A/N: I don't own Glee; I'm just taking the characters out for a spin. Thank you all for the wonderful reviews. This is the final chapter, enjoy!
Chapter 11: Today & Every Day
The months passed quickly. Sam finished his contract in Texas, sold his home, and moved to California with barely any incident. He and Mercedes considered the idea of sharing a home but decided that although it was economical they needed to be a normal couple. To them normalcy involved having separate homes. But they always woke up next to each other when they were in the same town. They settled into a rhythm that was comfortable for them. They spent time together when they had a chance, sneaking away for long weekends when neither of them had an appearance. They had to make time and it took extra effort but it was worth it. The basketball season had Sam traveling with the team. When they were in the same town Mercedes was always in the stands at each game supporting her man and all of his hard work. Mercy was in demand more than ever. She spent days in the studio recording, and making appearances. When work didn't keep him away he was there bringing her lunch, walking the red carpet, or waiting for her at home with a glass of wine and a foot rub. There were weeks where they barely saw each other, and they made each reunion worth it.
They weren't a perfect couple. They fought about silly things and about the things that initially broke them up. Through it all they vowed never to go to bed angry. It was harder than either thought to swallow the pride they each had but it was worth it to keep their relationship stable and happy. The scandals were abundant. Old flings from Sam's past came out of the woodwork claiming their children were his. Others claimed Sam was only with Mercedes for fame. Some decided Mercy needed Sam for sex appeal. Still more claimed Sam was a kept man, using Mercy for her money. They were all untrue. They were an unlikely couple but very much in love.
They discussed marriage, children, and a future. He knew his future had her in it. He was just waiting for her to come around. She was skeptical about marrying again. She'd been there before and knew marriage changed the dynamic of any relationship. She knew Sam wasn't Shane but she didn't want things to change. Any time he asked her she would smile and say things were perfect they way they were. But he knew one day he wanted her to be Mrs. Mercedes Evans. He wanted to start having babies soon and while they didn't need to be married he wanted them to all have the same last name.
He had a reoccurring fantasy of settling down in Lima. He didn't want to raise their children in Los Angeles. He wanted them to have fresh air, and plenty of down to earth normal children to surround themselves with. He would scale back on his work with the team and focus on his successful comic book so that he could stay home with their children while she toured. He wouldn't mind working from home while she lived her dreams. His dreams were always raising their babies and a quiet life. She would record amazing albums and tour when they weren't making a house full of beautiful babies. They would be the couple that stood the test of time. Their friends would come to see them for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the 4th of July. Their children would grow up together, maybe even a few of them falling in love and marrying each other. He often discussed his dreams with her while in bed after making love. They agreed that this would be their future in time. They both knew that had years of hard work before they could settle into a quiet serene life.
A year came and went. Before he knew it he was standing at the altar looking towards the garden at her home in Lima. They decided to have the wedding in Mercedes' garden. The smile that spread across his face when he saw Mercy was wide. She looked beautiful in her maid of honor dress. The champagne colored satin made her skin glow; the neckline was tasteful but low enough to make him bite his lower lip. He let his imagination wander. He imagined her in a wedding dress, and maybe even one day in a mother of the bride dress. He took a deep breath and brought himself back to reality. He knew she had to say yes first.
Artie and Quinn had a beautiful ceremony. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as they both stood facing each other. Artie used his Rewalk that day so that he would look his bride in the eye. They read their vows with tears in their eyes. Even Puck shed a tear as he watched the couple become man and wife. The kiss they shared could have taken the paint off of the walls. The group of friends threw flower petals over the happy couple as they ran out. No doubt they were going to one of the guest rooms to get a little newlywed playtime in before the reception. Sam watched Mercedes head to the tent to make sure everything was perfect for the reception. She was beautiful in the setting sun carrying a small bouquet of flowers, her shoes in her hands. That was the woman of his dreams and she was perfect. He chased after her not caring about the photos that were being taken. He knew the photographer would be around all night.
"Hey baby girl." He whispered into her ear, causing her to squeal and try to wiggle from the arms wrapped around her waist.
"Sam, you know your creepy voice freaks me out." She said giggling.
"When it caused you to giggle like that I can't help myself." He said nibbling on her ear, moving her hair kissing the back of her neck. His mouth worked on the little spot behind her hair. The mark he left already starting to fade. He felt her shiver and smiled. "So, Ms. Jones do you think we have a moment to slip away so I can rip that dress off of your delicious body?" He ran his hands over her satin covered curves pressing into her back.
"Sam we can't. We have to take photos and I have to make sure everything is perfect. I promise after the reception is over I'll spend days making sweet love to you!" She said turning in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her lips met his in a sweet kiss. "Now get the hell out of my tent and let me get to work. I love you." The pint sized woman turned him around swatting his behind to send him on his way.
"You know you can't keep saying you love me and then rejecting me!" He said as he walked away.
"Yes the hell I can. Now get! And don't you touch that cake. I know food disappears around you." She yelled. "Bottomless pit having self." She muttered looking over her shoulder grinning. He didn't take his eyes off of her rear end. He made sure to ask Brittany about the cut of the bridesmaids dresses. He had to remember to request she design more mermaid cut dresses.
The reception went into the wee hours of the morning. They spent the evening dancing and laughing. The cake was cut, the first dance had taken place, the bouquet and garter had been tossed. Only friends and family remained. All of the parents were still in attendance, as well as a few very close LA friends. Sam watched as Mercy and the rest of the girls danced with their fathers to Luther Vandross. His eyes were focused on her as she laughed and turned in his arms. He reached into his pocket rubbing the velvet box. This moment would change his life. He loosened his tie and took a deep breath. They'd been together for over a year. He was ready to take this step and said a silent prayer that she would let him down easily if her answer was no. He understood why she was scared to remarry, but he wasn't Shane. He spent over a year paying for his sins, and even some of Shane's. Some of their worst fights were due to his lack of trust. He loved her more than almost anyone, and was willing to let her work through her trust issues, as long as it didn't take her away from him. His heart pounded in his chest, his hands were shaking, and he broke out into a cold sweat. It was now or never.
He'd asked Mr. and Mrs. Jones if he could marry their daughter during a secret trip to Lima three months prior. They gladly told him yes but made it clear: they had a shovel and a .45 they would shoot him and ask questions later. He'd cleared it with Artie and Quinn who said they'd be honored if he proposed during their special day. They said it would only make it better. Everyone was confident that Mercedes would say yes, but he still had his reservations. She was happy with the way things were. Mercy was never a person who took change well.
He took a deep breath and ran up on the stage. He didn't know how to do this any other way. Mercedes looked to him standing there narrowing her eyes. She didn't have a clue. The music ended and he took a deep breath. He grabbed his guitar and looked out into the crowd. He played the chords to the song he'd been working on since he asked her parents. He cleared his throat as he began to sing. He couldn't stop from shaking. His fingers played over the chords with unsteady fingers.
Well I'll never forget the first time that I heard
That pretty mouth say that dirty word
And I can't even remember now what she backed my truck into
But she covered her mouth and her face got red
And she just looked so darn cute
That I couldn't even act like I was mad
Yeah I live for little moments like that
Well that's just like this last year on my birthday
She lost all track of time and burnt the cake
And every smoke detector in the house was goin' off
And she was just about to cry until I took her in my arms
And I tried not to let her see me laugh
Yeah I live for little moments like that
His fingers trembled as he continued playing. He looked directly at her as he sang. Each line was a memory. Front the time she burnt his cake because they were too busy making love to the day she fell asleep watching Avatar for the 10th time with him cutting off the circulation to his arm. The day he decided she needed to learn to drive stick in his truck and dropped the transmission out. This song was truly an embodiment of everything he loved about her. He always joked that he would sing this to her at just the right time. She never believed she was a walking country song. She would laugh and kiss him, telling him she was only soul through and through. He smiled as he continued to sing to her.
I know she's not perfect but she tries so hard for me
And I thank god that she isn't 'cause how boring would that be
It's the little imperfections it's the sudden change in plans
When she misreads the directions and we're lost but holdin' hands
Yeah I live for little moments like that
When she's layin' on my shoulder on the sofa in the dark
And about the time she falls asleep so does my right arm
And I want so bad to move it 'cause it's tinglin' and it's numb
But she looks so much like an angel that I don't wanna wake her up
Yeah I live for little moments
When she steals my heart again and doesn't even know it
Yeah I live for little moments like that
He finished serenading her, setting the guitar down. He was taking one of the biggest steps of his life with her. He felt like he was standing on stage naked. "So what do you say?" He asked taking the wireless microphone and coming off the stage. His hands were still shaking as he got down on one knee in front of her. "Mercedes Jones will you do me the honor of being my wife?" He opened the ring box and presented it to her. The blood rushing through his ears waiting for her to answer was deafening. His heart was thudding in his chest. Her hands were over her mouth, the tears streaming from her eyes. He still stood there. She didn't move or nod she just cried. He felt his face turn pale and a wave of nausea hit him. He stood up just watching her cry.
"Yes." She said finally. It felt like hours had gone by.
"What?" He asked pulling at his collar.
"I would love to be your wife." She said moving her hands. She held out a shaking hand for him to slip the ring on her finger.
"So you're really saying yes, you'll be my wife?" He asked feeling light headed from the relief.
"Yes Sammy Bear I'll be your wife. Now can I have my ring, please?" She asked starting to cry again. He slipped the ring on her finger with shaking hands and swept her up in a bone crushing hug. The microphone dropped as her feet left the floor. She cried into his shoulder kissing from his neck to his jaw and finally his lips. He didn't hear the clapping and yelling around him. All he saw was her smiling tear streaked face.
"You better kiss that fine ass woman!" Sam heard Finn scream from the back.
"I want to see the ring after you're done sucking her face off!" Santana yelled from Brittany's lap. He didn't have to be told twice. He smiled as he kissed her, forgetting for a moment their parents were in the area. He nibbled and sucked on her lower lip smiling and grabbing onto her ass. She pressed her lips to his, her feet still not touching the floor. His tongue danced with hers as he squeezed harder. He had no intention of letting her go. She tasted like champagne and mint. He decided it was his new favorite flavor as he explored her mouth. He needed desperately to come up for air, but hearing her moan as he explored her mouth made him press into her. He grew harder at the small sounds.
"Alright now, stop defiling my baby girl in public!" Her father yelled out.
"Yeah son, save something for the wedding night!" His father yelled. The group of friends and parents erupted into a chorus of laughter. No one was stupid enough to think they hadn't been intimate. They parted ways breathing heavily. He looked down into her warm brown eyes.
"I love you." He mouthed, not wanting to let go of her hand.
"I love you too." She said, still wiping her eyes as she was jerked away. Her friends and their mothers crowded around her taking turns staring at her hand. She looked over her shoulder and he met her eyes. She quirked and eyebrow and jerked her head to the side. They were both eager to celebrate alone. He finally wrestled her away from the group of well meaning friends. He quickly bid them all a good night before pulling her off to the master suite of the house. He wanted to respect her parents as well as his own but he needed her. Samuel Evans had never been a very patient man.
Before he knew it he had her behind the double doors of her bedroom. He kissed her passionately as he wrestled the dress from her body. He ran his hands over her abundant curves kissing from her neck to the swell of her breast. He teased and pulled her nipples in the way that always made her scream.
He was careful not the rip the fabric of her dress but she wasn't as kind as she undressed him. Tiny curses of "fuck!" and "shit!" could be heard as she ripped the buttons from the expensive button down. She stripped it from his body quickly. Mercy wanted him and made it obvious as she raked her nails down his toned abs. She pulled him onto the bed and wrapped her legs around him. He quirked an eyebrow up at her, they shared a mutual love of foreplay.
"What, no foreplay?" He asked as he rubbed his already stiff erection against her entrance. He wanted so badly to do this right, to please her.
"Evans, I have at least two carats of foreplay on my finger." She giggled. Her smiles quickly replaced with a loud moan and her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head as he thrust into her. He felt the familiar tightness as he bit his lower lip, not taking his eyes off of the beautiful woman under him. He was determined to give her the best engagement night sex. "Oh my God, holy shit!" She screamed out as he bucked into her. He twined his fingers with her kissing her. That night all that could be heard from their room were declarations of love, and a lot of Na'vi.
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I have enjoyed writing this story as much as I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Look out for my next Samcedes story, already in the works!