The Switch

Disclaimer: oh goodness if I owned Eyeshield 21 it would be categorized under yaoi and smut lots and lots of smut, if I had it my way.. but since it's not you can assume that I don't have any ownership.

Chapter 1

Pitt was having a great day, lazing in the sun enjoying the warmth. But she determined for herself that something exciting was going to happen today. With that set determination she got up leisurely stretching while arching her back. She jumped off the ledge and made her way towards her target room. She quietly nudged open the half closed door and made her way to the bed where her dear Sena laid. She made her way over and gently nuzzled his sleeping face.

"Pitt…." Sena mumbled as he turned over to his side snuggling more warmly into his bed. Pitt cocked her head and climbed over his body to study Sena's face more intently. Then getting an irresistible urge to play she pounced on his chest and then that's when things became very weird.

Sena groaned lightly as he gingerly opened his eyes. It was only moments ago that he felt something hit against his chest.

Must be Pitt wanting to play, he thought as he blinked a few times to chase away the morning grogginess. Then he slowly tried to sit up and stretch but that's when things became very very weird.

That's odd why can't I sit up… Sena stretched out his arms to give himself more momentum, and that's when he saw two furry appendages in his line of sight.

Whaaat? These look like Pitt's paws… but why are they so large? Sena questioned incredulously, he then craned his neck to look at the bedroom mirror by the door, and the sight that greeted him was mind boggling.

Where is my body? Sena thought as he was unable to see a reflection. To get a better look he climbed down the bed and that's when it hit him, the only way he could move was by using all four limbs.

Wwhat is going on? Sena was starting to panic, nothing was making sense anymore. Then suddenly he saw his mother walk into his room. Sena trying to get her attention tried to speak to her but all that could be heard was "Meow".

"Oh there you are Pitt, did you wake up Sena today too?" His mother cooed as she picked up Sena, "That boy, rushing out first thing in the morning, probably to do more training" she surmised as she absently stroked Sena's back, causing him to unconsciously purr at the motions.

But then he realized what she said, Pitt who he guessed was him now rushed out? This was not good… he began to struggle against his mother's arms, she placed him down gently on the ground. Sena wasted no time, he had to find Pitt!

Meanwhile, Pitt scrambled out of the room after the little pounce she inflicted on her owner. She didn't know why but something scared her so she scampered off into the living room.

"Sena! Why haven't you changed? You're still in your boxers for crying out loud" her female owner yelled. Pitt was confused the female owner never yelled at her before! Every time there was yelling Pitt liked to escape it by venturing outside, and today was no different, she bolted out the back door that was left open and she passed her male owner who had been gardening.

That's weird how am I able to run on only two legs, she pondered as she ventured further from the house. She didn't dwell on it too much, Pitt wasn't the one to always dwell on things she couldn't explain.

Following the path that her Sena always took in the mornings she started taking the view from a higher perspective.

The clouds look closer now. She sighed happily, finally reaching the path by the riverside. Sometimes she came down here too, trailing behind her Sena as he trained in the mornings. As for Pitt it was always a nice spot to doze off in the clover fields along the slope. When she found her favorite spot she laid down and began her midmorning nap.

Shin had always begun his Sunday with a jog on his favorite route before heading to football practice in the afternoon. Although their team was good they always aim to be better and have traditionally held practices every Sunday. This Sunday was no different.

However, for Shin it was the highlight of his day if he saw his rival running the same route. Of course they would nod at each other as they passed by, but sometimes, on good days, his rival would even aim a brightly lit smile in his direction. Shin couldn't describe it himself, it was in those moments he felt all his training going away and his legs felt as they would collapse and his breath became uneven. Although embarrassed about this certain condition he couldn't deny the warm happy feeling this left at the bit of his stomach, threatening to bubble over.

Shin allowed himself a slight smile at the various memories and almost missed the prone figure at the slope of the route. But the body shape, muscles, hair was unmistakable, it was Sena! Shin started to jog faster, rushing to his rival's side.

What happened? Is he alright? Shin worried as he ran even faster.

Mmm fishcakes~ Pitt thought as she snored softly unaware of the sight she made with Sena's body. She felt herself stir as a shadow loomed over her, blocking the sun. She sat up and blinked a few times to focus on the object obstructing the glorious sunlight she was enjoying just a few moments ago.

… Shin couldn't help but blush at the adorable sight that greeted him when he made his way over. His rival had curled up in a ball with a light grin gracing his face. Shin couldn't describe the urge, but the urge to do something remained, then all of a sudden the object of his gazes sat up blinked a few times and looked up with the most endearing expression. Sena cocked his head to the side and blinked a few times before breaking into a grin.

It's the man who saved me a few weeks back! Pitt thought as she caught a look at Shin's face. Few weeks ago she had been stuck in a tree and this was the stranger who had helped her that time. She purred at the memory of his fingers gently running through her fur. Wishing to feel those fingers again she lightly pushed her head, or in this peculiar case, Sena's head underneath Shin's hand begging those hands to stroke her hair once more.

Shin's blush was borderline unbearable as Sena continued his ministrations. Shin couldn't help but lightly stroke Sena's head as it nudged his hand. Moe… Shin thought as he gazed upon Sena's adorable expressions of pleasure.

Wh-what is he doing now? Shin panicked as he felt Sena rub against his legs.

Pitt had a strange obsession with human legs, rubbing up against them was one of her most favorite pastimes and this man had legs to die for. She was purring madly in contentment as she rubbed her cheek against these well toned thighs. She slowly moved her body around the legs to feel them in other parts of her body, unaware of the fatal reaction she as causing on Shin's body.

Oh my… what th- Shin thought as Sena continued his odd gestures towards Shin's body. At this point blood circulation was steadily divided half to Shin's face and the other half… Shin trying to maintain control over his body stood still, willing a certain tent to go away. But Pitt discovering a hotspot decided to rub Sena's face in that source of warmth. Shin unable to take anymore picked up Sena's body by his shirt and dangled him in front of his face.

"Stop it! Sena what's gotten into you?" Shin asked angrily, unable to understand Sena's actions. Pitt unable to understand what Shin was asking just grinned shyly and took Sena's tongue and licked Shin's face as a sign of friendship.

Sena had finally found a trace of his scent after leaving his house. Running as fast as his furry little legs could get him he sprinted in the direction his nose was telling him.

Oh please oh please Pitt be ok! Sena frantically thought as he rushed to find his body. Only to come upon the sight of his tongue dragging up on the side of his ultimate rival's face!

NOOOOO! Sena thought as he pounced on his body earnestly trying to put some distance between his body and Shin.

A.N: Wow so this is my first fanfiction in awhile. This one shot turned into a multi-chapter one-shot. I don't know how it happened! Wahh…. I just passed 6 pages and I'm like…. Um there is no way that this is going to stay a one-shot. But never fear it'll probably only be a 3 chapter thingamabob. It seemed like a good place to stop. However, please let me know what you think. What do YOU think will happen! If my disclaimer is anything to go by…. There's your first hint~ Muhahahahaha! SHINXSENA! :3