Hello, I am lady Black Raven.

And I am her Yami. My name is Psychopathy.

I thought I told you to get out of my room.


So why are you still here?

I can't exactly leave you alone with the computer now can I? Remember what happened last time?


I don't know what happened! It just fell off of my bed!

-Observes the smoking laptop laying on the floor.-

-Tries to turn it on.-

No it's broken!

This is the third one that you've dropped.


-End Flashback-

You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!

I did no such thing.


-Bursts out laughing.-

Anyway, on with the story! Psychopathy, do you want to do the disclaimer?



Ow! Fine... Lady Black Raven does not own Yu-Gi-Oh! in any way. She does not own the characters either.

Thank you.

Smirking, Yugi drew his hand across the cold water that resided in the glass pool.

"It is close Master." His shadows hissed while they curled around him.

"Yes, it is almost time." Yugi agreed, taking some of the precious water in his hand. He watched as the shining liquid dropped slowly from his cupped hands, making small ripples in the larger body of water.

The shadows around him started to hiss in agitation.

"Master you must remember that we need every drop of the Water of Anubis."

Yugi gritted his teeth and showed his very sharp fangs to the wreathing mass of darkness that now was trying to sooth his hand to an open position, so the rest of the water could travel safely back to the pool.

"Enough!" He growled. The shadows froze before slowly releasing his hand. Yugi watched as the dark mass slid up to his shoulders, twitching nervously as his hand still held the last drop of the liquid they needed to complete their plans.

"Master, why do you not release the drop, we should not take the risk of losing it."

They whispered hoarsely, as though the slightest sound meant that the drop would slip from Yugi's hand and onto the stone beneath his feet.

"This is not going to leave my sight." Yugi began as he stepped farther away from the glass. The shadows started to hiss a reply, when Yugi started to walk to a stone pedestal in the middle of the room. The pool was hidden in the shadows of the left corner, but the pedestal was in a ray of sunlight that filtered in from the cracked roof. On the pedestal there was a glimmer of light. As Yugi got close enough he saw that the light was really a golden necklace, with a glass jackal head hanging from it.

"This is what we need." He murmured to himself as he gently picked up the necklace, treating it as though it was porcelain. Yugi slipped it on and relaxed when it rested gently on his chest without shattering. On the very top of the glass jackal head, Yugi realized while looking down at it, there was a small circle, wide enough for a drop of liquid to slide into, and reside in, the glass. He lowered his hand that clutched the drop and watched as it dripped from his finger into the hole.

The water heaved and trembled, seeming to engage in an eerie dance before it got sucked into the glass itself, turning it black. The shadows hissed their approval. Yugi smirked and tucked the necklace under his black shirt.

"It is time, it is time." The darkness started to chant, creeping onto the ground and forming into a large black wolf. It's eyes formed as red pools of crimson blood in the pitch black fur, it's claws clacked menacingly against the ground, and it's fangs were bared as the shadows that made it continued to chant.

Yugi glanced at the wolf as it formed completely, letting a cold laugh escape from his lips. "It is time." He responded to the chanting. "Now we are ready to kill those that dared to cross me! The Pharaoh was weak, he left for the Afterlife and his shadow powers were left unguarded inside of my soul."

"He was weak!" The shadows laughed as the wolf bayed it's agreement to the sky.

"He will pay for what he did, he didn't deserve these powers, he didn't use them right!" Yugi's eyes blazed, no longer a bright amethyst, only pitch black pools of hate.

"Never did he use us for what we were meant to do!" The darkness shouted, the wolf let out a howl.

"I will make him regret leaving me to the cruel humans that refused to show me mercy." Yugi spat.

"We will help Master, we are ready to serve you!" The shadows wreathed around Yugi, seeming to dance as the dark wolf rose on his hind paws and growled savagely, sharp fangs gleaming.

Yugi glanced over to the pool, and his shadows raced over to it, entering the glass and reemerging with a mask of Anubis. They returned to their master, placing the large mask over his head and black hair that was stained with crimson. It rested on his shoulders heavily, though the shadows had altered it so that it was smaller and Yugi could see through the masks eye openings.

"Yes Master, it's time!" The shadows screeched and the wolf started barking, saliva dripping from the creatures mouth and down its muzzle.

Yugi grinned sadistically behind the mask. "Now the fun begins."

The shadows let out screeching peals of laughter and circled around Yugi and the wolf, spinning faster and faster, until Yugi could no longer see anything outside of the whirling of the shadows. The wolf let out another howl, eyes burning. The shadows seemed to slow, then they were gone.

The hidden temple of Anubis was empty, the glass pool glimmering like tears in the faint sunlight that drifted lazily in through the cracks in the roof.

There it is! The first chapter. How was it?

It was terrible.

Thanks a bunch.



Please review! Any constructive criticism is welcome.