Caroline Forbes is not having a good year. Her vampire-hating dad tortured her, her mom hated her for a while, and her werewolf boyfriend almost killed her. All she wants is to be normal, to not have to worry about any supernatural messes. She wants to have an amazing senior year, to go to prom, to have a nice, normal relationship with a cute guy – Matt, Tyler, it doesn't matter. She just wants thing to be normal.

Things are never going to be normal. Even if the Originals leave town for good, even if Katherine gets her skanky self staked, things will never be the same. She's a vampire. Even with the sunlight ring and the blood bags and her cheerful optimism, she's still dead.

And if things weren't weird enough, Klaus is stalking her (or "wooing" her, as he's calling it). It's totally ridiculous. First the bracelet, then the heated stares, then the dancing all the ball. It's so not going to work on her. She's not as shallow as everyone thinks she is. Trinkets and things will not work on her. Neither will the flattering words or the smoldering looks. Her heart doesn't race when he appears at her side. Her knees don't tremble when he kisses her hand. Her hands don't get clammy when he calls her "sweetheart.

She doesn't care. Not one bit. As un-normal as her life is, she's determined to make the most of it. She'll go to college, get a job, and move from town to town to avoid suspicion, just like the Cullens did in Twilight. It does sort of bother her that she's getting her ideas from a teen novel; Those books are so not a reflection of real life, but they're all she has. And if Bella got her twisted, weird happy-ending, why shouldn't she?

It's a good plan. All she has to do is survive for one more year and keep her friend's safe. She will not be woo'd by Klaus. She won't. That necklace he left next to her vanity mirror was thrown into her jewelry box and was never worn. Okay, so she wore it like once, but it matched her cute blue top. Still, it was only once. Those red roses he left for her on her table were immediately thrown in the trash. Well, she kept them in a vase for a few days and then she threw them out, but they were just too pretty to go to waste. Regardless, Caroline knows that Klaus is not a good man. His intentions are anything but noble and she's sure that this attempt at winning her over is just part of some evil, diabolical plan. She's not stupid. She's knows that he's just going to use her, like Damon, like Jake Masters did in the seventh grade, like all those other guys that made her feel small and helpless. She won't make the same mistake again. She won't fall for Klaus and all his charms. She won't.

Except she already has.