Disclaimer: I do not own these characters (I'm just playing with them a little!)

Chapter 5

Sherlock woke Molly up two more times in the early hours with bouts of frenzied sex; the first time was when Molly returned from the toilet only to find herself rolled under Sherlock and a repeat of earlier occurred. The second time Molly awoke to find Sherlock already inside her and an orgasm building!

His response when she woke up was "Ah molly! Did you know your body is still responsive even when you're asleep and it's taken me 10 minutes to wake you up! Interesting!" With that Sherlock pounded harder into Molly, groaning. Molly's pleasure erupted the same time as Sherlock. As he lay panting over her breast, Molly took the time to breathlessly explain that doing what he just did would startle anyone else and even though she enjoyed it could he please not do it again? Sherlock promised and sealed it with a kiss.

They fell asleep with Molly lying across Sherlock's chest so when Molly woke up at a more reasonable time of 07.30, she was surprised to find that Sherlock had morning wood, which she discovered when she moved her leg.

'Good lord does it never go down?' Molly grinned to herself as she had wicked thoughts of several ways she could wake Sherlock up. She decided to wake him up with her mouth, which delighted Sherlock,

"Molly….so good.."

Just as Sherlock felt his orgasm peak, Molly pulled off his cock with a pop of her mouth and decided to show him what a cowgirl position was. Molly climbed over him as he rolled a condom on, they groaned in unison when Molly sunk down onto him. As Molly got into a rhythm, Sherlock found himself thrusting his hips up into her, making her squeal.

Afterwards when Molly lay panting on Sherlock's chest, Sherlock commented that he liked that cowgirl positioned then went on to list the reasons why he did and only stopped when Molly attached her mouth to his.

They decided to get up and grab breakfast (in Sherlock's case a cup of tea). After practically inhaling her toast and tea, Molly found herself bent over the kitchen table with Sherlock already wearing protection and pressing urgently into her. She kept a watchful eye on a nearby beaker of questionable substance when the table began to move with each thrust.

"Dangerous for you to walk round in my shirt Molly, I like it too much"

Molly decided she liked this position best as he was deep inside and hitting a certain part of her continuously; she really liked it when he gripped her shoulders and her climax grew at an alarming rate.

After her climax ended, Sherlock pulled out of her and practically dragged her over to 'his' chair and made her ride him again where she orgasmed for a second time and this time Sherlock followed suit,

"I really like that position Molly"

Molly insisted on a shower and was surprised when Sherlock joined her but did not iniate any sexual advances. He soaped up her body with a gentleness that she did not believe could be found in him and was very happy to wash him too.

But as the day carried on, the louder her rational side became. 'You're thinking too much of this! Look at him; he only sees this as an experiment! You will not be a couple at the end of this; do not make that mistake Molly!'

After another round of amazing sex, Molly dared to voice her mind's question to Sherlock,

"Sherlock? What will happen after today?" When Sherlock raised an eyebrow at her question, she elaborated, "I mean with us? Will this continue?"

Sherlock looked to the ceiling and after a lengthy pause when she was just beginning to think that maybe the silence said it all, he answered,

"I'm not sure. I would like this to continue but Molly," He turned to look her in the eyes, "I will not be your boyfriend, you understand? I will ask for you to abstain from seeing anyone sexually while we continue this but if you do meet someone else, you are welcome to end this at any time."

Molly was stung at first but as she thought about it, it was the best she could ask for really, She glanced at his face and found Sherlock's piercing eyes scanning her face with intensity,

"Ok Sherlock I understand but I also request you do not pursue any other sexual relations either!" Sherlock smirked and leaned over to kiss her, "My dear Molly, why on earth would I pursue other relations when I've got you to play with?"

Molly squealed and pulled him into another kiss. Yes this was best for her; she could continue having the best sex of her life with the most amazing, handsomest man on the planet and not have to deal with the emotional consequences for a little while longer. Maybe she could learn to fall out of love with him?...Nah maybe not.

The End?

Thank you to those who have reviewed and loved reading this story as much as I've written it! Hope this ending doesn't disappoint!

I'm thinking of maybe doing a oneshot of maybe a few months or a year on after this story ends to see how these characters are doing? Let me know what you think?