Dear Finland and Sweden,

Hey im Delaware or I used to be called new sweden then I was new Netherlands.

And just wanted to tell you that you guys are my real parents not the burger

loving America and that scone burning england. So here my question can you

save me fromk the this burger loveing hell! Please I forgive you for leaving

me with scary mister netherlands and then I was left with England.

Sincerly your long lost daughter,


Finland: Delaware! *hugs*

Sweden: I w''ld l've' t' g't y'' b'ck.

Finland: But we can't have full custody of you... *frowns*

Sweden: B't, w' c'n g't j''nt c'st'dy s' y'' c'n l'v' w'th 's.

Finland: Yeah, we can get joint custody. How does that sound?