As Sena's eye met with Shin's gaze his eyes could not help but widen. In Shin's expression there was the same admiration and respect that he had for his rival but accompanying the emotion was something sweeter. At Sena's reception of this third emotion Shin's eyes hardened to convey only one emotion- lust.

Sena drew back a gasp as this heady sensation wracked his body. Unconsciously his body began to react to this newfound feeling.

Shin had to bite back a growl as he felt Sena's erection harden and saw Sena's eyes glaze over in response. He knew physically Sena's body was readying itself for the carnal act of sex, but mentally and emotionally he knew that this may be overwhelming for the first year football player. So regretfully he pulled away from Sena's provocative body.

Confused Sena felt himself sit up and face Shin, but confusion quickly gave way as Sena's self-deprecating thoughts returned. Disappointment hit his gut hard, and he had to blink back the tears that came unbidden to his eyes, "Shin-san, um… you don't have to force yourself to-" Sena's voice broke off, he tried his hardest to maintain his calm voice and will his tears away, "make do with someone like me" Sena closed his eyes and to blink back the tears and force himself to smile.

Shin turned his head so fast he was afraid he may suffer from whiplash later on, but he looked incredulously at the teen in front of him. The level of stupidity that comment fell under left Shin in a stupor.

What the hell? He thought as Sena continued his mad ramblings, something about him not being suitable or cute or some other ridiculous notions his mind made up but Shin was not going to have any more. He firmly grasped Sena's chin and forced the teen to look up at him.

Sena's adorable lost expression incited an urge within Shin to swoop down and claim Sena's luscious lips as his own, but there were more pressing matters to attend to and Shin felt as though there was no time to waste. He took his thumb and wiped any unbidden tears that fell from Sena's eyes before starting his longest and most expressive speech to date.

"Sena, no don't look down, look at me. You saw from my gaze that what I felt for you is the same feeling of what you felt for me. The respect and admiration I hold, same as you, from our first encounter on the football field. Just like you, my eyes unconsciously began to wander whenever you were around, and my body knew if you were in the near vicinity. Even though I could not visually see you, my body could still sense where you were. This connection that we have is very real; I feel that for a long-term relationship we need to grown in other areas not just the physical." Shin explained maintaining eye contact the entire time, "I am willing to wait even though physically you make my body burn with desire, so don't you ever think your body is unworthy" Shin growled out before giving into his initial temptation and claiming Sena's innocent lips.

Wow, Sena thought as he felt Shin's rough and slightly chapped lips on his own, that's the most I've heard Shin-san say. Sena thought before Shin's ministrations brought new waves of headiness.

Sena moaned as Shin swiped his lips roughly, in which Shin took as an invitation to deepen the kiss.

"Damn," Shin said as he pulled away, "you really are pushing it"

At this Sena looked up worriedly, he unconsciously bit his lip.

"Don't arouse me so damn much," Shin growled as he drew dangerously close to Sena. At this point if Sena was asked to point up he'd probably just answer yes. Shin sighed as he drew back, "I stand by what I said, I want to have a deeper connection"

Inside Sena was moping in disappointment, but he understood the implications of Shin's words. So he shyly responded that he was free next Friday after practice.

At this Shin gave a light peck on Sena's nose and told him to use the bathroom to go change.

Shin had given Sena his practice shirt to change into, because he had ripped Sena's shirt, by accident…


Sena encountered a bigger problem once in the bathroom.

He had no extra boxers!

"Sena are you don-"Shin started as he heard the bathroom door open, but stopped as massive blood flow went in two directions.

Sena's solution to his problem was the complementary love hotel underwear… usually reserved for women… women who enjoyed very little coverage.

Sena could only manage a slight shrug of embarrassment before he was pounced on.

Shin could not keep his afore-mentioned promise, and for the next week Sena could not walk without a limp.

Needless to say it was bittersweet for Himuro at the gain of very juicy blackmail material his star runner back lost a few good days worth of practices, one he fully intended Sena make up when his 'condition' was better.

A.N: Sorry for the lack of smut! Urgh I'm not very good at writing… as you could probably tell and I am very sure your imaginations (at the sex scene) will do a better job than my writing ever could ;_; I'm so sorry! 3 But I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing it~