A/N: First try at Jon/Ed, one of the most amazing couples in the Batverse. Chappy One.

Jonathan had been carefully measuring the last few drops of a prestigious new toxin formula when Edward burst in the lab, coughing and hacking up a storm. "Jonathaaaaaaaan," he whined, "my head hurts. My tummy hurts. My throat hurts, see?" As if to prove his point he coughed again, forcing Jonathan to look up from his beakers, trying desperately to just ignore the whole thing and hope it blew over as an attempt to unsuccessfully get his attention.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do about that?" He asked curiously, peering over his square spectacles.

"Make me feel better!" The other man cried, throwing himself into Jonathan's lap and sending the off-balanced duo tumbling to the concrete floor.

Jonathan groaned, half from pain, half from aggravation as the vials in his hands flew out of his fingers and cracked against the ground. "Edward." He said, addressing the man who was currently clasping his arms around Jon's neck and burrowing his face into the latter's collarbone. "That was a brand new sample. One which is particularly hard to recreate."

"Don't blame me," Eddie's muffled voice said after some consideration. "I'm sick."