Disclaimer: I don't own any of the chipmunks, Chipettes; Miss Miller, Dave or anyone. All rights reserved with Ross Bagdasarian jr.

Chapter 1: Beginning of a Bad Day

In the Seville household, Dave got up and woke his boys up for school along with the Chipettes; he knew that this will be a good day. "Ok boys time to wake up for school", said Dave as he walked in the chipmunks room.

Alvin yawned, "give me 5 more minutes Dave", Alvin moaned sleepily.

"No Alvin, get up now or you'll be late", replied Dave with a more serious look on his face.

"Ok I'm up", groaned Alvin irritably.

"Morning Dave, morning everyone" Brittany greeted hurriedly as she rushed out towards the bathroom

"good morning Dave" Jeanette said politely, sitting up and stretching

"morning Dave" Simon yawned as he sat up

"Oh morning what's for breakfast Dave?" asked Theodore as he sat up and yawned loudly

"Toasted waffles", Dave answered.

"Mm yummy", said Theodore. Theodore and Eleanor hopped downstairs whilst Simon, Jeanette, Alvin and Brittney lagged behind not feeling hungry. Dave was already laying the table for breakfast when Theodore and Eleanor arrived in the kitchen. Theodore thought best that he'll lay it tonight for dinner.

Dave ate with his boys and the Chipettes who ate silently, Dave wondered why the Chipettes were silent, but he assumed that it was just that they were tired. The chipmunks and Chipettes were excused from the table and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and got ready for school. Dave took the Chipmunks and the Chipettes to school before heading off to work.

The first class for the Chipmunks was Science with Mr Herrington, he was particularly moody this morning and Theodore thought that he needed to climb out his shy shell and try to interact more in the class. During the lesson, Mr Herrington was teaching them about sugars and Theodore liked to know about this. "Ok class who can tell me what a sugar is?" asked Mr Herrington. Theodore put his hand up to answer. "Theodore, do you know the answer?" asked Mr Herrington.

"A sugar is …" Theodore began.

"A substance which is sweet and the chemical properties of sucrose is C12 H22 O11, it can also be melted and turned into caramel", Nicola cut Theodore off.

"Hey! I was answering that one", said Theodore.

"Not my problem fat arse", said Nicola her crowd laughed soon afterward. Theodore was hurting inside and Simon and Alvin saw Theodore's eyes tear up and without a cue he stood and started to walk out, much to the dismay of his brothers.
"Sir, are you going to let Nicola speak to my brother like that?" asked Alvin furiously.

"Well, he has low self esteem, it's not my fault he can't answer one of my questions confidently", replied Mr Herrington.

"What did you just say? Tell me you didn't just defend Nicola! I can't believe you're blaming Theodore for the ambush!" screamed Alvin, Simon was in shock.

"I wasn't defending anyone, I was only pointing out the facts", said Mr Herrington.
The rest of the class gasped, Simon was trying to calm Alvin before the situation escalated. Alvin clenched his hands into fists angrily; he couldn't believe that Mr Herrington was saying inappropriate comments about Theodore in front of him. Theodore was still in the room at that point in time and he was very upset that his own teacher said that he had low self esteem.

"Hey, I'm still here you know", said Theodore.

"Yeah, we don't care what you say", replied Nicola. Theodore was so upset that tears were streaming down his cheeks and the teacher didn't do anything about the bullying. Alvin was so angry that Simon gave up on calming him down.

"Oh come on aren't you going to do anything about the verbal abuse or not!" shouted Alvin.

"What am I supposed to do about it? It's his problem", said Mr Herrington defensively. Theodore stormed out of the room in tears after hearing that, Alvin felt like he was going to explode; he didn't care if he was going to get himself into trouble.

"Ok that's it! I've had enough of this, if you're not bothered about what happens in your classroom maybe you don't care about your job!" screamed Alvin.

"Alvin, stand outside and calm yourself", said Mr Herrington.

"Why the hell should I? My brother is getting picked on in front of you and you're not doing anything to stop it!" Alvin screamed.

"Oh for Christ sake, some of us are trying to learn here", Nicola said sarcastically.

"Yeah maybe you should take your classmates into consideration", said Mr Herrington. Alvin was rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration, why are Mr Herrington and Nicola allies in this argument?

"Oh I'm sorry; I didn't know that the lesson was still running, I would have known that if Mr Herrington wasn't so stuck up!" Alvin screamed finally getting some allies of his own.

"Alvin you are a pain in my rear, I suggest you pipe down or I'll have you removed", Mr Herrington said.

"I don't know why you're so defensive Mr Herrington, but your job will be at risk if you don't admit defeat", said Alvin.

"That's it Alvin Get Out!" shouted Mr Herrington.

"Well that was rude, but I'm not going until at least half the class agree that you were harsh about my sensitive brother", said Alvin staying put.

"Alvin, I'm warning you, if you don't…" Mr Herrington began, but Alvin cut him off.
"OOH I wasn't going to say this in front of the class, but you seriously got on my nerves, you know what, I was having a real good day until the moment Nicola started this debate, since then you were rude about my brother and you're a f*** teacher, also denying that you were!" screamed Alvin.

"Actually Alvin's right screw this class and screw you discriminator", Richard said.

"Yeah I agree", Sophie agreed. With this Alvin stood with half the class and filed out of Mr Herrington's classroom, Simon went with them, Alvin just stood in front of his locker and just exploded in a rage; he took his frustration out on the lockers his kicked and punched the metal lockers until he calmed down.

"Hey, we get the classroom to ourselves", said Nicola.

"Actually girls, I'm going to cancel the rest of the lesson you can have a short break before your next class", said Mr Herrington.

"Alright then, come on girls", said Nicola.

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