Disclaimer: not mine
I have to groan as my alarm goes off. Why do we have class today. Couldn't it just be the weekend? I sigh as I roll off my bed and get dressed. I'm still pulling my tie into place as I walk into the great hall for a late breakfast. I grab a muffin and work my way to class while eating it.
I get to potions and take my usual spot. I look around waiting for Al or Rose both of which share my table. Slughorn waddles in and begins class not drawing any attention to the two empty seats. He does give them a sad glance though I ignore it.
The double class goes by quickly and I take a look at my Elixir to Induce Euphoria. It looks right. Old Sluggy declares it fine as the bell rigs. I walk out to look for either Al or Rose. They can't both be sick could they?
I almost give up when Al comes up to me. I open my mouth to greet him when he yells at me. "You!" I have half a mind to shout back 'Me!' I don't I just looked mildly confused. "You Son of a bitch it's your fault!" What's my fault. What did I do. I walk off to History of Magic and wonder what I did. Nothing. I tell myself. You didn't do anything. I can't seem to concentrate during my next lesson, I wonder what got Al, usually so nice, to swear and yell.
After History I go and find Al. I have to know what's wrong. Before I reach there I meet James. I haven't really talked to him much. We're friendly as I'm friends with his brother and cousin. Are those tears in his eyes? No James is not the type of person to cry. "James?" I ask wondering what the hell is going on. He doesn't seem to hear me. I hear him mutter as he walks away, "why Rosie, why?" Rose what did she do.
I stand there in shock before Al finds me. He looks livid. I turn to him and raise my eyebrows at him. "You going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to guess?" I say hoping that a small joke could lighten the mood. It appears I'm wrong. As he punches me in the face. "What the hell Al?" I ask pinching my bleeding nose.
"You know what." He said scowling and shaking with Rage. "No I really don't." I say simply. "If you'd like to fill me in, on why you're screaming at me, it would be much appreciated." I tell him coolly. His face falls and he shakes his head. "You really don't know?" He asks me hoping I'm making it up. I just shake my head.
No I don't know what's going on, but now I'm not sure if I want to. Hell if I'm going to get bad news I would rather it be from Rose, but I haven't seen her all day. Though maybe she's in trouble. Something was up with James earlier, something to do with her. "Al?" I ask softly. He looks near tears now too. Even if he did punch me he's still my mate. I mean something is wrong. I'm not one to just walk off while my friend is hurting. "What's wrong?" I ask looking around for some help. I almost wish Rose was here to help me out. She was always good with people. Yet another thing to love about her. But this isn't really time to list reasons why I love Rose.
I look back at Al, my best mate. He's looking down and I have to shake my head. "What's going on?' I ask again hoping it's something stupid like a cat dying or something. Al just looks up and mutters barely audible. "She's dead, Scor. She's dead." Then he walks off and I just look after him confused as ever. Who's dead. She? She could be anyone. His mom, his sister, his grandma, one of his cousins. I hear the bell signalling afternoon classes and I start to walk Defence Against the Dart Arts. I heal my nose still wondering who he was talking about. I have no clue. I'll just go to defence. I'll see Al there. I shake my head. Who was he talking about? Who was dead?
I walk into class and much to my annoyance Al is not here. Maybe he's just late. I think to myself as I take my seat in the front. I chuckle at the spot. Rose picked it. This was her favourite class. Where was she? Surly Al couldn't be talking about Rose. Not his Rose. No it must be someone else. She was part of his family she would be there too. I shake my head and try to pay attention to the professor. As it turns out I can't, my gaze keeps going to my left. Rose's spot.
She couldn't be dead. It wasn't possible. No the world could not exist without Rose Weasley. It was impossible. No Al must be talking about someone else.
After double defence I run to find Al. I don't know where he would be. Where would I go if someone I love died? I ask myself. My room. Well that's just great I can't get there. I'm doomed. I sigh and walk up to the astronomy tower. I don't know why. I just feel tat I should go there. I reach the top step and I shake my head. It feels strange, it didn't used to feel like this. It's new, a new negative feeling. I sigh sinking down to the floor and looking over the edge. I close my eyes and I wonder, who was on the edge of this place, who wanted to end it all on the edge?
James finds me. He looks at me with his oddly teary eyes. He sits down next to me. "It's was Rose Scor. Rose, she…. She killed herself." He tells me. He doesn't stay or maybe he did. I don't know, my world stopped with those words. My Rose killed herself. I feel the tears fall. I don't care anymore. Nothing matters, nothing without the girl who accepted me, before anyone else.
She was more beautiful than anyone else. She was the smartest girl in any class. She was sweet sitting next to that Malfoy boy. She was accepting and open minded still being my friend though I was not in her house. She was bold always saying what was on her mind. She was ambitious always wanting to beat me in everything. She always liked to race running around the lake and having fun. She loved to laugh and made so many people smile with her humour. She always made my day being open to hearing what was bothering me she told me what was going on too. She was always honest and true to who she was. She was always trying to solve problems using logic or when it failed a good duel. She would always stand up for what she believed in. Most of all she would always make me smile with the crazy stories she came up with, her creative mind. She was perfect in every way. The best Weasley I knew. The perfect girl.
"I love you Rose" I whisper to the night. I wish more than anything I could pull back time. I can't, no this is done. I stand up and walk to the edge. I close my eyes and shake my head. No This is it. The end of everything. Rose died as she lived, always on the edge. On the edge of perfection, of happiness. I walk slowly back through the castle. I walk to my room. I lost everything. Me and Al will never be the same. No Rose was what kept us together. She started our friendship and with her death she ended it. The castle seems almost empty without her. It's lonely and cold.
It's a long time before I move on. A long time before I can be somewhat happy. I never fell in love again. Everything changed. Ron and Hermione changed and are more reserved. Teddy does everything he can for his little girl. He loved her more than anything. They named her Rose. Al tried his best to be happy, but deep inside he misses her. He tries though. Everyone tries. Yet here I am at her grave laying roses on it. Roses for my Rose. I walk away and go to my home. I walk out on my balcony and look down the fifteen stories. I stand on the edge. Just like my Rose. I close my eyes and jump.
A/N: Well that's it It's done Please review ~WeasleyatHeart99