Disclaimer: I don't own Neverland or London any of its characters.
remember peter?
the first boy you loved from a place called neverland?
("second star to the right and straight on 'til morning")
a place full of magic&mermaids&adventure&escape&him
none of it was just a madeupbedtimestory
or a d r e a m
fairies&pixiedust are real, darling
(just as real as him)
even when you've 'grown up' and everything seems all-too-real
(no time for silly-childhood-games)
you never really did say goodbye to peterpan&thelostboys&tinkerbell
because goodbye means going away and going away means
and you could nevernevernever forget them, right?
A/N: Please review, I'd love to hear what you thought! :)