his book bag on his chair, pilling it with his books.
"Morning, Dave. Ready for today?" he asked his son while flipping a pancake.
"Yup! I can't wait. I mean, I have a maths test today, but it shouldn't be too bad. It's just fractions. But, later in science we get to learn about the planets! I think Neptune is my favorite. Besides Earth, of course. But even Earth can get a little boring, don't you think, Dad? I like living here an' all, but there's nothing too spectacular after a while. Sure, 70 percent is covered in water and we're the only inhabitable rock in the solar system, but it's not like there's anything mad like diamond waterfalls, right? That'd be so cool, Dad! Diamond waterfalls, can you imagine?" John chuckled at his son's widened and eager brown eyes, carbon copies of his own.
"No, I can't. That would definitely be something, huh? What is your sister doing up there? I got you both up and hour ago." He asked his youngest as he got the orange juice from the refrigerator.
"I don't know," David answered, shrugging. "She's a girl."
John smiled at him, "That about covers it, right?"
David nodded definitely. "Are you picking us up from school today, Dad?"
John sighed. His profession as a doctor at Royal Hope Hospital was quite demanding. He liked working, though. Especially since the divorce. He loved his children dearly, but he was still lonely. And Jenny seemed to find any excuse to be away from him since his separation from their mother. It's almost like she blames him for her mother's dishonesty and it breaks his heart every time his daughter turns those big brown eyes on him, filled to the brim with distaste.
"I can't, son. Craig needs me to take over so he can take Alphie to his grandparents' for the week. Donna'll be there to get the both of you, though. And she'll stay until I can get away." He said as Jenny appeared on the stairs.
"Well, what do you think?" She asked. John inwardly cringed. His sweet, innocent baby girl in a much too short mini-skirt and a tight V-necked top. Eyeliner ringed her chocolate orbs, courtesy of his blasted sister, no doubt. Her lips were abnormally shiny and her sleek blonde hair was slung in front of her shoulder.
"No.", he stated. "Absolutely not. Go change. Right now."
She adopted a defiant expression and huffed. "What, pray tell, is wrong with it?"
"What isn't wrong with it? You like that girl we saw on the street the other day. What'd you do to your lips?" David inputted.
Jenny made a face at him. "Fine. I'll go change." And she stomped back up the stairs. John and David shared a Look. John dropped a plate of pancakes in front of his son, whom had completed packing his bag and sat down at the table. They went about their business in silence; John finishing up his daughter's pancake and cleaning up the doughy mess everywhere else.
"There. Better?" he turned from the stove to see his 14 year old return. Looking much more presentable in a pair of dark trousers and high-necked, short-sleeved black t-shirt.
"Much. Thank you."
"Dad! Behind you!" his son shouted at him after widening his eyes. John glanced behind him and saw that smoke was coming from Jenny's charcoal-imitating pancake. He yelped and grabbed the fire extinguisher from above the stovetop. He doused the blackened surface with the white foam and turned around with his shoulders back; waving his hand at the smoke and excess extinguishing material.
His children looked at him, flustered and disheveled, looked at each other, and combusted into giggles and laughs. He smiled slightly at the sight of them. They looked so young and carefree compared to how the usually looked nowadays, with the drama between him and their mother. In a way, he had made them laugh like that. Sure, it was unintentional, but he still caused this beautiful Kodak moment!
"Alright," he chuckled, putting the extinguisher down. "Time to go. Here, Jenny," he grabbed a banana out of the bowl on the bar and tossed it at her. "Sorry about your pancake."
She had recovered from her laughing fit with a serene smile on her beautiful face and caught the banana. "A banana? Really, Daddy?"
"Good source of potassium." He winked at her. Elated at her calling him 'Daddy', it had been awhile since she had referred to him as that.
She chuckled at him, grabbed her bag, and walked towards the door. Her brother quickly followed, grabbing his backpack and scrambling from his place at the table. David hurriedly tossed his empty plate in the sink and walked after his sister.
"Can I drive?" he heard his daughter call from the foyer.
"Absolutely not, Jennifer." He retorted, snatching his briefcase and pulling his trench coat off the hanger.
"But why? You just nearly burned down the kitchen; I think I'd better be the designated driver this morning. I'd like to make it to school in one piece." She teased as he brushed past her going out the door.
"You're 14, and that was a completely unintentional accident. I will drive, and you will sit quietly." He answered walking over to the driver's side of his very blue Ford Fusion and unlocking it.
"Shotgun!" David called, racing to the passenger side.
"I don't think so, Squirt!" Jenny shouted as she made her way to the car. "You're too young, tell him Dad."
"Sorry, buddy. What say we drop her off first, and then you can climb up here?" he asked as they piled into the four-door.
"Okay!" his son eagerly agreed from the back seat. Jenny immediately pulled down the visor and examined herself in the mirror, wiping under her eyes and adjusting her hair for no reason John could see. He looked in his rear-view and connected gazes with his son, who rolled his eyes in response to his sister's silly actions.
"Sweetheart, you look beautiful. I don't see why you insist on messing with your face every morning." He said offhandedly as he pulled up to a red light.
"Because I'd like to look my best. And my best isn't sweat pants, a messy ponytail, and smudged mascara." She explained bluntly.
"Uh-huh…" John trailed off, perplexed and disinterested. His daughter rolled her eyes. She closed the visor and sat back in her seat, turned the radio up, and stared out the window.
John and David became engrossed in a discussion about which planet would be most habitable after Earth. Even though David John Noble was only 7, he was very bright. Much like John himself. The father and son were uncannily similar in several ways. Especially in appearance. David had inherited John's deep, hypnotizing chocolate brown orbs, and his adorably messy equally brown hair. Which Donna spitefully said after the divorce, was "a blessing considering his cow-of-a-mother's uncontrollable burnt-popcorn-colored mane."
His daughter and himself were also alike, but in attitude, not interests. Jenny was very stubborn, not unlike himself, and it didn't take much for her to close in on herself, which the divorce had definitely caused her to do. David was more sensitive, and rather heartbreakingly wore his little innocent heart on his sleeve. Jenny had acquired blonde hair, but it was straight as a ruler and only the purest of blondes. Thankfully, she had also been given her father's gorgeous eyes. Along with his acute nose, and angular features. Others often said both the children looked like him more than anything.
As John pulled up beside his daughter's school, he couldn't help but sigh dejectedly as he reflected on how the time had passed, and the changes that it brought with it.
"Bye Dad." She said getting out of the car.
"Bye, Jen." He returned as she got farther away from him, "I love you!"
"Love you too." She called quickly as she jogged to join her friends.
John stared for a moment, also allowing David to join him up front, before pressing the gas gently and turning away from the high school.
Knock knock knock.
Rose Marion Tyler groaned and rolled over into her pillow. She knew exactly who was at the door and was not happy about it.
Knock knock knock.
Rose grunted and grabbed the pillow next to her, shoving it on top of her head and holding it on either ear. Then she heard her front door open.
"Noooooooooo…" Rose moaned into the pillow as she heard footsteps coming towards her safe haven.
"Rose. Come on, love. Time to ge' up!"
"G'way." Rose mumbled as she batted her hand out. One of the intruders laughed while the other sighed exasperatedly.
"Rose Marion Tyler. Ge' a move on. Or I will make you, ya 'ear?" She heard a voice with a slight Scottish accent say sternly.
"I du'wanna."
"Okay, tha's it. Help me out, Ames." And then Rose was being pulled by her feet. She quickly used her training to grab the sides of her headboard and held on tightly, not leaving her Cloud 9 without a fight.
"Le'go!" Rose said as she struggled against her captors. They just pulled harder.
"Rose! Come…on!" The Scottish one grunted.
"Come on, darling. You…have…things…to do…." 'Ames' panted as she nearly missed being kicked in the face by Rose's reckless legs.
"One…good…reason!" Rose yelled as her strength was depleting.
"Your job!" Rose stopped her struggling and she heard double sighs of relief and then felt a weight on top of her.
"Oof." The air left Rose's body in one quick breath.
"There. Now are we ready to get up?" Amy asked as Rose shifted to look at her.
"Maybe, wait a mo'…" Rose reached behind her and grabbed onto the person on top of her. Then she rolled them over so she could get off the bed.
Rose straightened up and looked down at her very disgruntled friend.
"Well, come on! We have jobs, you know!" Grace blew ginger hair out from in front of her eyes as she glared at Rose. Rose just grinned then walked out into the kitchen. Amy and Grace followed after her.
"So, how was your date?" Amy asked Rose as she slid onto a bar stool in Rose's kitchen.
"Ugh," Rose curled her lip as she sifted through the cabinets. "Horrible. Total tool."
Grace snorted from her place atop the counter, "Aren't they all?"
Amy rolled her eyes, "Oh, shut up. What did Gavin do now?"
Quickly dodging the subject, Grace snapped, "That's beside the point. What was wrong with him, Rose?"
"What wasn't wrong with him? All he could do, was brag about how much of a genius he was, and how he was developing brilliant technology that would make him rich. Between trying to stay awake, and trying to not slap him so hard his supposedly high IQ dropped 2 digits, I barely made it through the main course!" She said exasperately. Amy winced.
"Yikes. That's harsh…"
"So, I'm guessing he isn't the family man you're looking for?" Grace asked, swinging her legs.
Rose snorted, "God, no. I didn't think it would be so damn hard finding a nice guy, and having a developing relationship. My biological clock is ticking, and the closest I've gotten is Tony and my little wonders of the world."
Amy propped her chin on her hand and sighed in sympathy for her friend. "You'll find him, Rose. I know you will."
Rose smiled at her. Amy Rich was a good friend of hers, and also her assistant. Amy had lovely dark blonde hair recently cut short. Hers was natural as opposed to Rose's, and Rose was very jealous as she often told Amy. She also had the prettiest blue eyes to match the friendly smile she wore so often. And she was absolutely wonderful at keeping Rose in line. Without Amy, Rose would never get anything done, and would have been fired approximately 23 times whether her father was in charge or not.
Grace Smith was a good friend of both Rose and Amy. She had long, curly ginger hair and startling blue eyes, lined with grey. She had the temper to match, but what with handling a gun, had a very good reign on it. She was also so full of sympathy, but also very vengeful. She needed Amy and Rose to keep her together. Rose loved her two best friends more than anything, but she knew something was missing in her life.
Rose Tyler was a teacher at Torchwood. The Torchwood Institute School was for abnormally genius children. As well as the occasional alien offspring. Rose was well-respected there. She taught her 'little wonders of the world' fantastically. She loved kids, and they loved her. She was ready to start the next chapter in her life.
"Thanks, Ames. So what's on the agenda for today?" Rose asked as she sipped her tea. Amy pushed her glasses up her nose and took out her trusty PDA.
"Paperwork," Rose groaned. "Lunch with your mum. You also are going to have a new student starting. David John Noble, Boy Super Genius. You'll need to meet with him and his father Doctor John Noble this evening. Dr. Noble also has a daughter who should also be going to TIS. But she's 14, so she might not want to."
Grace smiled wistfully, "I remember being 14…"
Rose snorted. "So does Scotland Yard."