My first story. PLEASE, go easy on me. I'm new at this.

Lucy sighed. Once again, she was on a train back to Magnolia, alone. She had been taking a lot of solo missions lately. It had been this way for the past 2 months.

She couldn't complain though, she knew why it was like this.

Lisanna had returned, and the whole guild had been as joyful as ever, if not more.

Lucy couldn't help but feel a little bit lonely. She barely knew Lisanna, and just wasn't as happy as everyone to have her back. To everyone else, besides Wendy, Charle, Gajeel, and Juvia, Lisanna was a supposedly dead friend returning.

To the rest of those, Lisanna was like a new member to a guild. A complete stranger at the moment.

Though Lucy had talked to Lisanna a bit from time to time, she still felt like an outcast when it came to her.

Lisanna was a nice girl, and it was not her fault for her loneliness. Lucy knew this.

So she couldn't complain! Everyone deserved all the time they wanted to be happy about her return. So if it meant she would have to go on solo missions for the rest of her life, then so be it.

Lucy frowned at the memory of her leaving team Natsu. She loved the team with all her heart and soul, but when Lisanna had returned, she had been kicked out.

Lucy shook her head. 'Kicked out' were the wrong words.

She had been silently forgotten. At first it was just a few missions, Lisanna joining them. Then after a while, Lucy had been left behind from some of the missions, till slowly, she had been left behind for all of them. A few weeks ago, Natsu had finally asked.

"Hey Lucy, since you know, Lisanna has been going on so many missions with us, and you've been taking a lot of solo missions, how about Lisanna takes your place?" Natsu grinned, completely unaware of how stupid his question was.

Lucy's heart felt like breaking. "Take my place?" she asked slowly, a small fake smile pulling at her lips.

"Yeah." Natsu nodded. Lisanna, who was standing by Natsu's side, frowned a bit. She looked at Lucy, wondering how she would respond to this sudden question.

"It will also give you more time for solo missions and to get stronger." Erza nodded.

"That way you don't have to go on so many missions for your rent. Since you barely get any of the award money with us always breaking stuff." Gray added.

"Aye!" Happy cheered

They were all for it. Lucy knew this would make them all happy, and agreed, though in her heart, she was cried silent tears.

Lucy paused from her thoughts and rose to her feet when the train stopped at Magnolia station. She quickly grabbed her bag and headed towards the exit of the train, and hopped off.

"Home." she smiled, staring up towards the sky. Even though Lucy had been going on solo missions lately and was no longer part of a team, she still enjoyed those moments she was able to return to Fairy Tail.

Plus, she had been gone for a whole week, and wanted to see everyone as soon as she could. Instead of heading towards her apartment to drop of her stuff, Lucy headed straight towards Fairy Tail.

She had gotten stronger in these past 5 months, and oddly enough, felt relieved. She didn't have to depend on the others as much anymore. Sure, she still had to depend on her celestial spirits a bit, but that's normal for a Celestial mage to do.

Lucy ran through town, pulling her bag behind her. From time to time she got a hello from passing townsfolk. Lucy would smile at them and say 'Hi' back before picking her speed up to get to Fairy Tail. Lucy stopped at the entrance of Fairy Tail, smiling up at the large building.

"I'm back." she whispered softly, approaching the two large doors. She used her left hand to open the closest one, then stepped inside, instantly smiling at the sound of the loud guild.

Sadly, no one seemed to notice her enter the room, and continued to chat with one another. Lucy frowned a bit, setting her bag down by the door before going to the bar.

"MIra-san, I'm back." Lucy said with a smile, but frowned when the white haired bar tender didn't seem to notice her greeting, and continued to clean the cups. "Mira-san." Lucy repeated, a little louder.

Mirajane looked up in surprise, smiling at Lucy. "Oh Lucy, I didn't see you there. What can I get you? Are you going on another mission?"

Lucy fell spent. Another mission? She just got back from one though. Had Mira not noticed she had been gone this passed week? No, that can't be. She had told Mira a week ago that she would be leaving… maybe she had forgotten. Lucy felt a tug of pain at her heart, but ignored it.

Lucy forced a smile onto her face, nodding her head. "Water would be nice." she said softly.

Mira turned away from Lucy to grab a glass and fill it with some water, her innocent smile never leaving her face. "Here you are." Mira placed the cup in front of Lucy, which Lucy drank quickly.

"Thanks Mira-san." Lucy nodded, placing the glass towards Mira, who just nodded. "So, how has Lisanna been?" Lucy asked, since she had not seen the other white haired mage in a while.

Mira's smile brightened to a large grin. "She's fine. She was actually talking about going on a mission together, she her, me, and Elfman. Just like old times." Mira chuckled, placing a hand on her cheek, remembering those good old days before Lisanna had disappeared.

Lucy's gaze softened, nodding. "That sounds wonderful Mira. So then… have you seen Natsu and the others lately?"

Mira blinked. "Oh yes, they went on a mission 2 days ago, they should be back in a few days…" Mira paused. "Why aren't you with them Lucy? Oh wait! That's right, you went on a solo mission a week ago. I'm sorry, I forgot all about that." Mira apologized, bowing slightly in apology.

"It's fine." Lucy said softly. She knew it, Mira had forgotten. Lucy wanted to sigh, but held it in.

"How was the mission?" Mira asked, her smile instantly returning.

"It was fine. Though…." Lucy paused, frowning a bit.

"Though, what?" Mira asked, a little worried at Lucy behavior.

"It was just a little…. boring, I suppose." Lucy placed her elbow on the counter, leaning her head against her hand.

"Boring?" Mira questioned, tilting her head.

"Yeah, it just wasn't as fun." Lucy gave Mira a weak smile. "Oh well though, nothing to get upset about." Lucy chuckled sadly, getting up from her seat. "I have to go Mira-san. Thanks for the water." Lucy said, turning to leave.

Mira nodded, watching Lucy go with a frown. Lucy seemed a little lonely lately. Though, now that Mira thought about it, she hadn't been going on missions with team Natsu. Maybe that was the reason. Mira would have to have a chat with Erza when they returned.

Lucy quickly walked over to another table, sighing. "Oh well." she shrugged. She had to stay happy. If Natsu and the others were happy, she would be too. Even if she was lonely. Lucy walked towards Levy, who was talking to Jet and Droy.

"Hey Levy-Chan." Lucy smiled, causing the blue haired mage to look up at her with a smile. "Lu-Chan!" she grinned, patting the chair next to her, motioning for Lucy to join them. Lucy smiled, quickly sitting down.

"How was your mission?" Levy asked. Lucy blinked, slightly surprised that Levy had noticed.

"F-Fine!" she smiled, feeling a little bit better suddenly.

"Thats good." Jet nodded.

"Hey Lucy, did you hear about the new members?" Droy asked with a smile.

"New members?" Lucy asked.

Levy nodded. "They joined a few days after you left. I haven't been able to talk to them yet, but they seem super strong." Levy announced.

"Yeah, super strong." Jet and Droy mumbled, a little jealous.

Lucy tilted her head. "Super strong huh? Where are they?" she asked, interested to meet these new members.

"Over there." Droy answered, pointing over his shoulder towards the other side of the room, where two boys were sitting.

One had spiky red hair that curled and spiked in all different directions, with dark green eyes. He was tall, and looked to be around the age of 18.

While the other had light blue hair that was straight in the front, but spiked up towards the back. With gray eyes that seemed warm and inviting, unlike the other boy who looked like he was itching for a good fight. The blue haired boy was younger then other, and was probably 16 or so.

Lucy blinked, staring at the two intently. Something about them seemed familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Something wrong?" Jet asked, noticing Lucy's look.

"Oh." Lucy blinked. "It's nothing really, I just… feel like a know them from somewhere." Lucy said softly, glancing over at the two boys again.

"Well, then go say hi. Maybe you do." Levy suggested, nudging Lucy's shoulder with her elbow.

"Eh? Well… uh… I guess." Lucy shrugged, rising to her feet. "Be back in a second." Lucy said over her shoulder before making her way to the 2 new boys.

The two didn't seem to notice Lucy as she walked up to their table, smiling nervously.

Why am I so nervous? Lucy gulped, raising her hand.

"Um, excuse me." The two looked up in surprise, blinking at Lucy. "H-Hi. I heard your new and wanted to say-" Lucy froze at the sight of the younger boy tearing up, while the other just stared at her in shock. "Ah, I-I'm sorry, did I say something to upset you?" Lucy panicked, not sure why or how she had upset the two.

"L…. Lucy… neechan?" The blue haired boy gasped.

Lucy blinked. They knew her. "Yes, thats my name." Lucy nodded. Lucy yelped in shock as the blue haired boy jumped up from his seat, lunging towards her.

"LUCY-NEECHAN!" he cried, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close. The boy was only a little smaller than her, height wise, but she could tell he had a lot of strength in his upper arms.

"E-Eh!" Lucy froze in shock, staring over the boys shoulder in surprise. "W-Who-?" the guild paused from what they were doing to stare towards Lucy and the two newbies, all of them looking confused.

The boy's eyes widened. "Ah, sorry!" he blushed, pulling away. "I'm just so happy to see you!" he grinned, grabbing her hand with his.

"Uh…I-I'm sorry I don't-" she paused when she felt someone else take her other hand. She looked to her left to see it was the red haired boy.

What's going on? Who are these people? Lucy thought frantically. Though oddly enough… she felt happy to see them.

"Lucy." the red headed boy said softly. "I… I can't believe it's you. That we actually found you! I told you we would though didn't I?"

Lucy blinked. "Found… me?" Lucy tilted her head, pulling her hands away. "I'm sorry, I don't think I-I… that is to say, I don't know you… do I?" Lucy questioned, causing both boys to freeze.

"You… don't remember us?" the blue haired boy asked?

Both of the boys frowned, stepping away from Lucy. Lucy felt a tingle of quilt for not remembering these two. Lucy examined the two more closely, blinking.

Something in the back of her head screamed at her to run up to these two and hug them, yet she hesitated.

"We'll find you Lucy! We will! I promise we will, so just wait for us! Once we find you, we'll play together again!"

"We won't ever forget you, Lucy-neechan! We'll see you again!"

Lucy's eyes widened in shock. Wait a minute… these two were…

Memories of Lucy's past came flooding to her.

At one point in her life, when Lucy's dad had yet to become rich, and here family was still together, Lucy had met two boys.

They were brothers and lived next to her. One was her age while the other was 2 years younger than her.

The three had become best friends, and did everything together. She treated them like family and loved them both very much.

When her father had become rich though, they moved to a large mansion.

Before she left, she remembered she was crying saying "I don't want to leave! I love this town! I don't want to leave my friends!"

Her mother had tried to comfort her the best she could, but knew she could not change her daughters mind, while her father just ordered her to get into the carriage, saying "You'll like our new house. So get in Lucy."

Lucy disagreed, not wanting to leave. Her father had forced her into the carriage, and closed the door, locking it. As the carriage started Lucy could hear two voices calling her name.

The two boys had come , not wanting her to leave them.

"Lucy!" The red head boy said, running after the carriage, his younger brother trailing behind him.

"Kiyo! Ven!" she bawled out the window, wanting to jump out and run to them.

"We'll find you Lucy! We will! I promise we will, so just wait for us! Once we find you, we'll play together again!" Kiyo, the eldest brother yelled.

"We won't ever forget you, Lucy-neechan! We'll see you again!" Ven yelled behind his brother.

After that, Lucy had never seen those boys again. She had tried to mail them, but she had learned they had moved to live with other relatives after their parents had died. So she was never able to see them again.

Lucy snapped out of her thoughts, a small smile appearing on her face. Could it be?

"Oh, we're sorry then. Maybe your not her." The red haired boy said slowly, his voice becoming slightly angered. "Sorry to bother you-" The red haired boy froze when Lucy held on her hand, cupping the side of his face.

"You're…. Kiyo?" Lucy asked softly.

Kiyo's eyes widened in surprise. "You- You do remember!" he gasped.

Lucy nodded, looking towards Ven. "Ven! You've grown so big!" Lucy grinned, causing Ven to tear up once again.

"Lucy-neechan." he said softly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you at first. I-I'm just… so happy to see both of you!" Lucy lunged towards the two wrapping her arms around them.

"Lucy-neechan!" Ven grinned, hugging her back.

Kiyo grinned widely, wrapping his muscular arms around Lucy's slim waist. "I found you." he whispered into her shoulder.

Lucy smiled softly, nodding. "Yeah… you found me."

"I'm not letting you go again, you do realize that, right?" Kiyo smirked, tightening his grip on Lucy and his little brother.

Lucy blinked. "Wait…. do you mean relatively your not letting go or… physically?" Lucy questioned, trying to pull away to find out she couldn't.

"Both!" Kiyo laughed, pulling Lucy away from Ven's grasp so he could lift her in the air and twirl her around.

"Kiyo! Stop that! Let me down!" Lucy yelled, blushing furiously out of embarrassment. Ven laughed as he watched the little scene.

"Lu-chan?" Levy called, being the first of the guild members to step up and ask what was going on. "Do you know them?"

Kiyo slowly brought Lucy down, reluctantly releasing her from his grip.

Lucy nodded. "These two were my childhood friends. Ven, Kiyo, this is Levy." Lucy announced.

"Hello." Ven smiled towards Levy, causing her to smile back.

"Hi." Kiyo nodded back.

"Hello to you both. It's nice to meet some of Lu-chan's old friends!" Levy grinned.

Kiyo and Ven nodded.

"To think though, you joined Fairy Tail." Kiyo laughed, turning towards Lucy.

"Same goes for you." Lucy laughed.

Ven grinned. "Lucy-Neechan, when did you join this guild? Are you part of a team? Want to be apart of ours?"

Lucy chuckled at Ven's quickly asked questions. "I joined Fairy Tail around a year ago." Lucy paused, looking towards the ground. "As for the team, I'm not apart of any team at the moment." Lucy said softly.

Levy frowned. "I thought you were on Natsu's team." she questioned.

"I was, but they wanted Lisanna to be apart of their team instead of me." Lucy laughed sadly. Levy stared at Lucy in shock. When did this happen, and why hadn't Lucy told her about it?

Ven and Kiyo seemed to see Lucy's distress and stepped closer to her.

"Join our team then!" they grinned.

"Eh?" Lucy blinked.

"You can show us the ropes and we can spend a lot of time together." Ven laughed

"Plus, we can show how strong we have gotten over the 8 years." Kiyo grinned, holding up his fist.

Lucy stared at the two for a long time, glancing at Levy, who shrugged.

"I guess… sure!" Lucy grinned.

"All right!" the two boys cheered, jumping up in the air. "It will be just like old time." Kiyo laughed.

"Fighting bad guys and saving people!" Ven nodded.

Lucy laughed at the two. "You guys never change."

"Neither do you, Lucy." Kiyo said softly.

The four began to laugh, but paused when the Master stepped forward.

"Ah I see you two have made some friends." Makarov nodded towards Kiyo and Ven. The two smiled at Lucy and Levy, who smiled back. "What is this about Lucy joining your team though?" Makarov asked, looking towards Lucy.

"Well…. I'm no longer apart of Team Natsu, so they were asking if I could join their team." Lucy announced, running her fingers through her hair nervously.

Makarov nodded. "I did notice you taking a lot of solo missions lately. Very well. Lucy, watch these two now. Make sure they don't get into too much trouble." The older man grinned widely.

"Yes sir!" Lucy smiled. "Come on, lets introduce you two to everyone." Lucy said, grabbing Kiyo and Ven's hands and dragging them towards the others. Levy stayed behind, watching Lucy leave.

"Master." Levy said softly. "I didn't know Lu-Chan wasn't apart of Team Natsu anymore." Levy frowned.

The Master nodded. "Neither did I." After a few second the Master smiled up at the young mage. "Don't fret about it. I'm sure everything will work out in the end." The master assured before turning to go back to his office.

He admit though, this troubled him just a bit. These new members seemed to know Lucy, which wasn't a bad thing, but something about the situation worried him. How would Natsu and the others react when they learn that Lucy has joined another team?