Okay so basically my story kinda ran away with itself and I apologise.

After a hell of a long time I have finally decided to look back over some of the writing and I've changed quite a lot.. I have created a new account where I will be publishing this story, I know it kinda sucks 'cause you already read some of it but I guarantee you won't remember it, and even if you do there's not a chance in hell you'd recognise the story due to the changes I have made.

The new story can be found here s/9434386/1/Do-She-Got-A-Booty It's called "Do She Got A Booty" hahah

I'm hoping all of you guys who are subscribed to this story at current will come over to my new account and refollow but I totally understand if you don't. T

Thank you for all your support/views/favourites/follows etc. I couldn't have done it without you.

Love you guys.

xoxoxoxoxo Lauren.