By AvidAkiraReader
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel.'
"No!" Nicholas protested as his beloved wife dragged him, or tried to drag him, out of his small bookshop. Perenelle raised an eyebrow at him, and he shot a wild look of plea back.
She snorted.
"Nicola, even you can succumb to the rare cavity." Perenelle said, exasperated at her stubborn husband.
"No! I don't need to go to a doctor, especially a dentist! I'll just wait until the next lunar cycle to come and brew up a new Elixir of Life; it erases all impurities in the body," Flamel reasoned, tugging against his wife's insistent pull. He clutched the wooden counter, stubbornly refusing to let go and submit to her and her fanatical ideas about getting him to a dentist.
Somewhere inside of him, a childlike part of his soul shuddered at what the old dentists did back then.
"They will pull out my teeth!"
"We are in the 21st century. They don't need to pull out your teeth," said Perenelle. It only raised his anxiety.
He argued, "Then what do they do? Drill holes? Melt the cavity?" An audible gulp was heard in the empty bookshop as she stayed—amusedly—quiet. Nicholas uncharacteristically squeaked. "They do, don't they?"
"'Perhaps' is not a good word to reassure your husband that the dentist is safe!" His French accent pierced through his carefully cultivated English.
"You will get out of this shop, even if I have to use a broom." She threatened.
Nicolas Flamel, the Alchemyst, flinched at her serious threat. Perenelle had proven…quite skillful using a broom.
He blamed Scathach. The redhead couldn't resist playing a joke on him, even if he was her—sort of—surrogate father.
"Okay, okay!" Nicholas said pathetically, raising his hands in a poor defense. "I'll go to the dentist…after I finish up that new hiring advertisement." Perenelle could only sigh in exasperation and affection at him, and flourished the advertisement in front of his face.
"I finished it for you so you wouldn't have anything to stall your appointment," Perenelle dryly commented. Her husband groaned, and finally relented.
He was going to the dentist, whether he liked it or not!
I've only read as far as 'The Magician', because I started the series a few days ago. So if I've messed up anything, go ahead and tell me. NO FLAMES. AND NO ANONYMOUS FLAMES. They shall be ignored and deleted.