Sorry that I've not been updating, things are crazy but I am enjoying this season so much and while We've not got any of this goodness I like to imagine.

Aria's POV

Quickly bracing herself as she felt fingers begin to slide down her wrest towards the crook of her arm before she began to move towards the kitchen, knowing full well this was where he wanted to begin the evening. Sometimes, she mused, men were really all the same when it came down to getting what they wanted, or at least what they said they wanted. She knew that bravado went with pride and therefor men had it in spades. This was something that always went unsaid, or so her mother had confessed a few times before the world went topsy-turvy last year.

"...Did You?". His voice floated her back into reality as they stopped in the doorway to the softly lit room. The scene before her was one of confusion in her mind as she processed what she could see. Gentle light flickered from a few different candles set along some of the surfaces creating a faux romantic setting. The table was set elegantly ready to serve those eating dinner.

"Did I what?". She asked quickly turning to look at him with wide, startled eyes.

"Am I that distracting to you? I fear not, but I had asked if you told anyone about this?". He quipped with a smirk upon his face.

"No, then again I highly doubt they would believe me if I told them that this was because of my need to know. Granted, they know we've gone on on occasion, but no. Do you want them to know?". She returned with the same tone of voice towards him, her body resting against the doorjamb.

She watched quietly as he turned towards with her a laugh not bothering to answer her question but chose to grasp her hands in his, squeezing lightly before his palms began to slide up her bare arms caressing the skin. This was dangerous, she knew, but she didn't push his arms away for several moments letting the sensation affect her while body.

"That would be up to you dear, I'm sure they wouldn't believe it anyway because..."He trailed off quickly and laughed softly pulling her through the door into the kitchen and spread his hands, "Because, frankly they know what you have going with Your Dashing Teacher.". He finished with a smirk, knowing full well it would get under her skin.

Aria stilled as her eyes flashed in annoyance with his bantering, knowing that this was his way to pushing her to do something that she wouldn't normally do or say. This was their way of things, she mused, ever since they were children they would push each other. She cherished those times, but lately he was different. Hormones and age brought out a different edge in him that she was both flustered and confused about each time they would get into a conversation and this was one of those times.

"Must you address Ezra as such? I get that You don't like him, no it's not that... You just don't get that I like him and that bothers you?". Tilting her head towards him with a little frown etched along her pale skin, eyes narrowed slightly waiting for his rebuttal.

She was amazed he didn't rise to the occasion at first but chose to take one of her hands in his and let the girl towards the table. Fingers gently settling her down into one of the chairs before he sighed most unhappily and slid into the one facing her. His eyes slid downward as if he was contemplating what to respond to before he began to speak quietly.

"I don't like or dislike the man Aria, I think my opinions stem from the fact that he was YOUR teacher and chose to engage you in a relationship. First, it's wrong because of age, but more importantly it's because he was someone whom was in a leadership role. I'm well aware that You are independent and therefor probably made the first move. Remember, that we grew up together so I know you better than most in terms of what you would and wouldn't do. That said, what bothers me is that he chose to continue it knowing it's both morally wrong and criminally wrong.". He stopped quickly, breathing in as fists clenched tightly towards the edge of the table as his words fell between them. "Yes, I am bothered but not why you think. Perhaps it's because I always pictured You... and Me. So, You may think I'm a bastard for forcing this on you but I wouldn't force a thing on you if I tried.".

Stunned at the words erupting from the boy across from her, she sat there completely stunned for several seconds after he stopped speaking. Lowering her gaze towards the snow white table covering and all the different items upon it she keeps her thoughts locked up for the few minutes she hears his quick breathing, thinking it's best to let it lie for a while before things are said that could never be undone.

Holden's POV

He stared across the table at the girl before him for moments which seemed to stretch into minutes as he waited for her to respond to his statement concerning Ezra. His dark eyes skimmed her face slowly memorizing each and every little inch of her that he had grown to like.. er no, love in the years that they have known each other. Their parents had thrown together the two little children many times as they came to socialize and hoped somewhere that they would eventually chose to date, perhaps. Life, he found isn't always going to be how someone plans, but perhaps with a little work it can be realized he thought to himself as his eyes slid towards Aria's chest seeing the rapid rise and fall of her chest gave him ideas.

"Oh, I wouldn't call You as bastard, per say.". She quipped acidly holding one finger up to stop him from starting to speak. "As for Ezra and all that stands it's none of your business about our relationship...".

"Perhaps it's not dear Aria, but I'm sure the parental units would love to know it's still going on after you were supposed to discontinue whatever it is you have,". He replied smoothly leaning towards her.

She frowned towards him as her tiny fingers gripped the tablecloth, pulling it unconsciously as she fidgeted in the chair trying to hold back the anger he could see beginning to build. Pushing her may not be the right thing to do, but he had to finish his train of though before any other ideas began to build within his brain about her. Leaning across the table quickly pulling her hands into his he smiled lightly.

"Look, I shouldn't have said that but I won't apologize because I do think it's wrong but it's your life and I'm just worried that something will go on and it will be the point of no return. As for me being a bastard, well that I can answer. I may be one, but it's because I want you. Does it make me a bad person, no. I'll tell you why too. There is no one that has stuck my fancy since being back, except you. The little girl that I would play in the mud with, or house, or doctor. Let's remember that you started this by doing something that you knew I wouldn't like.". He said softly as his eyes locked with hers. She tried to look away as his fingers began to slide along the skin of her wrists, tracing it lightly.

When she didn't respond he began to stand and move around the kitchen quickly gathering the plates he had filled with the food from earlier and set them down before both her and his spots. His eyes flickered around her quietly as he settled back into his spot letting her make the next move, or comment before he started back up in the rant against her boyfriend.

"Th... Thank You Holden. For the meal, I mean. I don't think your a bastard, but you are pushy and a bit of a sadist.". She retorted with a smirk as she looked down towards the plate full of food with a laugh. "I can't believe I'm here being blackmailed into this... Whatever it is for the evening. You of all people trying to have sex in an alley with me. For what?". She growled beginning to rise from the chair and escape, knowing that if she stayed there would be far more consequences that originally planned here.

His own growl emerged loudly causing the girl to squeak softly and slam back onto the chair with a defeated whimper. Last night he had come close to fucking her against the alley's wall only because she dared to push him into the rendezvous by squirming and teasing him. If only women were easy to deal with, he thought darkly.

"Do I have to tie you to the chair, or bed there Aria?". He asked her gently as he could be. His eyes motioned towards the food and then back to her as he began to eat enjoying the small bits of silence.

"No.. You will not have to do either...". She mumbled quite chastised.

"For one, I wouldn't have taken you in the alley. Sex there would have been... ah, both uncomfortable and unsafe... In more ways than one. Two, You agreed to this. Let's be honest here if you will, if you hadn't appeared I wouldn't have gone all cape fear on you. It's not my style at all.". He said simply towards her with a slight smirk upon his lips.

He watched her face after his last statement to see what sort of emotions would flicker across as she sat there shrugging her shoulders to admit some sort of defeat, but he knew better than to believe that she would just give up so easily. In fact, He knew she would fight him tooth and nail tonight, and it sort of drove him on. One lesson that was taught to him with the women in Portugal was that you had to work, and teach in a relationship for it to truly blossom. While this may not be a relationship considering she was involved, it was something akin to one and would be well watered like a garden. She could demur and be coy with how she felt or used Ezra as a shield but last night her body reacted and that was a beginning.

"So, are you still a virgin?". He asked quickly leaning towards her with a leer upon his lips.